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Three Houses Mafia Game Thread


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I'm about to DIE and you want me to CHILL
I couldn't even get the chance to use my role!! :(
You really arent. Most people dont suspect you, but youre sharing first with two other people, one of whom is generally seen as suspicious, and only have two votes. Youre technically leading but its a laughable lead. I could remove my vote from you now, move ot somewhere else, and suddenly we have another person joining the three-way tie for first. I find it highly unlikely you die D1.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Deku is feeling like town Deku to me. And Ex is also feeling like town Ex. I'd prefer a lynch somewhere else today, but there isn't much to go off of.

Depending on how strict Sunfan is with the 5 post minimum, Fig might be a good lynch. Just because I'd rather not have two potential town kills today from him being inactive.


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
also yes I do read ZD with a light theme
please remove this stinky vote my lovely ex-scumbud :clownpensive:
Ew. I knew something was wrong with you.

@Funnygurl555 if you dislike deku's parroting and pseudo-accusations why are you still sitting your vote on me :(
I was wondering the same thing...

Do we need a reason to lynch KoD now?
Not necessarily i guess. But, it could help me, at the very least, understand why your vote stands.
I'm going to hold off on casting my vote. Not 100% sure on my target...


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower

Deku is feeling like town Deku to me. And Ex is also feeling like town Ex. I'd prefer a lynch somewhere else today, but there isn't much to go off of.

Depending on how strict Sunfan is with the 5 post minimum, Fig might be a good lynch. Just because I'd rather not have two potential town kills today from him being inactive.
What is there for me to say? Been busy with work but I do read the thread to keep up so there's your answer. I have nothing else to say given how it's just memes and while I guess there's some merit to lynch people for meme potential, I just don't see anything that has caught my attention.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.

What is there for me to say? Been busy with work but I do read the thread to keep up so there's your answer. I have nothing else to say given how it's just memes and while I guess there's some merit to lynch people for meme potential, I just don't see anything that has caught my attention.

It's at least nice to know you are keeping up and not completely MIA. Though there is a 5 post requirement and that was my main concern with proposing your lynch. What do you think about Ex and Deku? Do you think either of them could be scum, or do you think they're town/town?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
What is there for me to say? Been busy with work but I do read the thread to keep up so there's your answer. I have nothing else to say given how it's just memes and while I guess there's some merit to lynch people for meme potential, I just don't see anything that has caught my attention
Bleh I don't like doing this but I have to leave here soon and I'm just gonna

vote: Fig

I'd much rather see people at least try to contribute instead of sitting back and doing nothing because "it's just memes"


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
It's at least nice to know you are keeping up and not completely MIA. Though there is a 5 post requirement and that was my main concern with proposing your lynch. What do you think about Ex and Deku? Do you think either of them could be scum, or do you think they're town/town?

It could go either way. There isn't much from what I see. I will say it's weird how people, especially DekuNut, are dogpiling against ExLight just because they said "I like my role." For all we know, it could be just be because Light likes the character or something. Maybe I'm looking too into it, but it doesn't mean much when there are people who may simply like their role because of alignment. For example even if I was just vanilla town with no power roles, I'd say I'd like my role because being town is easier in my experience.

TLDR; - I'm only slightly suspicious of DekuNut just because of targeting dogpiling for such a simple statement.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower

Bleh I don't like doing this but I have to leave here soon and I'm just gonna

vote: Fig

I'd much rather see people at least try to contribute instead of sitting back and doing nothing because "it's just memes"

I mean, you are one to talk yourself. Even if you had posted a response every now and then, at best it is just white noise and didn't really provide much conversation given how it then swayed to be Light and Deku bringing attention to themselves for their quarrel.
Sep 6, 2017
Days are 48 hours, we're almost always close to the end of day. I'm at work for the next 7 hours and then I'm driving to my brother's place (which should take me around 2 hours) and then I'll also be decently occupied there. Little Gumball is also at work and will be driving for 4-5 hours afterwards and won't be available to respond to last minute EoD stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if others had similar engagements over this 3 day weekend.
ah okay, just a personal thing. i’m not anticipating a cfd

And yeah, I’ll be out most of this weekend as well :/


Jun 19, 2010
Deku's push was kind of lazy and largely echoed what I said, and his defense of wanting to stir discussion also makes less sense in light of that. Likewise, while I don't remember his meta that well, Minish saying he's inactive as town and more active as scum seems pretty right to me. I might be willing to vote for him.

Ex is now acting more jumpy and defensive in a way that's usually more indicative of town for him, but he's become better at faking that, so I probably put more stock in my initial read when he was under less pressure.


I'll probably vote for Deku as things stand, but we still have a few hours. I think it makes sense to go with one of the two, though, since they're the only ones who have been discussed and the only alternative seems to be voting for an inactive.
my man do you remember the role pms in sun's last game
they were so comically large lmfao
in fact town only managed to win because we rolecopped one of them and they were too different from a town role according to most players
Which game? Not sure I was in it lol
Sep 6, 2017
I think people misunderstand me. I could be convinced off Ex with a push towards someone else (I mean, not me obviously, but hey, at least there's another push now). I'm not totally convinced he's scum. But I wanted to make sure that discussion was had around a weird line of questioning. I have succeeded in that and, right now, have nowhere else to go. So I will remain here until I find something else worth my time.
And now, back to work I guess. Hopefully Ill have time for one more big post like this before EoD. We'll see, it'll be a busy one for me.
i think it would help your cause maybe if you tried to push someone else rather than asking for other people to do so? like who do you think is scum based on their reactions to your ex vote, maybe?

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