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Things That Are on Your Mind

Blue Canary

Your Friendly Neighborhood S***poster
Feb 11, 2012
Right Behind You
Trash Can
Boobs are nice. They are so squishy! And I mean like, woman boobs. It's really weird because I greatly enjoy the female body, however, I have no desire to have sex with a woman, besides maybe playing with their boobs and butt. And maybe a little kiss, maybe? I don't know. I wouldn't say I'm attracted to women. Because, I'm really not? Because I am sure as hell sexually attracted to men, and with woman, I'm not attracted to them. I'm not sexually aroused seeing them naked. Woman do not sexually arouse me, or make me feel any sexual feelings. But I do, as I said, greatly enjoy the female body, and I want to cuddle with them and ****. Is that weird?

Now...my investigation resumes.

Of course I still must investigate my own questions. But that can wait until I muster up the courage :bubsy:

Blue Canary

Your Friendly Neighborhood S***poster
Feb 11, 2012
Right Behind You
Trash Can
So, funny story: Today I was at drama club, and I sit in the sound booth with some of the highschoolers, right? Well, all of the main cast wears microphones on them, and we can make it so the mic will only play in the sound booth. So, obviously, we use this to hear what they are saying backstage. So, they go backstage and we decide to turn on one of the mics, and I swear to god, not making this up, literally all I hear coming over the speaker is "man titties. His man titties. He has man titties" and whatever variation of that or whatever. I'm pretty sure it was the guy who plays Jafar that was saying it, which makes it even better.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Just finished watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Crap, now what? Man, I hate movie endings.

Watch the extended editions. :)

And if you've already done that, watch the Hobbit movies and the extended editions of those (have to wait a little bit for the extended edition of BotFA though). Then once you finish that, if you're really ambitious, you could watch all of the above with director's commentary.

Oh ya, read the books as well, it's worth it. Start with the Hobbit, then read the LotR trilogy. Then, even though it takes place a long time before, read The Silmarillion after that because, despite being a prequel, I found it worked better when I read it after because it ties up some loose ends and explains schtuffz. Then, if you're still bored, move onto Unfinished Tales, and your journey through Middle Earth will be almost over.

Then do it all again.
Feb 23, 2011
Watch the extended editions. :)

And if you've already done that, watch the Hobbit movies and the extended editions of those (have to wait a little bit for the extended edition of BotFA though). Then once you finish that, if you're really ambitious, you could watch all of the above with director's commentary.

Oh ya, read the books as well, it's worth it. Start with the Hobbit, then read the LotR trilogy. Then, even though it takes place a long time before, read The Silmarillion after that because, despite being a prequel, I found it worked better when I read it after because it ties up some loose ends and explains schtuffz. Then, if you're still bored, move onto Unfinished Tales, and your journey through Middle Earth will be almost over.

Then do it all again.

There's no way I'm reading those super long books when there are movies and supplementary material. Unsure if the local library has The Hobbit films, though; definitely not gonna buy or go out of my way to find them all, that's for darn sure. I guess I'll watch them as they come. Also, I just read about The Silmarillion and Unfinished whatever on Wikipedia, and there are no movies on that, so...

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