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With PS4 Announced, Do You Think Wii U Is In Trouble?

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Something I wanted to point out is that most of the games announced for the PS4 won't be launch games and likely won't be available for awhile.

The Wii U isn't a good example to use but think back to the 3DS announcement at E3 2010. Kid Icarus: Uprising, Mario Kart 7 (then dubbed Mario Kart 3D), Ocarina of Time 3D, Animal Crossing New Leaf (then dubbed Animal Crossing 3D), Star Fox 64 3D, Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D, Paper Mario Sticker Star (then dubbed Paper Mario 3D), were all shown but released over a wide period of time. Paper Mario just hit the platform last November and Animal Crossing isn't due for another three and a half months.

The PS4 will likely launch with that new IP-Knack-as well as either Killzone: Shadow Fall or inFAMOUS Second Son, Watch Dogs, and maybe Bungie's Destiny but nothing worthwhile for several months after. A lot of people are over hyping announcements for the distant future. Pikmin 3 was unveiled at last year's E3 but little new information or a release date have come since. Nintendo was actually wise to withhold many of its major game announcements from E3 last year and build hype for its upcoming releases closer to launch. I remember when Donkey Kong Country Returns was announced at E3 2010 and released five months later. That's the optimal approach. Don't whet appetite over an extended period of time breeding disappointment after a long wait if the product doesn't live up to expectations; surprise the crowd with a release just around the corner.


Jul 1, 2012
We don't know that. It's a complete mystery as to what games will be available at launch and what kind of technical problems will arise. We can't judge the system's quality yet. I don't see why people are even trying to.

Well me like many expected the problems with the Wii U's library at launch and to be honest with the likes of Destiny, Watchdogs and Killzone already confirmed for release. The likes of the Witness and Beyond 2 souls expected to reach us by 2013, it seems that we already have a strong line up there and am sure many more of the games shown will have release dates in the coming months and then there is E3 as well as other 3rd party games. I know I can't predict how well the start of the PS4 will go but it certainly seems to be starting off stronger than the Wii U.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
For many, yes. For all? No. Not even close. I also do not see what nostalgia has to do with more in-depth gaming. A lot of people love Ocarina of Time, yes, but they love it because it reminds them of their childhood which they so miss. In terms of content, Ocarina of Time is like a grain of dirt compared to the bigger games in today's world. That is a fact.

This is the most ignorant and childish statement I have ever heard.

Wind Waker had a large world with little exploration.

Bull. Wind Waker had a lot of exploration--to the point that it become a fault.

To download what, the game itself?

Loading* Sorry. Typo.

I-it kind of does.

With a compelling argument like this, how can I refute you?

And newer, more modern games!!!11!11 A chance of more in-depth gameplay! Better FPS! More technical power in general for larger games!!!@121112

...So are you trolling me now?

Now the question becomes , do you want backwards compatibility, or do you want a affordable console?

Why not have both? Wii managed just fine. And before you point out that this is because it wasn't as powerful...I know that. And I don't care. Hardware power is the 2nd lowest priority to me when I'm purchasing a new game console. The only thing lower is non-game-related features. If there was a console that could play N64, GC, Wii, and Wii U games, I would buy it over the Wii U even if it was $100 more expensive and had lower quality graphics than the GC.

I can't believe people still say the PS3 failed. Being in last place doesn't mean you failed. Over 72 million consoles sold is not a failure at all.

I thought the Xbox 360 came in last place...


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Well me like many expected the problems with the Wii U's library at launch and to be honest with the likes of Destiny, Watchdogs and Killzone already confirmed for release. The likes of the Witness and Beyond 2 souls expected to reach us by 2013, it seems that we already have a strong line up there and am sure many more of the games shown will have release dates in the coming months and then there is E3 as well as other 3rd party games. I know I can't predict how well the start of the PS4 will go but it certainly seems to be starting off stronger than the Wii U.

Watch Dogs is also coming to 7th gen platforms and the Wii U. I think it's pretty logical to assume that most people will go with that version over the PS4's, regardless of whether it's "nerfed" or not.
Apr 16, 2010
And Nintendo will be showing the great potential the Wii U has at this year's E3. Specifically with Mario and Smash Bros.

I really hope they do. I don't want the Wii U to fail, but it's looking that way. Nintendo needs to have a quick turnaround in the next 2 years or the Wii U is destined for failure.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I really hope they do. I don't want the Wii U to fail, but it's looking that way. Nintendo needs to have a quick turnaround in the next 2 years or the Wii U is destined for failure.

I don't see how it's looking as if it's failing. It's still in its infancy. You can't expect a console to really show its strengths until around a year after its launch, and that's certainly what the Wii U will do.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012



Explain, please, I'm completely confused here...

Alright, I'll make this simple: Explain the people who still prefer OoT to current releases despite playing after said releases.

Not really. The Great Sea had content unproportional to its size. There was little to do relative to its huge size.

You said exploration. Content is a completely different subject matter.

Either way, more technical power and storage without a doubt adds the possibility of faster, better loading games. There isn't a "maybe" in this.

Then why am I seeing such long times to load more advanced games and complaints to boot?
Apr 16, 2010
I don't see how it's looking as if it's failing. It's still in its infancy. You can't expect a console to really show its strengths until around a year after its launch, and that's certainly what the Wii U will do.

I think it looks like it will fail based on the specs of the PS4 which will probably be matched or even exceeded by the Nextbox. The Wii U needs a lot of dominos to fall to be successful this generation.

Alright, I'll make this simple: Explain the people who still prefer OoT to current releases despite playing after said releases.

OoT was incredible for its time. That doesn't make weaker games inherently better (and that's not to say weaker games are inherently worse, it just is what it is).

You said exploration. Content is a completely different subject matter.

There has to be content to explore.

Then why am I seeing such long times to load more advanced games and complaints to boot?

Some games are overly ambitious. Consoles are much stronger, but they still have their limits.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
Content plays a part in exploration. You can have the most open overworld in existence, but without a proper amount of content, that exploration will be spread thin. The Great Sea is one of the best examples of this.

There's a difference between content and exploration content. While Wind Waker indeed had less content than other titles, it had the most exploration of any Zelda title. I can't recall a moment in OoT and MM you had to explore. You could if you wanted to, of course, but you were always pointed in the next direction. Likewise, TP also had little exploration with characters and the map telling you explicitly where to go. Skyward Sword had one memorable bit of exploration: Finding Beautreaux. Wind Waker had two huge gaping holes in the game filled with exploration.

After doing the Foresaken Fortress twice, you need to get the Song of Gales, which requires exploration even if you've beaten the game already. You then to get the Fire and Ice arrows. Neither of these had any indicators what-so-ever. Not pointing. No hints. Nothing. In fact, on my first playthough, I was positive that I was doing sidequests that had nothing to do with the main story. And after THAT, you need get the Iron Boots and the Bracelets--which also felt like sidequests. And, once again, you were given no prods in the right directions. No hints. Nothing. You were left to wander the world on your own until you found all four of these. While I'm not saying this is necessarily a GOOD thing, it's still exploration whether you enjoyed it or not.

And then, of course, there's the Triforce Quest. First off, you had to free Tingle which we had no incentive to do. In fact, by the time I started the Triforce Quest, I had no idea Tingle was in this game. You also had to buy his map--again no prods or incentive to do. I completely ignored it because I didn't want to shell out so many rupees just to get scammed. But even if you did all that, the map only helped you part of the time. You want the deed to the cabana? Well you need to talk to Ms. Marie--except we weren't told that. I had no idea the deed to this cabana was in a completely unrelated island. And, once again, the actions needed to gain this deed felt like another sidequest. I mean heck, even if I was told that I had to talk to someone on Windfall island to get the deed, I would have assumed it was the wealthy Bomb Shop owner who had previously appeared in the game. Not some random teacher I had never talked to. There's also the Outset chart. Welcome to outside--good thing this is a tiny island or else you'd have some trouble finding that chart, huh? And, of course. There's the ghost ship. We knew that the Triforce Chart was in the ghost ship, but had no idea there was a map to the ghost ship. Even when I had talked to every bloody fish in the sea and made my own map, I was still lost because "for some reason" I couldn't enter the ship. Once again, I had been given no direction on how to enter the ship and had to explore the world on my own.

OoT was incredible for its time. That doesn't make weaker games inherently better (and that's not to say weaker games are inherently worse, it just is what it is).

Never said they were.

Irrelevant. Now that I look back, I think you might have misunderstood. By "In terms of content, Ocarina of Time is like a grain of dirt compared to the games of today" I meant that in terms of the depth of the content and how much content there is. Ocarina of Time is a simple game compared to those of today. Also, the opinions of people do not at all apply here.

Actually, that wasn't a big deal. You're entitled to your own tastes, even if they seem shallow to me. But what I thought sounded ignorant and childish was this:

For many, yes. For all? No. Not even close. I also do not see what nostalgia has to do with more in-depth gaming. A lot of people love Ocarina of Time, yes, but they love it because it reminds them of their childhood which they so miss.

exploration. is. content.

No. It's. Not.

Look at Brawl. Crap load of content. Not any exploration. Why? Because it's a fighting game and of course they weren't going to put exploration content in it.

Look at OoT and TP. They have the most main quest content of any title--but not much exploration in their main quest. That's because they didn't focus on exploration--*sigh* Just read above. I'm not gonna repeat myself.

Probably because the games and/or hardware they're running on was probably made poorly. When it comes to technology, there is no doubt that more advanced technology will work better for things. You can't speculate about these kinds of things.

So why does Portal 2 take a whole minute to download while the games on my N64 run with little to no loading at all.
Feb 7, 2012
The WiiU already has been in trouble. The Ps4 will beat the WiiU unless the WiiU gets some good and super innovative games AND good developers to jump on the WiiU. The Ps4 is just going to put the WiiU in more trouble than it already is.


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
The WiiU already has been in trouble. The Ps4 will beat the WiiU unless the WiiU gets some good and super innovative games AND good developers to jump on the WiiU.

Isn't this sort of a given? I mean I can tell you right now, without any form of confirmation, that we will get a 3D Mario title, a Paper Mario title, a Kirby title, a Metroid title, SSB title, a Zelda title, a Mario Kart title, and probably a Donkey Kong title.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
The WiiU already has been in trouble. The Ps4 will beat the WiiU unless the WiiU gets some good and super innovative games AND good developers to jump on the WiiU. The Ps4 is just going to put the WiiU in more trouble than it already is.

God forbid a console not have a library filled with great third party support and loads of exclusives in its infancy.

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
Six pages in, so I'm a little late to the party, but I want to argue about nothing important as well.

That said, you're damn right the PS4 (and next Xbox) put the WiiU in hot water.
Honestly, the WiiU will be technologically behind the other two consoles (although it is faster than the current gen). This means getting 3rd party support may prove to be difficult since why would developers spend money trying to port their games to a (technologically) inferior console? They'd most likely create WiiU exclusives, and only do that if the adoption rate of the WiiU is high (high-ish?), and without 3rd party exclusives, all you are left with is Nintendo's rehash of it's main franchises.

No. It's. Not.

Look at Brawl. Crap load of content. Not any exploration. Why? Because it's a fighting game and of course they weren't going to put exploration content in it.

How is exploration not content?

2nd dumbest thing I've read all day.

So why does Portal 2 take a whole minute to download while the games on my N64 run with little to no loading at all.
You must have a slow *** computer, pal.
It all comes down to optimization, but I'm no tech wiz, so don't quote me on that, but I can say for a FACT that any PC that can run Portal 2 is more powerful than an n64. How the hell is this even an argument?


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
That said, you're damn right the PS4 (and next Xbox) put the WiiU in hot water.
Honestly, the WiiU will be technologically behind the other two consoles (although it is faster than the current gen). This means getting 3rd party support may prove to be difficult since why would developers spend money trying to port their games to a (technologically) inferior console? They'd most likely create WiiU exclusives, and only do that if the adoption rate of the WiiU is high (high-ish?), and without 3rd party exclusives, all you are left with is Nintendo's rehash of it's main franchises.

It's possible that devs will actually use the Wii U for their multiplat games. It'll no doubt be the easiest to develop for, and the tech won't be vastly far behind like with the Wii, and games on all four platforms will inevitably make more money than games on three.

Even if that doesn't happen, though, third party companies have said that the Wii U is an easy console for them to use and that they see a lot of potential in it. Either way, I have no fear for the Wii U's future.

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