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Things That Are on Your Mind


If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory

Feb 23, 2011
Today turned out to be okay at work. I spent four hours breaking down the truckload, taking out the trash (etc.), and conditioning various produce for the green rack. Very minimal contact with customers, thankfully. Offered to stay over, because someone decided to call in, but things went so well that I didn't even have to. Altogether a pretty swell day.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
I finally managed to watch a bit of this year's Mardi Gras parade coverage and there was a segment on these things being installed to help with the celebrations:


I think they're a pretty cool idea.
Feb 23, 2011
Rosetta (Rosalina)'s movements are so trippy and awkward in Sm4sh. She looks so ungraceful and dopey. She's like a female version of Luigi, but more awkward and flighty. Drunken princess kung fu.
Feb 23, 2011
Never thought I'd be saying this, especially so soon, but I miss seeing all that snow on the ground. It's kinda hard to get excited to see the grass when it's all dead and I see nothing but trash, debris, and cigarette butts every stinkin' where. At least the snow hid all of that and made everything pretty for a while; that is, until the snow turned all brown and yucky because of cars and whatnot. Oh well, whatever. Springtime is nigh, and all that crap's likely gonna get cleaned up eventually.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I had a simply fantabulous day at the Snowmobile races today. I got to watch my friend win 4 times out of 6 (drag racing), and being just one race away from gold! I also quite enjoyed ripping around on the hill, plowing through trees, and even successfully rolling the sled (that was fun but it was kinda scary haha).

Overall a good day! :)
22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - octorok74: Kitsu is the worst member ever, of all time. 22:57 - 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