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The Russian Reversal Game!


...No your other left
Jun 13, 2010
Missouri, USA
The Russian Reversal Game!!!
"In Soviet Russia, Game Plays YOU!!"


Post the best Russian Reversal you can think of.*

If you don't know what Russian Reversal is: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Russian_reversal_(joke)

You cannot use "the" or "a" and they must always begin with "In Soviet Russia" and end with "YOU!"

In Soviet Russia, road forks YOU!!
In Soviet Russia, cow tips YOU!!
In Soviet Russia, horse rides YOU!!

*NOTE: This is just for fun, nothing racist please.

In Soviet Russia, Force Feels YOU!!
In Soviet Russia, Cow Milks YOU!!


Feb 25, 2010
In soivet russia cancer gets killed by YOU!
Also there is already a thread like this, but its zelda theamed, so its okay.

Michael Heide

The 8th Wise Man
Oct 15, 2010
Cologne, Germany
The original Russian Reversals by Yakov Smirnoff were thinly veiled critique of the Orwellian methods of the Soviet Union. "In Soviet Russia, television watches you" was not random silliness, but justified paranoia. I think they still work best when they have some sort of political subtext.

In Soviet Russia, politician has checks and balances for you.
In Soviet Russia, search engine googles you.
Dear NWA: In Soviet Russia, Police ***** you.

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