Hey! I want to join, as is made evident by the character description below [>.>]. If you're cool with four chicks, that's great, but since there are two guys this far, I can make a male character instead. If it helps. For now, here's my female character.
Name: Anni(short for Danielle) Age:13
Appearance: Slim, blonde hair typically in a ponytail, T-shirt and shorts. Silver necklace with a sharply cut Knot of Isis pendant--seriously, it's like a tiny knife.
Skill Set: She can climb really well-too many hours spent alone in the Washington State woods. She can also open a coconut/can with her bare hands and a rock, and not drop any milk/soup.
Background: Her parents could afford quite a bit of stuff, but they never offered her anything, and never answered her requsts. She's been living alone in the house for as long as she can remember--cooking her own meals, doing homework herself, they rarely ever speak to her. Her only friend at the stiff private school moved away a month ago, and Anni's been alone ever since. She literally had to book her own plane seat and cruise ticket with her mom's credit card to come along. It was paradise on the ship--lots of people to talk to, tons of stuff to do, all the food she wanted, no prep necesary... And then the ship crashed.
Supplies Before Crash: 5 Rolls of duct tape, tank top and spare shorts that could work as an extra change of clothes. A book(specifcally: Hatchet. A light read, but still)