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Wizard101 Mafia Game Thread

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I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I apologize for my lack of activity today. I could blame the packing, but if I'm being honest with you all, I'm just being lazy. When I get home I'll try to get a half decent post in and vote for someone.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout

Look, I know the day is technically long gone, but I've been thinking:

So if this is the case, Tristan is town Roleblocker. I bring this up in case anyone forgot (I had vaguely remembered), so if you were to believe that claim, that would leave myself, Koko, Mido, and Timeless as your ideal targets.

If the claim is true, I agree aside from kokirion, who was confirmed as town by Libk; however, I think there may be a slight hole in Tristan's claim. Upon observation of the flavor in which Tristan roleblocked Doc/Storm, a shield appeared, which he deemed as what seemed to be his roleblock, which makes sense given the diction. Then, there's this little doozy:

Hi. I said it after you showed up that I killed Eduarda, investigated Koki, and protected sooshi. So you've read nothing so far?

Libk protected Sooshi, which matches the absorption that occurs second in line. Notice however that both actions took the form of a shield. This may be a long shot, but I'm willing to wager that the JOAT, or Libk, also acted with the Doctor with shield abilities. I will admit that there is a hole in my own theory:

She left behind nothing but a single spell card: Subdue, a spell that would allow her to remove pips from her enemies.

Eduarda's subdue ability sounds like an unorthodox role blocking move, but it doesn't fully block anything like a roleblock or protection. If this acted in the stead of the roleblocker, then Tristan's claim gains credibility.

Honestly, my inclinations lean towards lynching Tristan, but the gamble is heavy.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
I should probably put some effort into this post considering how long it's been, but since nothing happened and it seems like me and everyone else is kinda just done with this game I'm just gonna end the day with no fanfare.


  • None

The Living (8)
The Fled (9)
  • DekuNut - Transcendent Pyromancer (Lynched Day 2)
  • Doc - Grandmaster Sorcerer (Killed Night 2)
  • Pendio - Ash Spider (Lynched Day 3)
  • Eduarda - Vengeful Fireheart (Killed Night 3)
  • LittleGumball - Master Diviner (Killed Night 3)
  • Frozen Chosen - Exalted Diviner (Lynched Day 4)
  • Jamie - Archmage Thaumaturge (Modkilled Night 4)
  • justac00lguy Doc Storm - Malistaire Drake (Lynched Day 5)
  • Libk - Exalted Sorcerer (Killed Night 5)

Night 6 will end on Thursday, September 22nd at 11 PM PT. If you would like to cast a spell during the night, send me a PM.

If I don't find a replacement for Kokirion before the day starts, he will be modkilled.

Every player has gained 1 pip for the night!

Wyldfire is still active! Fire spells deal 100 extra damage.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Iz day time?

Shh! We're all in a very deep sleep!



Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
So what're we doing with this?
@Heroine of Time hasn't been on for about five days
@Sadia for a week
@Timeless for 2
@kokirion is looking for a replacement
And the night is plenty over. Thoughts everyone?

I would maybe give it a few more days, or at least one of us could message Heroine next time she is online. I'll roll with anything at this point. It's a shame things got like this, since this game was hard-hitting for quite some time!


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I would maybe give it a few more days, or at least one of us could message Heroine next time she is online. I'll roll with anything at this point. It's a shame things got like this, since this game was hard-hitting for quite some time!
Good plan. I skyped her, so I'll keep y'all updated on if she gets back to me.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Update: she's going back and forth on ending the game now. She told me this Monday, and I haven't had any updates since, but wanted to tell the people.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
I'm honestly shocked this thread hasn't been closed already.

So I know DekuNut and Mido are apparently willing to keep going. But how does everyone else feel about continuing this game? It's so rife with inactivity (from not only the players obviously) that I have no idea what to do.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I'd like to keep playing. I've been enjoying this game, it's got a unique setup and has been really fun thus far despite the inactivity. Maybe if we don't start anymore games until this one is over, people might stay interested. It's your call Heroine, but I'd hate to see it end this way.


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I wouldn't be opposed to keep going, but I really cannot devote as much time now due to school.


The Artist Formally Known as Deku Shroom™
Jan 21, 2011
Fun Guy
I thought about it a bit more and just think the game should die. I know I personally won't have the time, and I think the down periods that keep occurring just kill it in general. I think the time has sort of passed and it's worn its welcome.
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