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Pokéscum Mafia: The First Generation

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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Hello everybody! Professor Oak here. Welcome to the Pokémon Mafia game!

I have to ask before we begin: Are you a boy or a girl? I'm 95% blind so I can't really tell... meh, whatever, that's not important anyway. I'll just get straight to the point.


Kanto is in danger! For some unexplainable reason, the legendary Pokémon known as Mewtwo has taken over the minds of the three legendary birds, and is now going around trying to kill all of the innocent Pokémon of Kanto! The power of Mewtwo is nearly unbeatable, so you are all going to have to team up in an attempt to beat him! But here's the catch: Mewtwo has used his incredible psychic powers to make his team as well as all of the innocent Pokémon of Kanto look exactly the same! So, you guys are going to have to lynch the most suspicious seeming ones one by one in an attempt to discover which body Mewtwo is hiding in.

But tread with caution, as there may be some Pokémon thieves wandering about...


- Unless it is in designated discussion areas, there will be absolutely no discussing the game outside of the game thread
- Days will last 5 IRL days, nights will last 2
- There will be absolutely no night posting, except for one anti-merge by a randomly selected play. I am not going to lock the thread at night, so make sure you don't post. Any breakers of this rule will be modkilled/replaced. The only exception will be if my night scene happens to ninja somebody's post, but make sure it is very clear that I ninja'd you
- You may vote No-Lynch, but only once throughout the entire game
- You may vote for an extension, but only twice. Extensions will extend the day by 2 IRL days
- Maximum of 3 roleclaims will be allowed in this game. Any more will get you modkilled/replaced
- Softclaims are allowed at any time
- Absolutely no name claiming
- Vote and unvote in this format: Vote: Player name; Unvote. If they are not in bold, they will not be counted
- NO EDITING POSTS! You may double post using EBWODP, but absolutely do not edit any posts. I am enforcing this rule very strictly
- Do not use anything outside the game as evidence; this includes the activity stream, the who's online list, your own role pm, etc. Referencing previous games to help analyze a particular person's playstyle, however, is allowed.
- If you refer to me, please put my name in bold to make it easier to spot
- This game will include a 2 post quota for all days. This is to keep people active and not let the game die. There will be no chances. Failure to follow this will result in a modkill/replacement
- You may spam a little, but please don't let it get out of hand. On days following day 1, keep all spam to a minimum.
- If no majority vote is reached, the player with the most votes at the end of the day will be lynched
- In the event of a tie, there will be a No-Lynch

The Living:

1. Sadia
2. Fig
3. LittleGumball
4. Peachy
5. A Link In Time
6. ~Mizuki~
7. Stitch
8. DekuNut
9. PokaLink
10. 43ForceGems
11. Repentance
12. Blackkirby
13. Kokirion
14. Deku Shroom
15. Celeboy
16. goomboo
17. Justac00lguy
18. Pendio
19. musicfan
20. fused_shadows
21. Thareous

The Dead

0. Mases


With 21 people alive, 11 votes is majority. The day will end on Friday, August 22, 2014 at 11:59PM PST

Good luck and have fun! :)
Last edited:


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Our Lord and Savior Mases is already dead? ;___;

Vote: Tharnold


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
Vote: Ash Ketchum

We have to kill him before he turns 11...if that happens the entire Pokemon world would turn into chaos.


Collecting Dust
Sep 27, 2010
Some sick, twisted combination of 2 mario characters! What monster would do this?!


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Vote: Ash Ketchum

We have to kill him before he turns 11...if that happens the entire Pokemon world would turn into chaos.

That's assuming Ash is even a character in this game. If anything I think it would make more sense that the Pokemon would be the ones doing the fighting since 1. Ash wasn't strong enough to fight Mewtwo in the first movie, 2. Red is the only person to capture Mewtwo and that's based on Pokemon Origins, not the original Gen I (Gen I has no Mega Evolution concept whereas Origins did).


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
That's assuming Ash is even a character in this game. If anything I think it would make more sense that the Pokemon would be the ones doing the fighting since 1. Ash wasn't strong enough to fight Mewtwo in the first movie, 2. Red is the only person to capture Mewtwo and that's based on Pokemon Origins, not the original Gen I (Gen I has no Mega Evolution concept whereas Origins did).

You have to realize that obvious joke is obviously a joke :D
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