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Three Houses Mafia Game Thread


Staff member
ZD Champion
oh I missed that post

Nothing serious, they just seem kind of fake to me. First is like "I wonder if mafia have x, not that I would know since I'm not mafia h-haha," and the second seems to be trying too hard to be playful and joking, potentially as a disguise for actual shade-throwing.
my man do you remember the role pms in sun's last game
they were so comically large lmfao
in fact town only managed to win because we rolecopped one of them and they were too different from a town role according to most players
Sep 6, 2017
Not necessarily the best wording but its nearly midnight, i wanted to get this vote in before bed and i couldnt be bothered to think of better ones.
Wanting to seem important may be a better thing to do. Drawing attention to your role rather than yourself. It was a chain of multiple posts that make people think you have a powerful role for the town that you say in a way that sounds like it isn't like that. It's too innocent for you. Powerful town dont want people to know theyre powerful town so they aren't targeted. Only powerful scum want people to consider them powerful town.
okay a bit more clarification on the drawing attention here, but i mean, perhaps there’s a reason for him doing so? Maybe he’s got a role that he wants scum to target. Maybe he’s jester? Idk.

im gonna stop tunneling Ex right now, but i do like my vote where it is (on you), i’m not sure your reasoning is sound and given the amount of attention ex is getting, i can see how this might be an attempt for scum to try and influence a mislynch d1 on an active player.
Sep 6, 2017
I'm not really feeling Ex or Deku as scum. While Ex did have faulty logic in shading Chevy, I found his first post of the game pretty townie and his others seem in line with town Ex.

It's been a while since I've played with Deku and I've never been great at reading him, but I like that he's pushing somewhere. I feel like scum Deku is usually more active, however I don't feel like scum Deku is the first to make a hard push like this.
Is there anyone you do think is scum at the moment?

i don’t think it’s necessarily fair to be equating people’s activity levels yet past whether or not they’ve like, posted more than one post with actual content this game

caps stfu you just called ex active in your last post - well yeah he clearly has the most content by/about him

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Is there anyone you do think is scum at the moment?

i don’t think it’s necessarily fair to be equating people’s activity levels yet past whether or not they’ve like, posted more than one post with actual content this game

caps stfu you just called ex active in your last post - well yeah he clearly has the most content by/about him

Seeing as Ex and Deku are two of the people who have posted the most, I don't have too much to scum read anyone else on.

And it's moreso that when Deku is town he just like, doesn't post at all sometimes. So him having this many posts already can lean on his scum meta, but he also hasn't played in forever so I'm willing to just chalk it up to excitement.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
I mean that's no different from a long term wagon since they'll probably hold onto their claim until last second hoping they won't have to
There's a difference between knowing you might need to defend yourself later today and getting lynched out of nowhere.

why are we talking about chinese fire drills when we’re not close to eod yet

how does this post have anything to do with anything
Day ends at some point today, doesn't it?

Days are 48 hours, we're almost always close to the end of day. I'm at work for the next 7 hours and then I'm driving to my brother's place (which should take me around 2 hours) and then I'll also be decently occupied there. Little Gumball is also at work and will be driving for 4-5 hours afterwards and won't be available to respond to last minute EoD stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if others had similar engagements over this 3 day weekend.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Ok so I don't like DekuNut's logic on Ex. Ex just says he likes his role, nbd, and Deku specifically jumps all over it. Everyone kinda did, but Deku took it really far. Idk if that's a scum thing but it still doesn't look good for him.

Also who is going to be around for EoD because I know I won't


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
Day ends at some point today, doesn't it?
Ye. EoD is this evening.
So basically whoever tries to get things rolling gets sussed and that someone was Ex today.

Defend myself on which count? I musta missed sumn
The following is what he was referring to:

We can lynch you so you can join the spectator chat and find out how does that sound uwu

sounds mega super ultra hyper sus
also this post implies you know I'm town which might be a slip

chevy finally rolled scum???????/

The whole thing regarding Ex has me on the fence.

@Rubik, @naga10 what reason(s) did y'all say regarding your vote on KoD?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Oh, I didn't bother with that since it was just more of a joke on my part and his, plus Morbid Minish backed me up while I was busy. Didn't know he was expecting a reply. That's it really, it was just a joke.


Staff member
ZD Champion
Defend myself on which count? I musta missed sumn
It's just that I kinda expected you to say something defending yourself when I poked you implying you're scum and you backseated
it's nothing major or too serious specially since my logic was faulty, but it went against what I expected so it caught my attention

I'll try to be around EoD depends on how wacky my sleep is today
Apr 30, 2019
Two people are scum here.

The first is Deku for posting such a large picture of an animal. It's nothing more than a flex for a D1 RVS.

The second is Kirino for their joke comment towards Ex regarding the scum role PMs.

Kirino is my major choice to vote given the topic is much more stable and serious than a large picture of an animal that Deku posted (though he's not absolved of the sus on the flex).

Vote: Kirino

i like you i think you're town
Apr 30, 2019
There are different meanings to innocent my man. And besides, you're a better player than that joke gives you credit for. Better than my rusty ass at least.
It's the implications my man. The fact that you like your role implies its something interesting, which could change the course of the game. And if that's the case, a wise town SHOULD keep you around. On the other hand, why would a wise town advertise their role so much on D1?
If you're town then this entire statement holds no weight because it should be taken at face value, as you described it above, but you've really clung onto mentioning your role a few times today, which feels off to me.
I'm not voting you because I think you're powerful. I'm voting you because I think you want us to think you're poweful.
Joking aside, Ex does feel a little tryhardy. While we can waffle around about one comment from each player all we want, Ex seems to have the most content against him. He seems a little too tryhardy this game. He's trying to catch attention. I don't like it.
Vote: ExL

i think it's interesting that you're parroting other people's suspicions (which i don't get really) of ex and then you actually hunker down on them. i don't like it. i don't think that behavior's towny

meanings to innocent my man. And besides, you're a better player than that joke gives you credit for. Better than my rusty ass at least.
It's the implications my man. The fact that you like your role implies its something interesting, which could change the course of the game. And if that's the case, a wise town SHOULD keep you around. On the other hand, why would a wise town advertise their role so much on D1?
If you're town then this entire statement holds no weight because it should be taken at face value, as you described it above, but you've really clung onto mentioning your role a few times today, which feels off to me.
I'm not voting you because I think you're powerful. I'm voting you because I think you want us to think you're poweful.

i was just scum with ex like a month ago i think so like i mean that post don't mean he's scum i guess he didn't enjoy being scum with me

we even won
Apr 30, 2019
I'm not really feeling Ex or Deku as scum. While Ex did have faulty logic in shading Chevy, I found his first post of the game pretty townie and his others seem in line with town Ex.

It's been a while since I've played with Deku and I've never been great at reading him, but I like that he's pushing somewhere. I feel like scum Deku is usually more active, however I don't feel like scum Deku is the first to make a hard push like this.

fine minish i guess i'm wrong but i'm trying

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