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What Are Your Remaining Fears About the Game?

Jul 16, 2011
What Are Your Remaining Fears/Concerrns About the Game?

Well, before this recent media blowout I was already very confident in the game, because I trust the team, the franchise formula, and since they gave it the time to get done. But, sincerely I was uneasy about a lot of things. The recent infos relieved me about most of them, but not all.

These are the things that still makes me uneasy, why I'm kinda of having a bad feeling about it:

-Are there going to be another significant islands in The Sky? Or, are there going to be another proper towns and villages in the land below?

Source of uneasiness: Well since they are making it a more pratical hub world with Skyloft...it is possible that they don't create other relevant villages to keep all the interaction as practical as possible.

-Harp/Lyre gonna suck or not stand even near to the Ocarina.

I don't have a bad felling about this, but would be such a petty if it was not quite cool or useful. Although its not a central aspect, I believe it has a great impact on how remarkable a Zelda game is.

-Too much potting. Well, for sure will get hit much more often in this game, and its combat will be harder in general. But, will the dificult reside in use potion at the right time? Are we going to use 3 or more potions in one room? Of course the player skill will count, but I'm talking about regular player here, and supposing that new controls will lead to more player flaws. I really hope they limit the amount of potion slots to a number not greater than 4.

That's about it. If they manage to not commit these flaws (imo), the game will have everything to be the best Zelda ever.
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Nov 26, 2008
That it gets delayed. :lol: I've been excited about the game for a while, but it's reached a very high point now and I just want to play it really badly.

I'm also concerned that all the plot connections to the Dark Tribe and the Sheikah will not actually happen, and not just because it will mean that my predictions were wrong, but also because it would be a serious missed opportunity, and deny Zelda fans of an incredibly fascinating story. And I guess aside from that, I'm still worried that they're going to have the areas on the surface be separate from each other as if they were islands, which would be kind of irritating considering they already have islands in the sky. I want the surface areas to at least be interconnected.

In regards to your concerns, Billy...

It does seem like Skyloft is likely to be the only significant town. This is probably intended to mimic Majora's Mask's Clock Town, which they've said they're trying to implement elements of into Skyward Sword. I don't mind that as long as Skyloft is a very dynamic, deep area. I'm sure there will be other settlements and shops spread around the world, but Skyloft will likely be the primary focal point. They've said return trips to Skyloft will be somewhat limited, though, so hopefully the hub limitation isn't too strong.

As for the potion thing... The difficulty, from what we've seen, doesn't seem to be so incredibly hard that it's just going to kick the crap out of all players. I don't foresee it being a major problem. Second quest might be though. :xd: Another thing is that this game doesn't exactly have a totally new control scheme. There's aiming with your sword and the stamina meter, sure, but for the most part the controls are very similar to Zelda as we know it, so I wouldn't be too worried about the controls slowing you down.
Aug 25, 2011
My only concerns are that the controls of the items. Controlling the beetle is rather awkward, and so is the bow.


Nerion Saiarion
Aug 19, 2011
Somewhere in Hyrule
I hope they doesn't do the same as in Majora's Mask: using the owl statues to save. Watching the new trailer/gameplay (with the upgrading-system-thingy) I saw a bird statue where you could fly back to Skyloft, save etc. I surely hope we have the abillity to save from the pause menu.

And I also hope they doesn't make too much sidequests/collectibles. And I also hope there will be four pieces of heart to get another heart instead of five.


Fluffy hair!
Jun 15, 2010
One of my biggest fears is that it might redefine Zelda. Don't get me wrong -- the motion controls and everything else is amazing -- but I'm talking about specifically the magic. Skyward Sword looks like it's pretty technologically advanced compared to other Zeldas, even though this is supposed to be the first game chronologically. It just isn't very magical anymore, and I was really hoping (even back when Skyward Sword was called "Zelda Wii") that this game would bring back the magical essence of the series that it seemed to have lost. It doesn't seem that way currently, even though there are many things we've already seen from the trailers that can be considered magical: Phi, sword beams, getting blown back up to the sky from a Bird Statue -- just to name a few. But for some reason, it just doesn't carry that feeling anymore. :\

The other thing is the fate of Zelda (the person). She seems so important now that it worries me. She's a "female oracle," "the servant of the Goddess," and apparently has very important holy powers. The Zeldas we've seen before just seemed to be there and didn't seem that grand, even in Spirit Tracks. But since this Zelda is so holy and everything, she's probably going to have to leave Skyloft and Link forever so that she can take her rightful place as ruler on the surface... or something. (Basically -- I DON'T WANT HER TO LEAVE LINK. XD)


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
One of my remaining fears is actually that the game could be too easy. I know that looking at that whole new control scheme, it first seems that the opposite is true but I'm rather thinking of things like having too linear and easy dungeons (like getting a key from a huge, impossible to miss chest right in front of a locked door or having only one straight path that you can take etc.), that is maybe even a fan service of Nintendo because so many people complained about the highly non-linear Water Temple in OoT, and that wrongfully IMO. Maybe that's the reason why gameplay in general became much more linear starting with WW.
Same goes for the bosses: For example I do not want to have huge bosses that look very threatening but can be easily destroyed by hitting a giant, red, flashing, impossible to miss weak spot once or twice - of course with the respective dungeon item :/. I want to be forced to think a little before I act.
And yeah, like EternalNocturne said, the role that Zelda herself plays. I don't want a Zelda which you see for five minutes at the very beginning of the game but then she disappears until the very end. Not again.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I only have two fears at this point:

* The 1:1 swordplay will be overused and maybe even tedious. What I mean is, the Nintendo PR guys have been stating that 'every enemy is a puzzle'. What do puzzles do? Make you -stop- and think. I realize the different enemy combat is to make the game harder, but I don't want it artificially harder. I want more damage and swifter enemies, not a blockade of shields in my way. So, for example say I am 3/4 of the way done with the main quest and I want to go back to an area and start collecting for upgrading my existing inventory. I don't want to see enemies who I HAVE to sit through, waiting for their stances to change just so I can beat them. Ridiculous fear, I know, but it is there.

* This one is pretty much realized, but there may be less magic about this game than even in Twilight Princess. As far as item selection goes, anyway.

EDIT: Another fear is like E.N's, I don't want Zelda to be so important that she has no screentime. Actually, I would like if she would become a battle partner; I'm rather sick of having the female lead becoming the damsel, or defensiveless, or having to resort to 'Gods and Magic' to do the fighting for her. I realize it is sort of needed for Zelda to be carried off her feet and, being the central point [or so it seems] of the plot, the game has to revolve around her, but she could at least have some physical strength. Maybe we could take control of her, WITH A SWORD, for about an hour or two worth of gameplay? So yeah, I understand that would be different, but different doesn't mean bad automatically.

So that second fear really doesn't count, it is more a complaint than anything, but my fears about SS aren't exactly justified because I know for sure that the game will surpass the Zelda game I hate most, and will be on the bracket of the two best* games. I mean, Skyward Sword is more like an RPG than a Zelda game, you know it'll be great just because of that [not saying traditional Zeldas are bad, but RPGs naturally have more content in them].

*OoT & MM; in MY opinion.
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Jul 16, 2011
In regards to your concerns, Billy...

It does seem like Skyloft is likely to be the only significant town. This is probably intended to mimic Majora's Mask's Clock Town, which they've said they're trying to implement elements of into Skyward Sword. I don't mind that as long as Skyloft is a very dynamic, deep area. I'm sure there will be other settlements and shops spread around the world, but Skyloft will likely be the primary focal point. They've said return trips to Skyloft will be somewhat limited, though, so hopefully the hub limitation isn't too strong.

As for the potion thing... The difficulty, from what we've seen, doesn't seem to be so incredibly hard that it's just going to kick the crap out of all players. I don't foresee it being a major problem. Second quest might be though. :xd: Another thing is that this game doesn't exactly have a totally new control scheme. There's aiming with your sword and the stamina meter, sure, but for the most part the controls are very similar to Zelda as we know it, so I wouldn't be too worried about the controls slowing you down.

Well, about Skylofy being the only town in the game...Would be such a petty, a vast world with just one town would feel very artificial and not convincing. The exciting feeling of reaching a big unknown place filled with unknown people is very important to me.

The potion thing doesn't necessarily have the much to do with the difficulty. I want this game to be hard as it gets, but that will not happen if the game deal 1/4 of your life of damage every hit and fill your pocket with pots and the surroundings with hearts everywhere, this would only make you feel like a incompetent or like playing Diablo - Since it would be more fast and effective to rush the combat, take damage and catch a heart nearest to you, than play it carefully.


Piper of Time
Aug 11, 2011
The Lost Woods
I'm also concerned that all the plot connections to the Dark Tribe and the Sheikah will not actually happen, and not just because it will mean that my predictions were wrong, but also because it would be a serious missed opportunity, and deny Zelda fans of an incredibly fascinating story. And I guess aside from that, I'm still worried that they're going to have the areas on the surface be separate from each other as if they were islands, which would be kind of irritating considering they already have islands in the sky. I want the surface areas to at least be interconnected.

These are pretty much what I was going to say. Though, I do consider the relations between the Dark Tribe and the Sheikah to be less of a fear for me, and more of a concern. Pretty much for the same reasons. However, I mostly just fear the second part, of how the land below might not be interconnected. I believe that the flying to areas, will just be an easier way of travel, and that they just don't want to show us TOO much yet. It is a bit frightening though. It doesn't even have to be a ridiculously huge area. Just enough that I can explore everywhere on foot, if I want to. I probably won't mind too much if each area is huge, but I'd like them to connect as well. I would probably be cool if the last two dungeons or so, took place on islands on the land that could only be reached from the sky. Maybe the Dark Tribe can have a hidden headquarters, on an isolated island, in which we can go through a dungeon with 4-5 mini-bosses, and a big boss. I'd like it. Maybe similar to The World That Never Was in Kingdom Hearts, with a more Zelda feel, and more puzzles.
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Jul 16, 2011
I'm not very concerned about the story and lore, it is not that I don't care that much, but I'm convinced by what they hinted so far. Plus, a compelling story >>>>>> Zelda lore fan service. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see the lore more tied together, but a good story is something everyone would enjoy, and place the game impression higher overall (and, yes, I want this game to do nothing less than wipe the floor with the concurrency by everyones perspective, to be just as convincing as SMG1 & 2 was, and not the perfect game for loyal Zelda fans only).
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Hylian Warrior
Dec 12, 2010
I hope they doesn't do the same as in Majora's Mask: using the owl statues to save. Watching the new trailer/gameplay (with the upgrading-system-thingy) I saw a bird statue where you could fly back to Skyloft, save etc. I surely hope we have the abillity to save from the pause menu.

And I also hope they doesn't make too much sidequests/collectibles. And I also hope there will be four pieces of heart to get another heart instead of five.

I don't think you will be able to save from the menu but who knows.

Why would you not want to much side quests/collectibles? having tons of side quests and collectibles means much more things to do in the game and will increases replay value and it's confirmed that you will get 4 pieces of heart.
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There's a Bazooka in TP!
Feb 28, 2009
Ontario, Canada
I think my only concern is the gameplay time. I know they are promising 50 to 100 hours, but I don't know if that includes a second playthrough. (IE - 50 for one play, 100 for two). I managed to get 65 hours of play out of one time through Twilight Princess (including a lot of noodling around on Epona in Hyrule Field, random exploring, and a lot of fishing). I would fear that SS doesn't give me at least gives me the 50 they promised I suppose. There's really nothing to say it wouldn't, other than the not-too-clear change of the field / dungeon mechanic. So, if I get 50, I'm happy. If I get 65, I'm very happy. If I get 65+ without a second playthrough, I'm extatic!

And while it may not be the type of fear / concern that is really being asked of here, one of mine would be that fans generally disapprove of the game without really giving it a chance, mirroring what happened with Twilight Princess. This is a common problem with franchise games that are too far between releases. Fan's visions of the game far exceed what the end product could ever end up being, and the internet outcry is one of displeasure. I really hope that the game does live up to those individuals' expectations, but I do fear that there will be a general displeasure with the game that can't be satisfied no matter how good the game actually is.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
My only true fear (or at least an element I'm edgy about) would be not being able to get around the Guardians in time. I can imagine the level of difficulty will keep growing with the more Light Tears we gather.

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