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Things That Are on Your Mind

Hsien Ko

Thread murderer
Dec 12, 2012
Sometimes being alone hurts a bit. I can handle no human conversations for weeks but it gets boring quickly then expected.


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Well, our heater is out of commission so we have no heat in the house (and its winter! :kawaii: ), I'm almost always drowsy and I want to sleep wherever I am because I hit my head (my dad says I might have a mild concussion type thing y'know), and my stomach hurts from I don't know what. X3 BUT I'M GONNA GO TO THE HAPPY THREAD BECAUSE NOTHIN' IS GONNA GET ME DOWN FOR THE REST OF CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
Tired of people attacking my faith albeit indirectly merely for the sake of attacking it. They aren't trying to understand it, they just attack attack attack. May not matter much to them, but even some people I count as close friends just attack my faith and don't even stop to think about how it may be hurtful to me. It's frustrating really. I wish people would just be more aware. Honestly, I just steer clear of the MD now cause it's so full of hate and malicious intent it's not even funny.
Nobody is trying to understand each others view points, they just try to hurt as many people as they possibly can cause they're bitter at someone or other of a seperate view and so they try and justify they're bad behavior by throwing the blame and pointing out the faults of other people. If we all just tried to understand each a bit more, and stop feeling like every single thing that people disagree with you on was a personal attack, maybe, just maybe, things wouldn't be so nasty on here all the time.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
Well, I have to say, getting a Sinus infection after Christmas has not been fun! Luckily, it's getting a lot better now!

Alas, I really don't have much to say today!


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
Just rot me already because I don't care. No one really wants to care. Rot me to my death.

Vio, keep fighting the good fight, don't stop, even when it looks like nothing good wil happen in the end. If you know its a good cause then don't stop fighting for it, because even though its hard along the way, its worth it in the end. Don't regret giving up; endure and be grateful in the end. There's support here for you, know you are not alone. ^^


Staff member
I haven't slept in almost 40 hours now. I had a party for my 18th and had friends over the night last night, now i have one friend staying over again tonight and we are tired as hell. Tomorrow is new years eve so we should try to sleep tonight :P

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