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King of the Hill!


All Hail Yhtomit!
Mar 6, 2011
The Lost Woods
I then Fly down from the heavens and see that the Hill has been the spot for many evil deeds. I then purify it and bring back to heaven with me, leaving anything that was on the hill, on the ground. I then send an army of heaven Dogs to keep everyone Happy and busy while they have no hill.

In a way I claim the Hill. But it's in heaven now, so it's the Goddesses Hill as well.


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
Zelda is murdered by one of Narus's assassins and Link forces me to follow her to heaven to try to reason with the goddesses. They agree that she can return to earth, but on the condition that while she is there, she can never set foot off of the hill. We enlarge the hill and move Hyrule Castle so that it is sitting on it.

I give the hill to the royal family, but since Link and Zelda are such close friends, it's partially mine too. (My friends' as well)


Nine Tailed Hannya.
Feb 25, 2011
*the chibi wolf known as me runs in and tackles Link8 WOOF! WOOF! (Uh hello we need the hill because Zant AND Ganondorf are coming to get Zelda!!!! Please give me the hill!) Link agrees and give me the hill WOOOOF! (TANK YOU!) *I shrink the hill back to normal and put it in china. Woof... (my friends and I claim the hill again!)


All Hail Yhtomit!
Mar 6, 2011
The Lost Woods
I work hard hard and earn my favor from the Gods and they will grant me three wishes. I wished to be back on earth, on the Hill, and to not be Killed, Just ether Ko'D or badly injured. I then Give Babygoku some Lembas Bread for doing such a good job in Keeping the Hill.
We still have the Hill.


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
YOU JUST KILLED ZELDA! AAAAAAHHHHH! Song of time. (< A V < A V < >(up ctrl stick) > <(down ctrl stick) V(up ctrl stick) <(down ctrl stick) > A A(down ctrl stick) A(up ctrl stick) A) All is returned to normal, and I send you to the alternate timeline that I just created where you already have the hill. I also (just in case) convince the goddesses to let Zelda live her life out as normal, without needing the hill, but the hill still remains on Earth, because it has been purified now. I also post many guards to prevent Zelda being murdered again.

I claim the hill, share it with my friends, yada, yada, yada.


All Hail Yhtomit!
Mar 6, 2011
The Lost Woods
I go through a dark world portal and then from there use a magic mirror to return to the earth. I then Modify the Rifle I got a few posts ago, I make to where it cannot be transformed by magic, it's invinsable,It returns to me if lost, It can create portals out of thin air and it shoots lazers.I then go Ninja on you, steal the Ocarina of Time and take the three Christals away from you and hide them somewhere in the Universe to where only I know where it is. I then shoot my Rifle at you(set to stun) and stun all of you, I then shot indivigable portals at you and send you all to a different paradise, where you are really happy.

WE claim the Hill. And we ask all of you to vote for LOZ on the G4 Videogame Deathmatch:http://www.g4tv.com/deathmatch/best-franchises-2011/index.html#


All Hail Yhtomit!
Mar 6, 2011
The Lost Woods
I then Come Back after figuring it out, I come up and Ninja you like you Ninjad me. I push you down the Hill and you have fun rolling down it. then when it's over your Horrified to see grass stains on your clothes. and you Go to wash them.

We Claim the Hill.


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
I turn you into a ball of yarn, and give you as a present to the kittens in Castle Town.

I, and my friends, claim the hill


All Hail Yhtomit!
Mar 6, 2011
The Lost Woods
after a couple of Hours the spell wears off, and I return to the hill, walk up it, Kick you off and go off again to search another favor for the Godesess. After a couple days I return and earn the Godesess favor, which allows me to transform myself into anything I want to at any time. I walk up the Hill and throw down a cookie for you to eat.

I claim the hill.


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
I capture you in a magical containment unit, that happens to have a very small hole. You see the hole and try to use your transformation powers to escape, and turn yourself into mouse. You escape the containment unit and try to turn back into a human, but find that you can't. What you didn't know is that the containment unit was specially built for those who can shapeshift, and whatever they turn into when they are inside it, they are stuck as forever. You are now stuck as a mouse forever, and when you are reincarnated, you will be born as a mouse, for all eternity.

I claim the hill, and my friends do likewise (except the other hill and Pluto, who obviously don't have any limbs.)


Nine Tailed Hannya.
Feb 25, 2011
Since I'm not the one in the cage i sneak in and bring the hill to Maine somewhere you will never dear to look then turn into a demon wolf and gaurd the hill with my life and yes I killed zelda but this time with my paws not by taking her off the hill.


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
Since you're guarding the hill with your life I kill you, and take the hill and return it to it's rightful spot. Since you never actually bothered to check whether Zelda was dead or not, I see that she's breathing, and give her a bottle of Great Fairy's Tears.

I claim the hill in the name of my friends.

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