Yeah, but TP was a port form the Gaemcube (wii version may have come out first but that was to sell some consoles at launch) so if anything it was the GC not the Wii that had the problem, though i don't think it matters. A lot of people say TP was created for those who didn't like the way WW looked but I think it was always going to happen, and besides the ps2/Xbox at the time were less powerful than the GC and they didn't feel the need to throw out cel-shaded graphics in games because they weren't powerful enough, they kept the traditional graphics that games have pretty much always had with no style added etc. I don't see TP as anything more than a product of its time and i still think it looks amazing, very few games of that generation had lighting that looked that amazing and bathed characters in soft glowing auras etc, I think the only game that comes close to looking better than TP at that time was probably ICO but i remember that mostly for having amazing water.
TP was never gonna be HD, maybe when the WiiU comes out though Nintendo will re-release TP as an HD remake like Silent Hill 2+3 (though i hope they don't because that would cheapen TP so much, there really is no reason to do such a thing).