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What Annoyed You Today?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I'm also asexual (also aromantic), I've heard the "you'll find the right one eventually" line sooo many times. I think most people just assume what they experience is universal and applies to everyone. I just don't mention because I don't want to have to pull out the PowerPoint lol.

It's a shame so many people feel like you have to find love to live a fulfilled life. Or have kids. Some people are fine on their own and that's great! Why do they need to spend the rest of their life with someone if they don't want to. And even when people do want to spend the rest of their life with someone, it's then the "when are you having kids' question. And the "you'll change your mind" if you say you don't want them.


Swag Master General
Aug 1, 2012
The End
Apache Helicopter
I'm also asexual (also aromantic), I've heard the "you'll find the right one eventually" line sooo many times. I think most people just assume what they experience is universal and applies to everyone. I just don't mention because I don't want to have to pull out the PowerPoint lol.
Honestly I might be a little aromatic too because I feel pressured into getting into a relationship and when I use dating apps and it feels like they want to move into a more serious relationship I freak out and end up ghosting them. Ideally I just want to be by myself with my cats for the rest of my life.

I’m just tired of trying to be what people want me to be and I just wish I could be myself without people analyzing me and pretending to be my therapist or something.

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
Jun 1, 2023
What annoyed me today? When you are in a single room bathroom in public and people come knocking.


The Eyes of the Nile are opening.... You'll see.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
Somebody told me to fabricate myself a life when he suggested that when paleontologists cast fossils, that they're fabricating missing parts.

I chimed in saying that's horrendously misleading, because the word "fabricate" has the connotation that these fossils were created, not naturally occurring, and it implies that paleontologists are making things up. They aren't.

FYI, the reasons why fossils are cast are numerous. But the main reason is that real fossils are incredibly fragile, to the point that some fossils can disintegrate from simply being breathed on. So they're put in a plaster cast for transport, then a team of professionals spend time gathering data, preparing the fossil, performing tests, all the science-y stuff, then the findings, and the final prepared fossil, are brought to the public.

There's a reason why there's such a long stretch of time between the announcement of a discovery of a fossil, to it finally being unveiled to the public. A lot is going on in the background, and to add insult to injury, there's often not enough researchers to finish all of the work.

Now, considering the rarity of some fossils, they're often casted to create an exact resin copy to be displayed in museums, because again, real fossils are really fragile.

It's not to fabricate missing parts, like he said, it's for perfectly legitimate and practical reasons, and this misunderstanding can only come about if you aren't familiar with paleontology as a field of science, and its methods.

In other words, do research before spouting opinions. This is how misinformation is spread.

Edit: There's a lot of fun things about paleontology. Like, there's fossilized dinosaur poop (called coprolite), fossilized pigment molecules in some species of dinosaur, meaning we know the coloration of some dinosaurs, we only know for sure, the sex of one T. rex specimen, and it was a female (it's not Sue), when you aren't sure if something's a fossil, lick it, if it sticks to your tongue, it's a fossil.
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magical internet cat....
ZD Legend
Jun 22, 2016
Somebody told me to fabricate myself a life when he suggested that when paleontologists cast fossils, that they're fabricating missing parts.

I chimed in saying that's horrendously misleading, because the word "fabricate" has the connotation that these fossils were created, not naturally occurring, and it implies that paleontologists are making things up. They aren't.

FYI, the reasons why fossils are cast are numerous. But the main reason is that real fossils are incredibly fragile, to the point that some fossils can disintegrate from simply being breathed on. So they're put in a plaster cast for transport, then a team of professionals spend time gathering data, preparing the fossil, performing tests, all the science-y stuff, then the findings, and the final prepared fossil, are brought to the public.

There's a reason why there's such a long stretch of time between the announcement of a discovery of a fossil, to it finally being unveiled to the public. A lot is going on in the background, and to add insult to injury, there's often not enough researchers to finish all of the work.

Now, considering the rarity of some fossils, they're often casted to create an exact resin copy to be displayed in museums, because again, real fossils are really fragile.

It's not to fabricate missing parts, like he said, it's for perfectly legitimate and practical reasons, and this misunderstanding can only come about if you aren't familiar with paleontology as a field of science, and its methods.

In other words, do research before spouting opinions. This is how misinformation is spread.

Edit: There's a lot of fun things about paleontology. Like, there's fossilized dinosaur poop (called coprolite), fossilized pigment molecules in some species of dinosaur, meaning we know the coloration of some dinosaurs, we only know for sure, the sex of one T. rex specimen, and it was a female (it's not Sue), when you aren't sure if something's a fossil, lick it, if it sticks to your tongue, it's a fossil.
yea i dont want half of 2 leg bones in a rush when yknow they make a bit more of the leg after studying and seeing they go together...
Someone in a discord server I'm in the other day said they really wanted a "spooky" black cat in response to someone posting a wholesome cat meme. I figured it was just one of those statements that we all say about stuff we want, but no last night they actually impulsively adopted a black cat. A rescue, formerly abused. And they already want to give up on the cat. They adopted it for their own stupid aesthetic reasons and are surprised that it is an individual and needs some love? I'm so mad about it but I don't wanna make a scene in the server, doesn't change what they did.

I hate people who view animals this way. They're not damn accessories.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Someone in a discord server I'm in the other day said they really wanted a "spooky" black cat in response to someone posting a wholesome cat meme. I figured it was just one of those statements that we all say about stuff we want, but no last night they actually impulsively adopted a black cat. A rescue, formerly abused. And they already want to give up on the cat. They adopted it for their own stupid aesthetic reasons and are surprised that it is an individual and needs some love? I'm so mad about it but I don't wanna make a scene in the server, doesn't change what they did.

I hate people who view animals this way. They're not damn accessories.

Even worse that it was formerly abused and then they want to give up on it already. Poor cat hasn't felt any love in its life. :(
Even worse that it was formerly abused and then they want to give up on it already. Poor cat hasn't felt any love in its life. :(
I know, I wanna scream. Like I get some cases of animals with trauma require a lot more experience as a pet owner to offer them the right care and support, but like... don't adopt an animal if you don't think you can meet their needs? And the fact this person is giving up so fast just feels so ****ty. I feel so bad for the cat. It must be stressed out of its mind.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
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ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
I was out to eat at a buffet as a lil birthday treat for myself and I watched these parents get in a fight with the staff and then walk out without paying, dragging their three little kids out with them. Poor kids looked terrified. I feel bad for the kids and the staff. Some people, man...

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