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Logo Significance


Metanna! Nurunna!
Jul 4, 2010
In ever Zelda game since Majora's Mask, the title logo has incorporated something significant to the plot. Majora's Mask had the mask, Wind Waker had the King of Red Lions, Minish Cap had Ezlo, Twilight Princess with the Fused Shadow and Wolf Link, Phantom Hourglass with the hourglass, Spirit Tracks with the train, and now Skyward Sword...with the Crest of the Royal Family of Hyrule. Do you think this means that either Hyrule Kingdom is going to be founded or the actual meaning of the symbol will be revealed (why a bird)?
Jul 9, 2010
Zora Hall
The bird is present because Skyloft and Hyrule are united. (at least that's my prediction)

As in TP, the Occoa (those chicken people with nipples :P) said they once were united with the Hylians.

Even though I'd hate the Occoa re-appearance (cause they look stupid) it is likely


Metanna! Nurunna!
Jul 4, 2010
Yeah, I figured I'm not the first to note it. :)

As for the logo...I don't think it's going to change. At least not significantly. I do get a feeling we will be seeing City in the Sky (maybe the Oocoos used to be more humanoid like Link and Skyward Sword girl).


Game Over
Nov 9, 2009
Land of Shattered Hopes
This is probably a temporary logo put in place because the executives havent put work into the actual thing yet. I wouldnt theorize about it too much.

The actual thing will probably encorporate Zordiana/Adelle.


or khan he?
Jul 9, 2010
But didn't they usually just put NOTHING behind the title if it wasn't a final idea yet?


Metanna! Nurunna!
Jul 4, 2010
This is probably a temporary logo put in place because the executives havent put work into the actual thing yet. I wouldnt theorize about it too much.

The actual thing will probably encorporate Zordiana/Adelle.

UNLESS, if the Skyward Sword girl could also turn into a giant bird? And yes I agree with Eskhandar, a logo looks pretty much set. They had already given the game its proper subtitle.


or khan he?
Jul 9, 2010
Well I really think the logo for SS already fits well right now, they're like wings, right? Wings? Sky? To be free? Link jumping off in the trailer? Iuno it seems to all mesh in together pretty well.


Master Swordsman
Jun 28, 2010
I agree with Kung Fu, I don't think it will change, since the game is supposed to be an origin story. But I think it's possible that it does change

Ember, that doesn't look like it has a logo behind it(spirit tracks I mean), it just looks orange, clearly SS has a distinct logo


or khan he?
Jul 9, 2010
You sure? That smokeish thingy could really just be a backdrop.. unless its clearly defined to appear with the title?


Ask Me Why I Love The Photoshops
Jan 30, 2010
I think that the logo probably will have a big meaning to the game. Like you said, the logos of the other games have had something big to do with the games. So the logo I think will have some kind of impact on the plot.

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