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General Zelda What Zelda Game is the Hardest?


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
As requested by some Star Wars fan, here is my poll again without Zelda II. Let's face it, that game is impossibly hard, but after that things get harder to decide.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
LoZ leaves people lost so...yeah there's that. And then there's ALttP for the people who can't explore. ^


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
I say the NES Zeldas are the hardest because they are very cryptic and they are only easy if you know what to do.


Hylian Grand Admiral
Apr 10, 2012
Kent, Washington
As requested by some Star Wars fan

Lol, that's me. Good job on the reference.

I don't see a poll, but my answer is LoZ. This game actually gives me more trouble nowadays than AoL. With Link's movements being limited to four directions, that makes things a lot tougher, and there are some really brutal rooms. Y'know, a some blue Darknuts, blue Wizzrobes, a few Like-Like's, and some Bubbles. No big deal, right?

Also, it's extremely cryptic. You really have no instruction on where to go. While Zelda II is certainly cryptic, for the most part you can at least see the next palace you need to get to, and there are at least some hints as far as where to go, what to do.

Big Octo

Jul 2, 2011
that game is impossibly hard

I disagree. When compared to other NES games, it's actually not too hard.

Anyway, I'll to take the runner-up and say LoZ. For new players that don't have an instruction manual, it can be confusing and directionless, but that's what I love about it. Also, the enemies could be a bit tough on newer players.


Guardian Deity
Jun 24, 2013
Without choosing the obvious one? Hmm. That's tough. I'd have to go with, believe it or not, Majora's Mask. My first play through without guides took me 4 years just to beat it. To get all the masks? HA! Forget it! (I have since then, completed Majora's Mask 100%)


Jun 22, 2011
I'm going to interpret hardest as the one that made me feel most impressed that I finished it. In this regard it would be Oracle of Ages or Minish Cap. Both of those games actually made me have to do some thinking, and I felt like I had accomplished something by beating them. With the games that have difficult combat like LoZ or ALttP I knew I would inevitably be able to beat the games since they were more about avoiding death than figuring something out.


i luv u
Dec 17, 2011
Eeeeeeh, that's hard to say. Difficulty isn't always dependent on the button-pressing/waggle skill of the individual. For some people, battle is difficult, for others it's finding your way around or completing puzzles or overcoming fear. I think the only Zelda game that really embraced all these elements was Ocarina of Time, but they weren't pushed as hard as they were in other games. LoZ, for example, can be difficult in terms of exploration while Ages focuses on puzzles, The Adventure of Link focuses on 2D battle, and Majora's Mask messes with your emotions.

I think the Zelda game that was most difficult for me was The Wind Waker. It's not hard to control or fight or even solve puzzles, but as a completionist, it's was a daunting task to complete 100% the first time. Even though I know where everything is now, it still takes a lot of time and patience to complete it 100%.


Hylian Swordsmaster
Jan 29, 2013
In the Knight Academy Taking a nap.
I'd say that other than Zelda II, The Legend of Zelda was insanely hard, I can't ever remember how many times I died in that game and I could never finish the game because I got stuck in Level 8. Yep I got stuck in the dungeon right before Ganon's. I still like the game though.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
If not Zelda II, then I think I would have to say either The Legend of Zelda, or A Link to the Past. Both of these games are undeniably difficult. TLoZ is difficult because of the overworld. There are no signs telling you where to go, no charters pointing you in the right direction, no nothing. Just finding all the dungeons can be a chore, and that doesn't even mention how hard it is to beat the dungeons. I find myself missing all the time when I want to hit an enemy, and that usually causes me to hear the super nostalgic game over music. The enemies are so random and unpredictable too, so there is no way to know where they are going to be. They could go from behind you to directly in front of you right under your nose.

A Link to the Past is hard because it was very puzzle focused. Each dungeon had tons of complex puzzles that I admit actually gave me trouble on my first playthrough. The puzzles are ingeniously designed, and perfect on the challenging side. Combat in ALttP, though improved since TLoz, is still quite difficult and unpredictable, and some enemies can prove to pose quite a challenge on the player if they are, like I am, inaccurate and impatient with the sword.

It is hard to decide which game, between these two, is harder. But, I think ALttP wins that trophy simply because the game made players think more. Combine the puzzles with the tough enemies, and ALttP is actually a much more difficult game than some people give it credit for.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I recently have found doing even one run through The Wind Waker takes more than a month for me. I'm still not done. The game just feels incredibly monotonous. :/


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
I recently have found doing even one run through The Wind Waker takes more than a month for me. I'm still not done. The game just feels incredibly monotonous. :/

When was the last time you played before now? And how active/long are the play sessions?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
When was the last time you played before now? And how active/long are the play sessions?

Well it was actually around 3-4 years since I lasted played TWW; I traded my own copy to someone I hate for Sonic Adventure DX and a GBA link cable. This file I started around January. I try to play at least once everyday, and when I do, it's usually for ~2 hours.

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