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Three Houses Mafia Game Thread

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I'm not really feeling Ex or Deku as scum. While Ex did have faulty logic in shading Chevy, I found his first post of the game pretty townie and his others seem in line with town Ex.

It's been a while since I've played with Deku and I've never been great at reading him, but I like that he's pushing somewhere. I feel like scum Deku is usually more active, however I don't feel like scum Deku is the first to make a hard push like this.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
Joking aside, Ex does feel a little tryhardy. While we can waffle around about one comment from each player all we want, Ex seems to have the most content against him. He seems a little too tryhardy this game. He's trying to catch attention. I don't like it.
Vote: ExL
No, no, why do we always do this to Ex, he's just tryna play and we always lynch him.
Also, for anyone else reading later, have to ask... who here has played 3H? Im behind on who's Fire Emblem fans these days and who isn't.
I have not.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
The first is Deku for posting such a large picture of an animal. It's nothing more than a flex for a D1 RVS.
What, you don't like puppies? Who doesn't like puppies?

Also, for anyone else reading later, have to ask... who here has played 3H? Im behind on who's Fire Emblem fans these days and who isn't.
I haven't. Though I need to find a copy and play it out of curiosity now

Drawing attention to your role rather than yourself. It was a chain of multiple posts that make people think you have a powerful role for the town that you say in a way that sounds like it isn't like that.
If I may, which posts are you referring to? If it's just the one where he claimed to find interest in his roll, How exactly is that claiming a power role?

While Ex did have faulty logic in shading Chevy, I found his first post of the game pretty townie and his others seem in line with town Ex.
I personally thought that was mostly a joke of sorts, like he was poking back after a poke.

@ExLight ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Staff member
ZD Champion
I don't mind being a point of discussion though, that's definitely better than a D1 without anything maybe

it's just a bit stressful how people always seem to find something I do scummy no matter what though


Staff member
ZD Champion
yea it wasn't like too serious
it was a real prod but like not one I'd invest a push upon (otherwise i'd've voted him right??)

the logic was faulty anyway lol
i found a bit funny chevy didn't defend himself though
Sep 6, 2017
Nothing serious, they just seem kind of fake to me. First is like "I wonder if mafia have x, not that I would know since I'm not mafia h-haha," and the second seems to be trying too hard to be playful and joking, potentially as a disguise for actual shade-throwing.
I mean, that does seem like a serious accusation from someone who claims that it’s not serious, but you do you. I can kind of see where you’re coming from with the read even though i don’t necessarily agree.
Sep 6, 2017
Joking aside, Ex does feel a little tryhardy. While we can waffle around about one comment from each player all we want, Ex seems to have the most content against him. He seems a little too tryhardy this game. He's trying to catch attention. I don't like it.
Vote: ExL
as opposed to the last person i just quoted, i don’t think this is a clear or reasonable reason. Someone saying they like their role isn’t alignment indicative necessarily, and i’m not sure a scum would make themselves so seen day 1 anyway.

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