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Wizard101 Mafia Game Thread

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I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I'm sorry I was quiet today guys. Life's been making it hard to focus the last few rl days. I'll reread what little day there was and be back in the game come tomorrow.
Anyways, Storm, mine was a joke vote, if you'd tried to fight your fate you could've swayed me to move quite easily. I just kinda forgot it was there lol

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Sorry. Day ended 107 minutes ago. Cant talk cause im dead. Why defend. Im being bussed. Hard. Someone really wants me dead, and as Deku said, JC and Doc did me no favors. I basically replaced to die
We can still discuss in twilight. That's what twilight's for. You could've defended yourself earlier, before you were actually dead. But you didn't. Why?


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
I feel like nobody would have listened to me as it is. And the fact that my defense would have had to have been literally the entire game recap to outst me scumbud. The sly fox he is known to be


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Bro, as much as I like flat out hints at your scumbud (since apparently you're scum I guess), let's not please. Takes away the fun of the game, even if it's true or not.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Final Vote Tally

Storm (3)
- DekuNut, Tristan, Libk
Tristan (1) - Storm


The students quickly picked out their latest target: Storm. The group of students all turned on him, convinced that he had to be a minion of Malistaire.

However, unlike most of the previous victims, who had either swore their innocence, cowered in fear, or become furious, he simply laughed. The sound sent shivers down the spine of everyone present.

"You are all fools," he said darkly. "You think you can defeat the great Malistaire?!"

Everyone gasped as Storm's disguise slipped away, revealing a tall man in black Death robes. Storm was none other than the leader of their enemies, Malistaire Drake himself!

The former teacher lifted his staff into the air and drew the Death symbol. Thus far he had not done anything but prevent healing with Infection and order his minions to attack wizards, but it was now time to fight for real. The students quickly snapped to attention, exchanging determined glances. This was what they had been chosen for. Headmaster Ambrose had believed they could defeat Malistaire -- they would do no good if they froze up now.

Before Malistaire could complete his spell, eight blasts flew toward him, striking him as one. Even the great Necromancer could do nothing when subject to the power of so many schools, each from powerful young wizards. Despite being forced backwards with their power, he stood his ground, struggling to remain standing.

"This is not the end!" he growled over the sound of the blasts. "I still have minions among you... Nothing can stop them from facilitating my return! I will defeat you and take over the Spiral!"

And then finally... Storm was overwhelmed by the power, and he vanished.

The wizards all cheered. They had defeated the Spiral's Greatest Evil! However, once their jubilation died down, they realized that it was not quite over yet. Malistaire had mentioned that he had more allies -- and since the teachers of Ravenwood had not yet reappeared, he was not lying. If they could not find the last of their enemies, then Malistaire could still win.

The students departed for the night with relief and anxious anticipation.


  • None

The Living (8)
The Fled (9)
  • DekuNut - Transcendent Pyromancer (Lynched Day 2)
  • Doc - Grandmaster Sorcerer (Killed Night 2)
  • Pendio - Ash Spider (Lynched Day 3)
  • Eduarda - Vengeful Fireheart (Killed Night 3)
  • LittleGumball - Master Diviner (Killed Night 3)
  • Frozen Chosen - Exalted Diviner (Lynched Day 4)
  • Johnny Sooshi - Archmage Necromancer (Killed Night 4)
  • Jamie - Archmage Thaumaturge (Modkilled Night 4)
  • justac00lguy Doc Storm - Malistaire Drake (Lynched Day 5)

Night 5 will end on Thursday, September 8th at 11 PM PT. (It's later this time, since I know I won't be available to post anything until much later than 9. ...Not that I'm ever on time anyway.) If you would like to cast a spell during the night, send me a PM.

Every player has gained 1 pip for the night!

Wyldfire is still active! Fire spells deal 100 extra damage.
Last edited:


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
well So Am I

Good Luck, Everybody. I love all of you, escpecially you, Scarecrow

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
Okay I wanted to improve this quite a bit but I've literally had it done since Friday and I'm not having any time to fix it, and this day really needs to get started. I'm sorry I didn't really give you a proper death scene, Libk. :( Let me know if I made any dumb mistakes in it. (Hopefully not on the night action side of things. :P)


Johnny Sooshi sat alone in his dorm, laying in bed wide awake. He was out of potions and the fairgrounds would be closed until tomorrow -- not to mention that he had no gold to buy them with and he was terrible at minigames. He would probably be out of commission for the rest of the fight against Malistaire.

Just then, he heard a knock at his door. For a moment Johnny tensed up, fearing the worse. The previous nights had taken their toll on him, the multiple attacks he had suffered giving him severe paranoia. However, he realized that Malistaire had no reason to go after him now. He was useless in this state -- not to mention he'd lost his deck and wand!

So Johnny painfully staggered to the door and opened it... to find a spell symbol staring back at him. Blinking in surprise, he took a step back just as the symbol was activated.

The mysterious figure who had cast the spell darted away as an enormous tree sprouted from their place. Before Johnny could full process what he was seeing, he felt a warm, comforting magic lift him up into the air. He was surrounded by green light as his wounds magically healed themselves. When the spell creature vanished, Johnny stood upright, examining himself in shock. He was fully healed!

Johnny returned the group the next day. They were ecstatic to see his return and handed him his wand and deck. However, they also had to deal with the death of Libk, who had been an Exalted Sorcerer. Libk used the versatility of the Balance school's spells to perform a variety of actions. However, he only had one card of each spell, and thus could only cast them once.

  • None

The Living (8)
The Fled (9)
  • DekuNut - Transcendent Pyromancer (Lynched Day 2)
  • Doc - Grandmaster Sorcerer (Killed Night 2)
  • Pendio - Ash Spider (Lynched Day 3)
  • Eduarda - Vengeful Fireheart (Killed Night 3)
  • LittleGumball - Master Diviner (Killed Night 3)
  • Frozen Chosen - Exalted Diviner (Lynched Day 4)
  • Jamie - Archmage Thaumaturge (Modkilled Night 4)
  • justac00lguy Doc Storm - Malistaire Drake (Lynched Day 5)
  • Libk - Exalted Sorcerer (Killed Night 5)

Day 6 will end on Saturday, September 17th at 11 PM PT. With 8 alive, 5 is majority.

Every player has gained 1 pip for the day!

Wyldfire is still active! Fire spells deal 100 extra damage.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Alright, time to roll the dice one again with a more serious post:

  • Timeless - too inactive to be scum
  • Tristan
  • Mido
  • kokirion (Looking for a replacement)
  • Sadia - Mason?
  • DekuNut - Mason?
  • Shroom
  • Johnny Sooshi - Archmage Necromancer
I think this, for the most part, narrows down the remaining scum if we still believe the mason claims. The Storm/JC flip adds much credibility to the mason claims in respect to the numbers' game. This all being said, I'd assume that one mafia member remains among us folks. While I still believed Timeless to be town as a result of Gummy's views, the consistent kills during the night seem to render Timeless outside the spectrum in full due to his inactivity. This leaves the rest of us hooligans. Personally, I find myself torn between Tristan and Shroom. Tristan's more of a gut feeling while Shroom's been a light suspect of mine since the early stages of the game, although my current read of him is a slight town read based on later actions. Tonight or tomorrow, I plan on making the decision.
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