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Game Thread Rag's CHAOS MAFIA √−i by Ragnarokio (NOT BY STORM) [GAME THREAD]

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I don't know if the cult is definitely hostile or not. I would assume so due to my role, but I can't guarantee that.

Numbers' reasoning is fair and makes sense. I'm not quite sure if I'm on board with it, but I understand his thought process so I don't think it necessarily comes from a scummy place. Though Numbers is smart, so he could still know what to push in a legitimate way as scum. He is correct that this is a deviation from how Ex would normally act, since he's usually about trying to let everyone win if they can. However, seeing as this is Chaos Mafia by Rag, I can't discount the fact that there might be a weird role that is town and absolutely needs cult gone. I want to believe that scum Ex would go about this way differently if he were just uncultable scum, because he should know if he is uncultable scum that people would likely call him out for the way he presented the idea of there being a cult and suspect that he might be uncultable scum.

Kinda wanna town lean Caps. Just for the fact of what he's said about his role. No clue what his role is, but just the way he mentioned that his role suggests that there could be a cult after rereading it and saying that Ex bringing up the existence of a cult helps him better utilize his role just sounded more towny than scum. Not a hard read though.

Something Dawning said gave me pause, I'd have to go back and find it to remember what exactly. However, I don't know if it's AI. I usually have a hard time reading DW, but after thinking about it I actually want to slightly town read them as well. From what I've seen, scum DW likes to take one person and focus on pushing them right off. Town DW seems more inquisitive, trying to get a bearing on things. Which seems more like this game.

Fext probably cult leader. Lmao.

Storm is hard to read but at the moment I'm slightly wary of him. He's usually an easy push, so I don't want to full on scum read him until I see more. But the main reason I'm wary is because he seems more level headed so far, and I get that sense more from scum Storm. However, he did mention irl stuff so that is a possible reason why he's not been his usual self. Just want to put out this read of him incase it's more relevant later on.
Hey I've been working on reads stuff I guess.

I need everyone to tell me who they love most out of the players in the players list. GO!
Or storm already said it wasn't a claim? Lol
ExLight(2): Minish, Caps
Minish(1): ExLight
You can't unlove, but also it will be helpful. And it would be greatly appreciated if everybody could love somebody today
Most of these posts are about the whole "loving" thing. I can't really do much with that because I genuinely have no clue whether or not it's pointless fluff or something that actually adds something to the game.

Ayy, I can confirm this. I am not the cult however. I just know of an existence of one.

Which makes me wanna town read Ex. Or at least believe he's a separate 3rd party.
Whatcha thinking?
I'm not gonna focus on any one of these posts, but I'd like to note that the only person she's focused on is Ex. Idk if that's indicative of anything but it's slightly odd to me. More odd is Minish not doing anything. Minish not doing things once people are talking and speculating is something I think comes more from scum Minish than town Minish. Though she hasn't been in

Vote: Minish

Why do you believe that and why was numbers your first target?
These are reasonable questions under most circumstances though probably NAI. I'm under the impression that Squid forgot about the rule that answering these questions would break but that's also not really AI.

Never seen a game immediately start out with “find cult leader” lol. I don’t even know what role would hint at that being a case.
I wasn’t rolefishing. I asked the same questions as dawning did we just asked at the same time. Nice stretch though ig
I do not like this post. It feels defensive about something that did not seem worth defending against and attempts to call out hypocrisy that doesn't exist. (I talked about why I didn't like this post before but it maybe wasn't clear that I didn't like it so I'll give them a pass for not having reponded.

Yea I don’t think it will be very easy singling out the cult leader d1. We have trouble finding mafia day 1 to begin with lol
What if ex and/or minish are cult and they are trying to throw us off
I commented on how I felt about this being the case but I will say that this is the closest thing they have to a read and it is not getting us very far. Also I find it slightly eyebrow raising that they express doubt at the possibility of singling out a cult leader immediately before attempting to single out the cult leader.

I need to learn mafia lingo
I played a bit years ago but there’s a lot of terms y’all use that we didn’t used to use lol
If you need someone to explain any words to you I can try but also half my definitions of these terms are probably only semi-accurate.

ill give dawning a love for this statement
In that case I hate you extra.

Leaning a bit scum on Squid.

why eod have to be at 5 am for me :/
Neither of these tell us vey much.

why do multiple people know about the existence of a cult.

but I also had a thought that he is either town or 3p but not mafia
I kinda agree with this take on Ex? It's probably at least the most similar to where I've been at but the lack of any explanation as to why this is her take is weird.

i dont think asking someone to elaborate on their softed info is same as rolefishing
I can't do words I guess.

Asking why people do things is moderately helpful, though its something scum who aren't doing much might do to try and add to the conversation.

I'm just going to lynch scummy people and not pay too much attention to distinguishing cult and Mafia early on tbh
I liked the post because I agree that informing of existence of a 3p early in game is Towny however I also think we shouldn't try to focus on finding cult leader over mafia instead of doing normal scumhunting. Getting cult leader D1 would be best obviously but its also very convoluted to try singling them out
I agree that singling out the cult leader at this point could be difficult, for someone who says she's just gonna focus on lynching anyone scummy I sure haven't seen a lot of that.

In Storm's game I don't remember he gave early reads or listed reads at all other than when he had mech info? Also I actually do think his reads are based on NAI stuff IMO anyone can make the post I made
Okay so she finds Caps to be different from Storm's game I guess and that his reads are based on NAI stuff. But she doesn't comment on whether or not she's inclined to read him one way or another based on that? Stating that someone's playing a bit differently doesn't always mean that you think their alignment is different?

OK fair enough
I'm gonna be honest I forgot what this was a response to and I am not gonna go find it because I don't feel like it'd affect my read on her.

Overall: Feeling mildly scummy? She's talked about scumhunting but hasn't actually done any, and feels like she's not really commiting to many thoughts on players besides Ex.

Why did I even make this spoiler.

We're in a heavily bastard style mafia game so any fears about the power of a cult are justified. Nothing screams game-ending like a bastard cult.
Adds a bit on his take on the existance of a cult.

That wasn't a claim. They're just describing themself.
States that he does not believe Storm to be claiming

I've seen an immortal player die to a mod kill. Some people cried. There was anger. I was laughing.
This adds nothing to the game at all.

I'm gonna tentatively call this lack of engagement something I associate more with a town KoD? I feel like scum KoD based on the one game I've seen of his is more prone to find every available fight to pick. Admittedly Town KoD tends to too so this is not strong but I did feel like scum KoD leaned more into the argue with everyone thing. That said I'd like to see more content from him.

Full disclosure I'm multi tabbing and one of these games is the single worst mafia experience I've ever had. My WiM is immeasurably low.

I dunno how I'm going to play but I do know I'll try my hardest to win, I just probably won't be around as much as I usually am.
This is her only post since confirming. It says she's not gonna be around a ton but I'd like to see something from her. I don't think low activity is scum-indicative for her as scum Neon is from my understanding just as high-activity as town Neon but it'd be really cool if she did something AI.

Lets stop pussyfooting around this catastrophe.
Vote: Minish
They have been scum cursed for so long in most games they're in. I know Minish is,Scum from Meta, and nothing more
RVS on Minish. This sorta RVS and its continuation in the next post is NAI I think at the stage he did this.
One Juggernaut at a time.
Better to early game Lynch Minish than to let her scheme.

Im An Immortal Town so hey
Never stated my role. I just said i am a town is all
He kinda backtracked on the immortal thing? I didn't really take it seriously to begin with but okay.

Nothing game-wise, Caps. Just some life stuff going on. Ill gather what i got and give you a summary about what i notice in the morning
Hopefully that contains something AI because I do not know how to read this slot.

This section felt like a waste of time because I feel like I've come to no new conclusions.

I was gonna wait till I finished this to post it but people are talking again so instead I'm gonna do the remaining few as the thread moves along so I can try to respond to things as they happen. Also I did Min's section before her latest post obviously so I'm gonna come back to that in a bit. Sorry that most of the people talked about here are the ones who haven't done much I picked a spot towards the middle of the list and have been working my way out and apparently that's where all the people who haven't done anything are.


Staff member
I would think that a loverifier would be more of a town role, in which case Libk would probably just choose two people who seem least likely to be killed instead of outing possible lovers to Mafia?
I mean I'm just theorizing, idk what his role does
but in any case it would be likely to chain some mafia in it right? if a single mafia got loverfied they would be in a bit of an awkward situation

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I mean I'm just theorizing, idk what his role does
but in any case it would be likely to chain some mafia in it right? if a single mafia got loverfied they would be in a bit of an awkward situation

I mean sure, but it seems unlikely to catch Mafia in a chain like this, at least imo. And I know it's just speculation, I'm just countering the speculative ideas. Lol.

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