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Wizard101 Mafia Game Thread

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Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Nothing specific. He just doesnt fit what i would consider would be scummy for Shroom and he is using more or less the Mido School of Out of Sight Out of Mind. He did say first post in thus thread he was rather busy. I did ask for better references and was told to examine Poke-Mafia to better get Shroom. Ill do that in the morning. Ill lock in he's town now and when i read Poke-Mafia, ill reevaluate based on what i read there on how i percieve Shroom's Alignment to be.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Mido -> Koki

kokirion: kokirion is at the top of my current town list. He's applied constant pressure towards the now-dead scum we've uncovered and was nearly a potentially successful lynch target for them. The only thing that stood out to me was his writing out the whole case on himself, but I suppose he was only trying to prove a point. Not much else to say here. Town read.

My early read still stays the same. I could look into his posts specifically, but I get a very consistent theme in his posts in regards to how he stands: it being that he's been a constant antagonistic force for the mafia we have uncovered.


@Mido who do you suspect right now?
  • Tristan: I had to reread Tristan, especially since his post count is in that mid-to-low area, however, as a disclaimer, I am sort of thankful for that! (Easier to get through, but I digress.) I like how Tristan was dubious of the DekuNut lynch and he even outright stated that the evidence was not sound. I sort of have a dual read of this, as I can see scum doing this as well, but Tristan's outright pursuit of Pendio, (and towards the end of the previous day, Eduarda), looked very promising. His approach towards the two was very inquisitive, and I doubt that scum, in bussing their teammates, would put so much spotlight on them, especially more than one. Town lean at the moment, but I have very slight reservations. If he's scum, he's playing a good game.
  • Libk: Libk hasn't been too active, but he did voice that he was busy, so it's fair. I never noticed much from him. Goes along with setup discussion, but hasn't been present during the voting sessions as far as my recollection goes. I get a sort of discreet vibe from his posts, but it remains to be seen where these elements go. Potential scum read, but I could very well go back on this.
  • Doc'sac00lStorm: Another one on the replacement block, but I have a small note to mention on JC/Doc. Like Frozen Chosen, he voiced apprehension regarding the first Deku's vote wagon. Aside from that, he has primarily voiced setup concerns, which seems to fit the JC mentality. He did not, however, express any sort of voting direction. Then again, JC wasn't around in the game long enough to perhaps establish a stance, so the situation works both ways. Null/scum read. (Mainly because I generally have distrusted him in the past, only to be wrong most of the time.)
I haven't read too much since my last post, so I'll share my last set of reads with slight updates as removing people I once though suspicious. My views on Tristan are more of a general wariness whereas the latter two are somewhat more legitimate.


As far as what to say now, I'm still skeptical of the mason claim by Dekunut and Sadia. It could hold true, but it's hard to really check without one being dead to confirm this. Mason's wouldn't be uncommon, but the claim just rubbed me wrong. On the flip side, I also don't want to risk lowering our numbers if the claim is true. It's messy.

I am willing to believe their claim at this time, however, I do have slight skepticism towards it much like yours. (All circumstance-based, keep in mind):

1. This point is more of a gut feeling in regards to the setup. With wizards harboring multiple abilities for themselves, I assumed that the town players (and the mafia as we know now) would operate individually as separate entities. A mason group with a huge assortment of powers (if we are to assume our masons have as much powers as we have seen from other players' deaths) could perhaps be considered OP. Then again, their mason ability could be something that limits the pair from having too many powers. No evidence truly supports this, as I've noted, and I lean towards its unlikelihood.

2. If the first point is somehow correct, then a mason claim would be easy to make, since nobody could realistically counterclaim. Sort of a standard point in regards to claims.

3. Notice that both DekuNut and Sadia claimed after the death of (as far as I know) the town's most powerful investigative role in the form of LG. Quite the convenient time to claim since, in theory, given the lack of the presence of an investigative town role at the time of the claim.

Despite all of this, I will wager that their claims are true.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Idk what to think of just a doc storm at the moment and honestly I don't have tbe emotional drive to even began an iso or really play much at the moment. It's been hard, today, as I learned I wasn't quite as over someone as I thought I was and I'm just a wreck right now. So I'm just going to go ahead and say what I do know.

I got a town result on Koki. I killed Eduarda. I protected Sooshi last night. In fairly certain that Koki and Tristan are town at this point, unless they're playing the most elaborate bluff I've ever seen, in which case they deserve the win.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Sadia has been on 2 lynch wagons, deku2 has been on 2, Mido on 2, and I believe shroom 2 as well. I want to look into them, sadia most because Sooshi boi was voting sadia before he died.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
I got a town result on Koki. I killed Eduarda. I protected Sooshi last night. In fairly certain that Koki and Tristan are town at this point, unless they're playing the most elaborate bluff I've ever seen, in which case they deserve the win.

So it seems you operate under the mantle of a JOAT. Main reason I believe your claim for the most part is that I don't see Mafia lying about killing Eduarda twice.

If both claims of what we have seen are true, then methinks you're right in that we may have to rethink our reads. As far as your views of Mr. k and Tristan, I personally find it more likely that Tristan is scum over kokirion based on my own reads. I am shocked, however, that given the opposition that both of them expressed towards the two scum we uncovered, that the Mafia would not have taken steps to oust them.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
by the way. it's September, so...
expect more Rocky Horror


Just like you. But cooler
Jul 30, 2010
Wherever history is in the making
I'm extremely sorry. I absolutely love this game. But my life in Korea became just too busy. Classes, my roommate, excursions and I just entered a relationship. I simply don't have the time to keep up with this game anymore. Could you find a replacement, Heroine?

If you don't find a replacement I will become active again when I have the opportunity to. But that might take a little while..


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
I'm extremely sorry. I absolutely love this game. But my life in Korea became just too busy. Classes, my roommate, excursions and I just entered a relationship. I simply don't have the time to keep up with this game anymore. Could you find a replacement, Heroine?

If you don't find a replacement I will become active again when I have the opportunity to. But that might take a little while..
there are no replacements left. I was literally the scraping on the bottom of the barrel. no one else is available for another week, right @A Link In Time


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Do you have any suggestions yourself?
Well there's You, little buddy :3

Current Vote tally is 1-1 you or me, but in truth this mason **** is hard to believe, but not farfetched. it is entirely Possible Sadia and Deku are in a matter of speaking in cohoots, but they also might be our Scum, I don't know when Day Ends but we need to be unified in our decision. this is The August Game, so Activity is a crawl, a good place to hide scumminess because " sorry I didn't post. school is raping my ass" or " I'm moving into a new house, don't expect much the next few days"

we could also save Heroine any trouble and Lynch Koki

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Anyway, I meant to say this earlier, but what with moving and getting ready for school and work and everything, I seriously haven't had the time to look at this thread.

There are a few reasons why I voted for Storm. First off, I roleblocked Doc last night. If you're wondering why him of all people, I didn't know who to block, so I chose an inactive. It was a random choice between him and Jamie (I knew one of them would be replaced, but wasn't sure which, so picked a random one).

Unfortunately, [Johnny Sooshi] was torn from his thoughts by an evil, high-pitched giggle. He turned to see a small creature with a bow taking aim at him. Johnny tensed up -- this was exactly what had happened the previous nights! It must have followed him. Johnny knew he could not take any more damage, and it was far too late to cast a spell. All he could do was brace himself as the creature let go of the arrow.

Nothing happened.

He looked up to see that a mysterious shield had appeared and blocked the attack! Johnny sighed in relief. Someone had saved him! Perhaps he would be alright tonight. He shakily turned around, planning on going back to his dorm for the night, but was immediately stopped as his two previous wounds started to burn, forcing him to collapse to the ground. He gasped in horror. How could he have forgotten about the burning!

He barely noticed as another shield appeared, absorbing away some of his pain. Unfortunately, the burning was far too strong. Johnny could only take another 300 damage.

Johnny Sooshi had no choice but to flee.
The first attack looks like a roleblock. It doesn't look like doctor protection, because the doctor protection happened at the end (when another shield absorbed some of his damage). He was ultimately killed by the poison that was already affecting him. Seeing as how I blocked Doc, it lines up if Storm is scum. I know Doc was inactive, but if I were scum, I would send the inactive one to actually perform the kill because it's "safe". Combine it with JC's earlier inactivity and distinct lack of votes, and it's why I voted for Storm.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Well there's You, little buddy :3
I knew you were gonna say that lol
Current Vote tally is 1-1 you or me, but in truth this mason **** is hard to believe, but not farfetched.
Why is it hard to believe? It's OK to be wary, I am, but I don't find it hard to believe. Why do you? Skepticism is different from disbelief.
I don't know when Day Ends but we need to be unified in our decision.
How ironic.
we could also save Heroine any trouble and Lynch Koki
wtf why?
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