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Would You Like it if the Next Zelda Game Takes Place in the Future?


Dec 13, 2009
I found this articles from gamesradar.

- http://www.gamesradar.com/f/whats-next-for-nintendos-best/a-2008031112391714076

Each of Nintendo's franchises is weighed down with sequels that deliver a teaspoon of new content amidst gallons of familiar fan service. This pandering ensures the devoted legions happily slam down money for the latest re-imagining of Link, Pikachu, Fox or Samus despite the overall similarity to the previous game. You love it, we love it, but after seeing crowning achievements like Twilight Princess and Prime 3, we can't help but wonder "what do you do next?"

Detailed over the next few pages are our hopes for four key Nintendo franchises. Each has special issues that need to be addressed if the next entry is to be as exciting as the last, so careful consideration went into each selection. The idea is even though Nintendo could simply rearrange Zelda's dungeons and items and pop out a new game in a couple of years, they should take the time to really wow us with a major shake-up. So, what bat**** crazy ideas did we come up with? First up - the next Zelda game should take place in the future.


Yes, it's hard to swallow at first glance, but hear us out. Twilight Princess was the Zelda game, one that we'd been waiting to play since 2000, when a demo reel showcasing an adult Link and Ganondorf locked in battle ran in front of massive crowds. We got Wind Waker instead, an entry that couldn't have been further from that original footage. Three years later, Twilight Princess appeared, sold like crazy and saw more than a few 10/10 review scores. Now that we've finally seen, played and beaten our long-awaited "serious, realistic" Zelda, would another medieval setting be as exciting? We need a completely fresh look at the series, something even more drastic than Wind Waker's candy-coated islands.

Our suggestion? Take it to the future. For one installment, ditch the rustic towns and Ren Faire populace for a bustling cityscape that spans an entire solar system. Let's see Link with a lightsaber. Impa as the leader of Hyrule's cybernetic soldiers. Ganon as an armored villain on a quest to annihilate the sun and harness its explosive power to break back into the Golden Realm. This is a legend after all - no reason this timeless tale couldn't still be going on 500 years from now.


Above: This elaborate, overacted hoax set the internet ablaze a year ago. Some of it's a bit much, but it goes to show this idea is not going away

Now before your conservative fanboy alarms start going off, realize that we're fans too. We just want to see something totally unexpected and not another shuffled set of dungeons. We want to see re-envisioned versions of Link, Zelda, Kakariko Village, even Epona, seen above as a speedy vehicle that jets Link across the many planets he'll have to visit. Traveling to different worlds also opens up the design to any terrain imaginable, plus locales that Nintendo's best could dream up without the confines of Earth-like environments. The only things we'd want to see untouched are the Master Sword and the Triforce - they're ancient artifacts and should stay that way, regardless of how much time has passed.

But don't worry - we still don't want voice acting. Link should remain silent. Ganon might benefit from a booming, competent voice actor, but overall we'd prefer to keep the dialogue as straight text. However, let's see some cutscenes. Smash Bros. Brawl's cinemas were fantastic, so imagine what could be done with Zelda. We're not the only ones.
I think the idea to take this series to the future is a great idea... What do you think??

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Here is a Zelda fan games that using this idea :-

'The Legend of Link - Parallel Universes' (ALTTP hack) by SePH....


- http://parallelsequel.wordpress.com/

Lets give him support so that he can finishing this game... :)
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Michael Heide

The 8th Wise Man
Oct 15, 2010
Cologne, Germany
Oh lord, please, no.

We only get a console Zelda once every three to four years. If one of those games turned out to be something completely different (and let's face it, a Zelda in the future would be kinda different), we'd have to wait even longer for the next proper game.
Besides, look at how the Final Fantasy series changed once they introduced sci-fi elements that went beyond a flying ship. Final Fantasy IX (which came out ten years ago) was the last game that actually took place in a Fantasy world. I so do not want that to happen to the Legend of Zelda.

Now I wouldn't mind a new game series that took the Zelda concept of exploring dungeons, fighting monsters, solving puzzles and talking to NPCs and transported it into the future, with new characters, a completely different backstory and perhaps a nod to the Zelda series (like the "It's dangerous to go alone" nod in Fable III), but that's about it.

Oh, and that cyber armor Link with the motorcycle looks really lame.

green goron

Best of the Gorons
May 15, 2010
Death Mountain
I wouldn't want a future zelda even if it followed the same concept of other games. Peoople are already complaining that the steam boat in PH and the train in St were too far. Doing this would jeopardize the entire series. Zelda is suppose to be in mid evil times and fans get upset when they see something that is technology passed that time period so they definitely shouldn't make it.

Peace Of Heart

Piece of Heart Collector
Oct 26, 2010
Rofl! A futuristic Zelda game wouldn't make any sense for this one reason only: The Master Sword.

Ever seen a city/time period like that still using swords? Of course not. And who said that the series is set in a medieval time? Look at Wind Waker:

This is not medieval at all, not even Tetra's ship. Tetra's ship makes perfect sense because their whole world is flooded and it's the obvious form of transportation. What would we use today if the world flooded and only a few islands remain? we would use ships.

We can even look at Majora's Mask:

Once again, FAR from medieval. where's the princess? Termina doesn't have one. Where's the castle? Once again, doesn't have one. Instead they have a giant clock tower with people running a bank service, selling bombs, and running a night-club-shop-thing.

To be honest the Zelda series was always fresh. Look at Skyward Sword. Up in the sky, and maybe their technology will be the best yet? Who knows, but I disagree with this whole future Zelda thing, it just isn't necessary and doesn't fit in at all with the series.


Oct 20, 2010
I am skeptical about this.
I could be good, but it could also be the worst Zelda in the series.
Anyway, they will have problems to include all those existing items in the game, like the Master Sword.
And I think the chances are higher that it will be bad and how it was said already: I don't think that this is needed "to be fresh".

Hylian Knight

Green Armored Menace
Sep 28, 2010
I think it would be cool if they futuristic LoZ really think in Star Wars they have lightsabers which are basically swords but Link should not have 1 so I guess Link would have to a different form of weaponry from what we know in the realm of LoZ. I don't know after a little more thought I think keep LoZ with medieval technology but not set in medieval times but not like Star Wars future either but still in the future would be cool like maybe Western or colonial times.
Aug 10, 2010
In the Temple of Seasons
It's an interesting idea, but I'm gonna have to say no. I think Zelda is perfect now and I wouldn't like some big change like a futuristic timezone. Maybe if nintendo made a whole new series in a futuristic timezone, but Zelda is supposed to be medieval it just wouldn't feel right putting Link in a futuristic world I like the way the game is now.


Dec 3, 2009
Ikana Canyon
For me it really depends on how far into the future,I'm fine with how they went a little into the future with Termina with the giant clock,Mayors,Banking Systems,the planed Bomb Shop Moon Trip.But I'm fine with the whole medieval times era,and I wouldn't want to see Zelda in our timeline.Zelda is fine the way it is and I love the whole Medieval theme so I say no.
Sep 16, 2009
Cali For Nuh
I love the medieval time era LoZ takes place in. It is a world full of adventure. I believe there was a thread here that asked "what if LoZ had guns" And I kinda feel like the same principle applies. It really depends on how powerful the environment on the progression. Who knows in the future, we may have used up all of our fossil fuels so we would have to revert back into the 'darker days' for survival.

I think a futueristic Zelda is a nice idea, but not one I personally want to see... if you're interested in a sci fi like zelda game... you should check out the NES game The Guardian Legend.


Former Hylian Knight
Jun 8, 2009
future sci-fi fantasy? sounds like a brand new fan service to me. Let's just try and keep it simple Zelda is already more messed up than it should be, We get a new Link and that in itself is just about all i can handle. I'll miss the old hero even though we're getting a new one. If they placed that new Link in modern times or in the future I think I would flip out. I would have to know what happened inbetween. and I don't think I be alive long enough for enough Zelda games to come out that I would finally know what happened inbetween that huge timeline jump forward. It seems like the games are so loosely connected (so they can make all sorts of different ones) that a futuristic Zelda might never be fully explained, like the ending of MM. if they made that game and the future Link fades off into obscurity at the end of the game and then they went back to midieval times I would lose it. Why? because i don't like action/adventure/puzzle future fantasy games. I'm sure there are alot of people out there who do. Ratchet and Clank was kind of like that I think. and maybe Jak and Dexter? Oh well my point is that it's fine if you like that stuff but some people will hate on it. Just like Star Trak TNG could have been about a navy vessle sailing the oceans or Star Wars could have been midieval. It could happen, but I hope it never does.


I'm back!!
I would dislike a lot seeing Link in the future travelling over an hyper fast vehicle with a Star Warss laser sword fighting hords of alien-like enemies. Wanting to find a game similar to this we can find some Star Wars games and, although it doesn't have swords but guns, shurkiens, bombs, etc., we have Jet Force Gemini, a futuristic game that has shooting as its main core but heavily includes platforming elements.

Zelda has a lot of technology nowadays, and, if we compare the original Legend of Zelda with Spirit Tracks or phantom Hourglass we can find a bunch of differences. The Legend of Zelda series were suypposed to be purely medieval, but it seems its actual main goal is far away from being it's original style.

It would be interesting to see a game like this, but it wouldn't be a cool game if it used Zelda's only remaining elements in that game, like Link Ganondorf, and even Zelda, or the Happy Masks Salesman - even Tingle!.

If Nintendo wants to develop a game like this, please be it so that it doesn't relates to the Zelda series - onlyby an easter egg, maybe.

Michael Heide

The 8th Wise Man
Oct 15, 2010
Cologne, Germany
I just want to add that there was a Gamecube game that transported Zelda mechanics and gameplay to an outer space scenario with spaceships and different planets.


Starfox Adventures. I liked it, but it tanked, and Nintendo sold developer Rare afterwards. I doubt that they will risk another flop like that, much less with one of their most successful series.

February Eve

ZD District Attorney
Mar 21, 2010
I think there's a difference between a futuristic Zelda title - fitting the typical sci-fi definition - and a Zelda that takes place in the future. Civilization could progress a lot different in Hyrule than it does in our world. I try to be open about any Zelda game I haven't played yet, so just hearing about a Zelda with a plot set hundreds of years after the original games wouldn't cause me to write the title off automatically. And I do think the idea of seeing Hyrule in various stages of its history has potential.

That being said, I don't think giving the series a "major shake-up" has to necessarily mean "going in the completely opposite direction than the original titles." There are plenty of facets of the game that can be changed beyond setting, from dungeon design to story linearity. And Ocarina of Time Link, Wind Waker Link, and Twilight Princess Link all strike me as having distinct personalities without the need to "modernize" them.


I would not like to see a Zelda game set in the future. It just wouldn't work.

It's notable that the metroid series takes place in a futuristic setting, and isn't dissimilar from Zelda. It's pretty much a mix of Zelda and Mario with a dash of shoot-em-up. Instead of adventuring with a sword and bow, you adventure with a blaster and missile cannon. Yes, there are many differences in the gameplay, but the two are still similar.


Much like the Valley of the Flood hoax, I would love to see a steampunk Zelda in the series, but I would like it look somewhat like a FF game. So much can be done in terms of game with advancing tech in games. Dungeon complexity could be heightened, side quests could be prolonged and made more numerous, characters could be more refined and distinguished within particular traits, and story development could be enhanced. On whether as Zelda titled should be made futuristic, refer to my previous statement and take into technologies like splicing, cloning, and mechanics while interbreeding could be present as well. I think Miyamoto and Nintendo could pull it off beautifully and WM+ could be utilized more effectively.

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