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Things That Are on Your Mind


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
The amount of teenagers taking SARMs is ****ing terrifying to me, to be honest. They're led to believe they're legal steroids, but aren't well-researched, aren't approved by the FDA, and have several side-effects, many of which you won't know until much later in life.

This is ultimately why I made that blog on dietary supplements. People, especially young people, want results fast, but there's no magic pill for it, and even drugs that do have performance enhancing effects have very significant drawbacks, the classic ones are steroids, and for this reason, just don't take them just because you think they give you bigger muscles.

Daku Rinku

Paya’s Pal
ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Jun 1, 2023
Yiga Hideout
The amount of teenagers taking SARMs is ****ing terrifying to me, to be honest. They're led to believe they're legal steroids, but aren't well-researched, aren't approved by the FDA, and have several side-effects, many of which you won't know until much later in life.

This is ultimately why I made that blog on dietary supplements. People, especially young people, want results fast, but, it takes time to build muscle, it takes work.
The pop a pill culture in medicine is dangerous. Therapies should include nutrition, and other methods. But as you said, people want insta-results. Well the best things in life take time, so does healing, shortcuts tend to cause complications.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
The pop a pill culture in medicine is dangerous. Therapies should include nutrition, and other methods. But as you said, people want insta-results. Well the best things in life take time, so does healing, shortcuts tend to cause complications.
Spitting straight science there, mate.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I have started taking Omega-3 supplement and it is helping with my anxiety, which can be a good side effect.
Omega-3's are great, I like seafood, so I get a lot of it from eating sushi. :)

Whey protein is another great one if you need to add more protein that has all of the essential amino acids. It also tastes good and is cheap.

Daku Rinku

Paya’s Pal
ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Jun 1, 2023
Yiga Hideout
Omega-3's are great, I like seafood, so I get a lot of it from eating sushi. :)

Whey protein is another great one if you need to add more protein that has all of the essential amino acids. It also tastes good and is cheap.
I’ll have to check out Whey. I have been drinking these honey based milk protien drinks too and they really help.



Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I’ll have to check out Whey. I have been drinking these honey based milk protien drinks too and they really help.

View attachment 71130
Nice! If you do whey, it is a powder, so you will be making smoothies with it, but hey, smoothies are great! :)

I understand it when folks want to supplement with something, but really, you are right in that balance is where it's at. :)

Daku Rinku

Paya’s Pal
ZD Champion
Forum Volunteer
Jun 1, 2023
Yiga Hideout
My diet is food.
It is food.
I eat the food.

I only add what is deficient in my diet. I don’t remove anything.

Nice! If you do whey, it is a powder, so you will be making smoothies with it, but hey, smoothies are great! :)

I understand it when folks want to supplement with something, but really, you are right in that balance is where it's at. :)

One of the Bolthouse Parfait Breakfast bottles has every vitamin including K, and Iodine for your thyroid! :)


Oct 19, 2021
The Silent Realm
I eat 6 times a day and somehow have been consistently 240Lbs (108.862Kgs) for the past 15 years.
And fast food is consistently in that diet.

Add in my roughly 3 drinks of mango stuff a day and that is pretty solid.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I even made a complicated chart about it.

View attachment 71132
A perfect flow chart.

In fact, another sci-fi trope that's been outdated for a while now is the food pill. Turns out, food in general contains a lot of macro and micro nutrients, and even if a pill could provide everything we need, people just enjoy food so much, so they likely would prefer real food anyways.

Plus, some foods are just magical. Like cheese. I love cheese. :)

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