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Post Apocalyptic LoZ:OoT RP full


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Tennor gives a small grin, "Won't tell a soul," he promises, "But, y'know, if you ever wanna learn, I'm your guy," he steps up to the edge of the platform, "Ready?"


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
Rasul can now add Moon Slayer to his List of Accolades... so there's that... it's a terrible shame THAT THEY WRECKED HIS HOUSE BY BECOMING A MOON IN IT


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
( do you not read my posts? the one where Rasul went to Subrosi Mart and pretty Much bought 1000 bombs, 1000 arrows, etc.)


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
(Page 31. post 616)
"Maybe that would be best. wouldn't want to return to mailan with a Fishstick
Rasul enters the Market
"Hello and Welcome to market"
" Ballo, Subrosi"
"How can Me Help you?"
"Let me Take That Mirror Shield, ooh I want a Seed Satchel, That LongShot, ooh, and That Bomb Bag. do you have.. Oh My God you have a Bow and a Quiver. and I also want the upgrades"
" will you be paying with Rubies, ores, or"
Rasul lays 5 Gold Bars on the Table for the Subrosian Merchant
"Anything else I can help you with?"
" Are there any Subrosi non Grata around here?"
" Well there's Ol Red, but He's a furious Son of a Witch"
" Where Is he"
" He has a House about 300 feet East"
" Thank you. I will be back eventually"
Rasul exits the Merchant Shop
" There's a Subrosi Juice stand over here, Come on"
(Rasul came to kick ass and chew Bubblegum, without the gum)

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
Kiera woke up. Not quite sure where she was... was she dead? She attempted to sit up but a intense pain. That's when everything came back to her. She saw her sword in the ground to her left. She tried to grab it but she couldn't move her arm. She looked at herself to take an assessment of the damage. Her shirt was stained with blood a jagged point rose from under it. Probably a rib that had poked through the skin. She knew that at least two other ribs had been broken. She couldn't move her left arm. It seemed to be dislocated. She had a deep cut on her forehead. Her wing was bent, probably reinsured from the spirit temple. She was a mess but she was still alive. For now. She needed to get that rib under her skin again. Using her right hand she painfully pushed it back into place. She cried out in pain as she did this. She found an old cloth in her bag and pressed it against the puncture. Then she tied it to herself with a small rope. It would stop the bleeding and keep out infections. Next she popped her shoulder back into place. She clenched her teeth and got up slowly. She used her sword like a cane and searched for the others.


Mailan watches the water for a bit then sighs. "Yeah, okay." She lowers herself into the river and holds onto Tennor for dear life.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
((I like how Rasul falls hundreds of feet and just lands like "no biggie" while the person with an affinity for flight takes massive amounts of damage))
Tennor makes sure she's holding on tight, then starts swimming. He stays at the surface, so Mailan can breathe. It slows him down a little, but it's worth it regardless.
It takes maybe 10-15 minutes, but eventually they get within sight of Hyrule Field.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
(i had a parachute, and the bird only had 1 good wing)

Rasul looked for his allies. He had Iris. Ten and Mailan were elsewhere. Where is the Goron? Where is the bird?


"Oh Gods, thank you.." Mailan says as she spots Hyrule field. "And, uh, thanks to you as well, Tennor.." Still holding on with a iron grip, she kisses his cheek. "Now can we please get onto dry land...?"


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
When they reach the shore, Tennor coasts to a stop, then stands up. He'd considered jumping out like a dolphin, but decided against it with a rider. It was good to have a swim again - the desert had really dried him up, "How was that?"

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