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Orchestrated Music in SS Confirmed?


Mrs. Austin
Dec 6, 2009
I saw this on ZU, I'm not sure if this has already been mentioned but:

"During the Q&A session, a question was put to Shigeru Miyamoto about the music of Skyward Sword, whether it would have orchestral music or not. Miyamoto sidestepped the question a bit and said “I don’t think we could do what we did with Mario Galaxy 2 and not try to match that with Zelda.”

While this is not a clear-cut “yes” it certainly can be read as such."

So, does this mean our dreams are finally realized and Zelda SS will be fully orchestrated? If so, I am going to be totally ecstatic beyond belief.


Dec 3, 2008
I don't know what the hell ZU is talking about, because on the feed of the developer round table that I was watching, it said that Miyamoto said that many new people were set to work on the sound track of Zelda Wii. And that they want to do the same thing as Super Mario Galaxy 2.

So, I suppose that it is confirmed. I guess orchestrated music will be nice. I really liked SMG2's music, but I hope they make it Zelda like...


nine thousand and one.
Jun 15, 2010
If we do get legitimate orchestrated music for SS, I'll cry.
And even though it's not even out, I'll claim it to be my favorite regardlessly. ='D

Phantom Zelda

Mostly Harmless
May 25, 2010
East Clock Town
I saw that article too and I really hope the music in this one is awesome :) From what I'm hearing it sounds really good and might beat WW as my favorite music game but we'll have to see...

Hero Of Spirits

Champion of Cyrodiil
Feb 25, 2010
Cyrodiil, Tamriel
As some of you know, I'm a saxophonist & an Ocarina player. If this rumour is true, it'll be very good news. Hopefully, they'll make the music sound epic just like Twilight Princess & Spirit Tracks, maybe even better. & maybe, they'll release some official sheet music, or something. I've always wanted to play some of the SSBB remixes in a band. That would be cool.


~The Wolf~
May 1, 2010
I've heard rumors about that, but I agree, If so, SS being a fully orchestrated game will be brilliant!

:triforce: The Seventh Hierarch :triforce:
May 26, 2010
I'm sorry, this is a stupid and embaressing question. What does it exactly mean when its "orchestrated? I have an idea, but I'm not positive what it means. Someone please explain.


It'll be sweet if it's fully orchestrated. The music can really help or hurt a game.


Infinite Dreamer
Nov 21, 2010
Storybrooke, Maine
The way Miyamoto worded his answer has me a bit uneasy.

“I don’t think we could do what we did with Mario Galaxy 2 and not try to match that with Zelda.”

It sounds like he's reluctant to say yes, because he doesn't want to commit himself to it in case he decides not to go through with it.
See what I'm saying?

Though the GDC trailer music does have me hopeful for orchestration in the game.

On a side note, while orchestrated tracks would make me quite happy, I don't see why many people have such a problem with non-orchestrated tracks. There's no rule that an excellent track needs to be orchestrated to be at it's best. Case in point: I love dragon roost island just the way it is. In fact, I think it would have actually lost some of its charm had it been orchestrated, in place of sounding more *epic*.

I'm sorry, this is a stupid and embaressing question. What does it exactly mean when its "orchestrated? I have an idea, but I'm not positive what it means. Someone please explain.

You could just check a dictionary you know. ^^
Dec 24, 2010
Well, the music in the latest trailer is. Why would they make that orchestrated and then not the game?

TP's trailer music was orchestrated as well. But the in-game music wasn't.
A trailer is a promotional video, of course it has to have the best music quality possible. It doesn't mean
the game itself will have orchestrated music. So I'm just waiting for an actual, clear confirmation from Nintendo.
Nov 27, 2010
If this game doesn't have fully orchestrated music I am going to be very angry because its been in development for a LONG time. I hope the music is as catchy as ST (if there was one thing ST got right it was that main theme) and not just a remix of an old zelda theme (TP Hyrule field). Don't get me wrong, I love most of the music in almost every zelda game, but new things are always great for the series.

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