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What is your color?

Jul 15, 2009
Spectacle Rock
my favorite color is orange. I chose it because its bright. I also didn't want it to be sad because no one else likes it, so i decieded to like it. That's why i hate blue, it's too popular
Jan 6, 2009
In your face
I like a lot of colours (these are just a few):

Light Blue
Lime Green
Pink (hot pink is the best, but that isn't in the colour palette) :)

But most of the clothes I've been wearing lately seem to be black, grey and white.


c o u r a g e ;
Jul 20, 2009
Lost Woods
I adore silver.
I don't know, the color it self gives me a sense of elegance and tranquility. Silver always mild and calm, composed and glimmering, yep, silver is my color. =)


Math is power.
May 28, 2009
Indiana, USA
I've always liked the shade of murky green. Like, a deep green, influenced by a bit of brown. I dunno why, I always just liked that color :P


My favorite color is pink and purple...I just love them and I think they are way to feminine just like me


Corrupted Idiot
Aug 20, 2009
The Netherlands
Black! Maybe im just a depressive emo gothic type. worshiping for the death.
Well no, i don't, you can combine the color black with everything. It has no specific reason.

But they say black is no color. For REAL color i go for green, green ftw. Also no reason.


adjective spaceman
Feb 2, 2009
Well, my colors are Blue and Purple. Here's what Lenora's thing has to say:

Blue: Soft, soothing, compassionate and caring, Blue is the color of deliberation and introspection, conservatism and duty. Patient, persevering, conscientious, sensitive and self-controlled, Blues like to be admired for their steady character and wisdom. They are faithful, but are often worriers with somewhat inflexible beliefs and can be too cautious, and suspicious of flamboyant behavior.

Hmm, that describes me a little. Let's see purple.

Purple: Purples are highly individual, fastidious, witty and sensitive, with a strong desire to be unique and different. Temperamental, expansive and artistic, a Purple person may become aloof and sarcastic when misunderstood. If you chose Purple, you tend to be unconventional, tolerant and dignified, likely to achieve positions of authority.

This one, however, describes me pretty well. I always want to be unique as much as I can. Cool.


Zelda On Paper
Aug 5, 2009
In my very own world
i like: black, green, blue, orange, red, and brown:

black: oh! i see a black cat in my window, maybe is bad luck... im not going to call it

green: i see trees everywhere, as the same with flowers and different plants, green is what i see everyday, everywhere, light and silent like a sleepy dream

blue: everyday i see blue, at day, shines with the sun, and in the night, lights among with the stars and the moon, blue is a very strong color

orange: in autumm is where i see a lot of falling leafs, dead and orange leafs, falling like soft petals from a flower, we can see orange often i can say

red: this color has many things that describes from the others, is strong in its sharpness, many things are red, some flwoers have red petals and the thing is, red appears to be a very exact color

brown: the chocolate is brown, the necs of the trees are brown, those chocolate cubes are... brownies!, brown has many leves of color, but the most i like is, light rosewood brown


Horizon Walker
Aug 3, 2009
My favorite color has always been a sort of Forest Green. However my second favorite color is a Navy Blue.

This is what the personality color list says about me.

Green: The color of harmony and balance, Green symbolizes hope, renewal and peace, and is usually liked by the gentle and sincere. Greens are generally frank, community-minded people, fairly sociable but preferring peace at any price. Green people can be too self-effacing, modest and patient, so they may get exploited by others. They are usually refined, civilized and reputable.

Blue: Soft, soothing, compassionate and caring, Blue is the color of deliberation and introspection, conservatism and duty. Patient, persevering, conscientious, sensitive and self-controlled, Blues like to be admired for their steady character and wisdom. They are faithful, but are often worriers with somewhat inflexible beliefs and can be too cautious, and suspicious of flamboyant behavior.

I guess those describe me pretty well. :nod:

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