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Majora's Mask Skull Kid, an Innocent Victim of a Terrible Fate?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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Skull kid is seen as a villian in majora's mask, though some of what he did was not his fault. I'm not saying what he did can be justified, in fact if he hadn't been mugging people then the whole thing could have been avoided. so what caused him to do such things, read on to find out

Accoding to the happy mask salesman, skull kid mugged him in the woods and found majora's mask. Curiosity got the better of him and he put it on. Soon after Skull kid starts doing mean things. Then he starts doing downright bad stuff, such as infesting the temples with monstors, and worst of all, attenpting to blow up the world by crashing the moon into the earth. As you can tell this guys got major Issues.
To find out what drove him to do such things we must explore the dark history of Majora's mask.

Apparently the Mask once belonged to a ancient tribe, who used it in hexing rituals, but inevitably the mask got too powerful, so fearing its power the tribe sealed it away. the tribe vanished but its legacy lived on. Majora's mask amplifies ones fears, hate, and behavior. In skull kids case his mischievous side was amplified to a level considered by most to be alot more mean than an average prank. Though there were other factors involved with his actions such as his fear of losing freinds and his hate of the 4 giants. In the game you learn that Skull kid was once befreinded by the giants, but soon after they are all called away for a greater duty. Skull kid doesn't understand, so he assumes that they no longer want to be freinds with him. So he starts doing mean thing, and is then banished for his actions by the giants.

At the end of the game it turns out that skull kid was merly a puppet for majora. Though a perfect example of how skull kid feels is when you go inside the moon. there you find a giant tree there are 4 kids running around it wearing the masks of Odowla, Ghot, Gyorg, and Twinmold. They repersent the 4 giants because thay all seem to be freinds, though there is a fifth kid who is not playing, he is sitting next to the tree wearing Majora's mask. That kid represents Skull kid. Skull kid feels like an outcast who has no freinds.

In the end everything turns out right, but who's to blame?
Skull kid, after all he was the one who started the whole thing...
The happy mask salesman, he went looking for the mask, he should have left it alone, he thought he was keeping the mask safe, his intentions were good, it just backfired on him.
So is there anyone to blame? If anyone blame majora its all his fault that he uses people to do his evil will. lets face it, Skull kids not evil, he was just a innocent victim of a terrible fate that no one had control over.

So what do you all think? Do you agree or dissagree? feel free to comment, and tell me how I did for my first thread in a very long time.


I agree with you for the most part. It seems that the biggest idea with Majora was that it brought some sort of suffering or punishment to the people of Termina. Thinking about it, these cruel deeds may be Majora using Skull Kid as a pawn, but it also may very well be Majora making Skull Kid suffer by making friends that much harder to get. He even seems to push Tael away slightly. This doesn't justify Skull Kids motive for stealing from people like with the Happy Mask Salesman, but it could explain his motives during the gameplay. Just a thought though.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
I agree that Skullkid was a victim of Majora, but if you read his backstory he's not that nice a guy. He devastates Termina, mugged (theorized to have killed) the Happy Mask Salesman, and who knows what was going on with those portraites in the skulltula house? Skullkid is actually a pretty bad, if not entirely evil, character, but he's redeemed in the end.

I'm actually more interested in his origin. I mean we hear he went up to the heavens but later escaped. What's up with that.


Are you serious?!?
Feb 6, 2013
In a bottle
I have always felt bad for the skull kid, especially the way he is discarded like a rag doll before you head up into the moon.

I think that the four giants have to shoulder a little bit of blame as well, as they rejected skull kid's friendship, leading him onto his original crime spree. I don't think that anyone is entirely responsible for the actions of another, but the rejection and hurt of losing their friendship clearly had a significant impact on Skull Kid which may have led him to act out in such an aggressive manner.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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I agree that Skullkid was a victim of Majora, but if you read his backstory he's not that nice a guy. He devastates Termina, mugged (theorized to have killed) the Happy Mask Salesman, and who knows what was going on with those portraites in the skulltula house? Skullkid is actually a pretty bad, if not entirely evil, character, but he's redeemed in the end.

I'm actually more interested in his origin. I mean we hear he went up to the heavens but later escaped. What's up with that.

Really, Ive never heard of that... were did you hear that at?
Sep 27, 2012
Lost Woods, Oregon
Skull kid was a pawn of Majora, and as already mentioned, he wasn't exactly a nice person to begin with. He is, however, a terrific villain.
Last edited:


Gardener of Elysium
Jan 21, 2013
Academia de Hyrule
Skullkid wasn't innocent, nor was he a villain. Five minutes into MM I was like,"It's the mask." and when Majora revealed itself I was like, "Yep." Throughout the game I knew he wasn't doing these things on purpose but even before he got the mask he did some bad stuff. He mugged people and pulled some pretty serious "pranks" but nothing that wasn't outside the realm of the common criminal. And then he gets the mask. Its always been my personal theory that he, maybe subconsciously, almost invited Majora in. So no, I don't think he was innocent and even though he wasn't the villain he shouldn't get off scotch free. I mean, big deal, he was misunderstood, his friends left him, but that doesn't mean he needs to mug people and steal their powerful magical objects, e.g. Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, and then use them to kill everybody. But on the flip side Majora was controlling him, so....its just a complicated subject.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Skull Kid is the classic example of the kid who doesn't know what to do with power. There's a reason why you don't let kids be in reach of guns, pills, et cetera. That is because they can kill people whether with intent or not. Skull Kid is exactly that. He gets power (in a rage, mind you), and from there he just does whatever because hey, he can. He's got a BFG but the mind of a child, of course he doesn't know the difference between a little fun and actually screwing with people's lives.

On the other hand, Majora has a huge influence. Near endgame, he says to Link:
A puppet that can no longer be used is mere garbage. This puppet's role has just ended...
So yeah, Majora is easily the source of the evil. This, again, does not mean that SK gets off with a clean slate - he still committed the crimes whether fully conscious of his decisions or not.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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Skullkid wasn't innocent, nor was he a villain. Five minutes into MM I was like,"It's the mask." and when Majora revealed itself I was like, "Yep." Throughout the game I knew he wasn't doing these things on purpose but even before he got the mask he did some bad stuff. He mugged people and pulled some pretty serious "pranks" but nothing that wasn't outside the realm of the common criminal. And then he gets the mask. Its always been my personal theory that he, maybe subconsciously, almost invited Majora in. So no, I don't think he was innocent and even though he wasn't the villain he shouldn't get off scotch free. I mean, big deal, he was misunderstood, his friends left him, but that doesn't mean he needs to mug people and steal their powerful magical objects, e.g. Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, and then use them to kill everybody. But on the flip side Majora was controlling him, so....its just a complicated subject.

I was not trying to say he is innocent, In fact I mentioned in the thread very early, that skull kid was not innocent, that If he hadn't been mugging people then the whole thing could have been avoided. Skull did bad things but was redeemed in the end. Skull kid is not a nice person, he did some bad stuff, some of it was the mask fault, yet in ways it was also skull kids fault, but you can't hold a grudge against him for what he did. He was just a little messed up and confused thats all.

On the other hand, the happy mask salesman is just as weird... he is no ordinary mask salesman, in fact, I think he may have been a part of the tribe who used the mask in those hexing rituals, but then sezled it away. The tribe vanished, so how would the happymask salesman know all that stuff about the masks orgins?? In ways he probably was also a major cause of the whole thing. He probably was wanting to get the tribe back together to protect the mask, so he let himself get mugged. He needed link to help him get the mask, and all he could do is hope the tribe was still around. Weither he got them back together, we don't know but he sure did make one big wake up call. The guy also tells his intentions in hints in this quote: “whenever there is a meeting, A parting is sure to follow. However, that parting need not last forever. Whether a parting be forever or merely a short time... that is up to you." He is hinting that he wants to get the tribe back together. In the end his intentions of gaurding the mask together with the tribe, was good, but his method was not...


Darkest of all Dark Links
Oct 28, 2012
So yeah, Majora is easily the source of the evil. This, again, does not mean that SK gets off with a clean slate - he still committed the crimes whether fully conscious of his decisions or not.

In theory yes...but in game...nobody cares. They shrug, say "Oh well, not his fault" and move on.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
In theory yes...but in game...nobody cares. They shrug, say "Oh well, not his fault" and move on.

What does it matter of what in-game clusters of data care? The text, coupled with a bit of inference, dictates that Skull Kid indeed did the things of his own whim. ;)

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