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Seven Dragons RP

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Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
(@TD-lol yeah, sorry if you got left behind)

*peers of into distance*
Cyrus: "Yeah I see the tree line. I brought a hammock. After all if there's one thing better than climbing trees it's sleeping in them."
*grins but also notes Lothar's comment on being attacked*
Cyrus: "I doubt we will. I have...an 'aura' of sorts. I guess you could say I inherited it from my mother."


Soldier for Christ!
Jan 29, 2011
(yeah, you guys are fast. XD)


After about an hour’s journey Takaya reached the Kitan dock. She looked around, looking for a boat that could take her to Sovlain the fastest. She spotted a medium sized boat with many men going on and off taking boxes and barrels with them. She walked up to a man surveying the boat.

"Excuse me; are you the captain of this ship?"

"Yes I am. And what can I do for ya?" The man asked.

"I need a ride to Sovlain. Can you get me there?"

"Sure, as long as you can pay." The man rubbed his fingers back and forth on his right hand.

"I don't have money, but I can do some work." Takaya said hopefully.

"No deal. I only take money; I've got plenty of men for work."

Takaya, saddened by what the man said, continued to ask around for a boat. After all of them had rejected her she found it hopeless.

Now how will I help the queen? I can't even get to Sovlain!

She decided to sit by the boats and wait for someone to notice her and take her to Sovlain. Even if she stayed there all night.

Chilfo Freeze

Emma Jean Stone
Sorry for the quickness! I should probably slow down a bit, of all people.

Feelora: *turns to Lothar* Yes, I've got a couple things. Like I said earlier, I have some rope. I also have a water-proof blanket, but it only fits one person.

*starts to take these two things out of her bag. She dashes off to two trees that look quite sturdy, so she ties a rope between the two, pulling tight on the knots. she then unfolds the blanket and throws it over the rope. She places big rocks at each of the four corners to hold it in place. After finishing, she wipes her hands together and puts her hands on her hips. She turns to the others.*

Okay! Who wants it? *grins widely and proudly at her work*

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
*begins to tie up hammock*
Cyrus: "Nah, I'm good. I like the heights best. It gives me a better view of everything."
*nods toward the ground*
Cyrus: "Besides, the...um...uh...power's 'aura' get's stronger at night, especially on the ground."

(time to reign in this horse a bit :lol:)


Seek a door that carries a [9]
Mar 22, 2012
Nevada Test Site
Xaviar: I'm good... Cyrus and Lothar are ninjas heh heh. I'm sure whatever 'aura' you have, Cyrus, is just fine. I doubt any of us will die... maybe me... but still haha.


Sage of the Dark Forest
Mar 3, 2012
Deku Palace, Termina
Lothar: "Many thanks, Feelora, but I will be fine with my own food."
Lothar: *Scurries up to the top of the tree and settles down on nothing but the thin branches*
Lothar: "I will keep watch for the first part of the night."
Lothar: *Glances down at Cyrus who is about 8 meters below him*
Lothar: "Cyrus shouldeth taketh the next watch. I will awaken him soon. And Xavier... I will make sure thee livest. Do not say such things about thyself."

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
*takes bread*
Cyrus: "Thanks Feelora."
*climbs tree and looks up to Lothar*
Cyrus: "Yeah, I'll take watch after you. No problem."
*settles into hammock while eating*
Cyrus: "Xaviar, the 'aura' isn't that special. It's dark magic basically. My mother was a witch well practiced in the dark arts. She died shortly after giving birth to me and I received some of her power. All I know is that at night my senses heighten a bit and people tell me that I sort of give off a cold chill. That's why I called it the 'aura'."
*rolls over in hammock*
Cyrus: "But like I said it's nothing special. G'night!"

Chilfo Freeze

Emma Jean Stone
Feelora: *shrugs and puts bread back into her bag. She then proceeds to crawl under her quaint tent, curling up, holding her bag in her grasp with one arm, and extending the other arm underneath her head to be used as a pillow. She can't see any of the others, so she just calmly says...*

Goodnight. Rest well, everyone. The next night, I will gladly take the next shift for half the night.

*She shuts her eyes and attempts to lucid dream, as she always does*


Seek a door that carries a [9]
Mar 22, 2012
Nevada Test Site
Xaviar: *attempts to climb a tree* *doesn't get very far so he just sits on a branch* *grabs one of Freelora's ropes and ties himself to the branch* (kind of like in the Hunger Games. lawl) .... *whispers* goodnight... *knows he won't sleep very well so he just stares into the night sky until he slowly drifts to sleep*

(lol "the next morning" anyone... annnyyyone?)


Seek a door that carries a [9]
Mar 22, 2012
Nevada Test Site
(hmmm... depends on the night event. Maybe we could have a bandit attack or something. If not we can just go straight for "the next morning". Either way works.)
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