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Open Mapped Zelda



I love the way zelda is set -up, the story is awesome, but these games dont take much time to beat, so they die out faster than other games. what nintendo needs to do is to make an open world Zelda, where you may do the main quest or do 100s of side quests taht are relevent to the main quest. they should do something like The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, where you start out as link, but through your action and the way to treat people and help or kill people, link becomes a character that is just like you. plus this game needs a level-system, where at certain levels you can get upgrades, like chainmail or a steel bow etc.

just an idea, but think about it, being able to say i dont wanna beat the forest temple, ill go get sum armor n stuff first, and even after uve finished the game(which wen u save zelda teh game doesnt restart), u still have a TON of side quests to do. they could also make hylian field Giant, with little villages all over the place.

use OoT as a template, since thats the closest to the original story. MM, TP and others are just knock offs the main story


Todo is the pfuf!
Apr 28, 2011
1: Go play Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
2: Quit trying to mix two superb genres together. The result won't be nearly as good as either of them.

Besides, Morrowind, Arena, Daggerfell; all better leveling system that Oblivion (has/plays all games in the TES series). If you're going to propose a combination system, use the better one. :)

And as far as "Original Story", go Play Legend of Zelda. That is the original, and besides the manual there is practically zero story. Each major game has changed things; just because OoT is most popular doesn't mean it's original, nor does it mean that anything coming in later is a "knock-off". They're very different, amazing adventure games that happen to be deeply interconnected, if you care to look for that. Otherwise, they're all great as stand-alone titles, nonetheless.


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
1: Go play Legend of Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
i was gonna say that! Thank Goodness I didn't, huh? :lol:

but seriously, Zelda II is the weirdest of the Zelda series. it's an RPG, the only Zelda one i'm aware of... =\ yeah... whatever...


zelda II i have beaten and all i can say its over the top hard, annoying. as far as combining im not saying put oblivion and zelda ina blender and deal with it i was using it as an example. zelda needs to have a lot to do i dont mind doing the same basic story over and over but there got to be more to it than just save zelda game over. yes i am aware that most of the zeldas have side quests, but i wouldnt even count them as side quests, there more of little favors than anything, cause 90% of the time u just get money or a PoH, and they dont really require you to go out and do sumthing, its just too simple!!! i can beat most of the zelda in under 24 hours, but ive owned oblivion for 2 years and still have 5-6 active quests to do. THATS what i want, to constantly have something to do. cant wait for skyrim!!

i will give ya props fo the NES LoZ, since that is THE original story, all was sayin is OoT is VERY close the original jsut take the time travel and boom its LoZ again.
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Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
This belongs in World of Zelda.

My opinion: If you want TES, play TES. Zelda is Zelda. If all games should be molded after those that are "best" then there would be no variety in the gaming industry. Some people might like to play the same game for 400 hours, while others might like to play the same game five times for 80 hours each time. Zelda games are ones that are easy to get into and play, and leave memories to relive through playing again if you wish to do so. They serve a completely different function than providing one story that you can prolong through the creation of new memories.


I disagree with you :/ I think that the Zelda series has earned a reputation that doesn't need to be changed to fit the framework of other genres.


no it doesnt need to be changed, but say expanded. ive worked in the gaming industry for awhile, till i was fired for honesty (YES HONESTY), and tho your right about the variety of games, its still is happening. ive seen one game come out with a new way of doing things, then watch everyone else use that. zelda has gone in a LOT of different directions when it comes to story, so seeing one thats similar to another shouldnt be a huge shock. zelda pretty much paved the way for RPG games, as ull notice they all have similar story stuctures customized to that game. so why cant nintendo do the same? besides this is what this part of the forum is for, shooting ideas. its just an idea. nothing more. id rather post it here were zelda fans can see if it would work for them than going to a bethesda forum were i have been banned lmao. apparently u cant post about other games there, but there forums is more tech supporty
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Site Staff
Nov 24, 2009
Redmond, Washington
No, you can post about it here. In fact, I think this is a very good discussion. I can almost see your point now, and I think "expansion" might be good to some extent. But I still respectfully disagree with such a drastic change in purpose and structure.


well i was thinking about it and what they could do is just keep it the way it is and to expand it and make last longer is just have things happen, like ganon burned down a village and you gotta help fix it sumhow, or sumone was abducted and u gotta go find em, sumthing like that. there are soo many zelda games theyve pretty much covered all there bases on this genre, i get its a big change but theyve done huge changes to the story im saying dont do a big change to the story, do a big change to world, a change that allows me to keep playing for longer than a few hours. they could expand on the story a little. and they dont have to change the style of the game either they dont need to make it harder or more complex they can just put more temples or whatever. if they want ill help script it, i rescripted TLoZ ( it took 4 1/2 months, that game had a lot of problems).


Viceroy of Area 11
Dec 24, 2010
I disagree. They don't take much to beat??? I took my sweet time with Twilight Princess having fun and exploring the world. I spent 40 hours on that game and I have every intention of playing it again.


Not the marshmallow
Sep 2, 2010
Windfall Island
To me that actually sounds like a pretty cool idea, but yes, it just wouldn't be Zelda. Sounds maybe like a Zelda Online though which I think sounds pretty fun... although I know that's not happening any time soon :lol:


40 hours really isnt that long, even though it may seem so. some games i play go for years (literally), which is what i like. yea it may not be zelda-like but be real some zelda games go way off course so it isnt that extreme of an idea
Jan 27, 2011
isn't Majora's Mask something like that? i mean it's been said before Majora's Mask is more side quests than it is story, and the side quests do have some relivence to the story


That seems like there is no goal anymore. You know? What I mean is Link has always, in each game, had a prominent calling, and once you have beaten the game and completed his mission, I don't see why you would want to continue with smaller tasks for the sake of a longer game.


thats better than just beat ganon game over, u could say that your finishing up clean hyrule.
That seems like there is no goal anymore. You know? What I mean is Link has always, in each game, had a prominent calling, and once you have beaten the game and completed his mission, I don't see why you would want to continue with smaller tasks for the sake of a longer game.

yeeaaa i guess you could say that, but there all are very similar, witht he same reward. a mask.
isn't Majora's Mask something like that? i mean it's been said before Majora's Mask is more side quests than it is story, and the side quests do have some relivence to the story
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