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How Long Do You Think It Will Take for You to Beat SS?


Jun 3, 2011
Im thinking since its around 90 hours of gameplay it might take me a month or 2. I played the demo and the dungeon was hard to figure out. I was starting to get a lead on it but the time ran out. But yea the longer it takes the more fun right.


Reviver of threads
Sep 8, 2011
I think it may take me over 100 hours, because I don't consider a game finished unless I've done EVERYTHING.


Apr 22, 2011
I've had it since friday and I'm not even halfway through..
It is a huge game, And no doubt it'll take me another week or two to compelte since i'm doing a minimalist run.


One-Winged Skyward Angel
Sep 28, 2011
I wouldn't rush it. I don't like rushing good games. My ideology is that if it's your first playthrough, you'd want to savour every moment of it. For me, it'd probably take more than 100 hours, especially since I like to mess around in the different areas.


An Hero of our Time
Sep 19, 2011
Right behind you in a camo suit ;)
It'll probably take me around 100 hours to beat, maybe more. I'm probably going to get stuck and/or go kind of slow through some places and I will probably do at least some of the sidequests, though it definately won't be a 100% completion on the first run for me :P. I dunno, it all depends on how much/little I get stuck and what sidequests I decide to do.
Sep 25, 2011
To beat? I'm not sure considering I'm going to be playing for my mother who's an avid Zelda fan and i want to at least try and get it done so she can see. But as for conquering it... definitely talking a few weeks especially with my time constraints with college and work.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
Just to beat the game? I'm going with 25 hours; already I've seen about an hour and a half worth of gameplay so I know my way around quite a bit. Given that this is a Zelda game, it shouldn't take that long for a first playthrough, then subsequent runs definitely can be mitigated to about 13hours or so, just depends on a couple variables. Hero Mode shouldn't take that long, and also Boss Rush mode shouldn't take much either. However, to 100 percent this game, I'll give myself 200+ hours and about a year. Given that I rarely if ever 100 percent a game, I doubt that SS will be the sole exception.
first playthrough i'm sayin... about 80 hours. I like to explore and sink into the lush environments. I also talk to just about everyone :lol:
OH!!! Just thought of this. Does anyone know if it actually keeps track of your time like in TP? If someone could tell me, that would be grand. Thanks!


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Going with 50+ hours for myself. I want to savor every minute of this game, so no rush on my end!


Jun 22, 2011
I have a really short Thanksgiving break at school (I get 3 days off plus the weekend). I plan on doing a quick playthrough and finish by November 27. I'll then do a 100% (if I can find everything) run during my 4 week Christmas break. That's my plan- 8 days probably playing at least 4 hours a day. Who knows how long the 100% could take me, but I'll have plenty of time to find out.


Dawn of the Final Day
Sep 16, 2011
Gerudo Valley
well, twilight princess's first runthrough for me took about 65 hrs, i went pretty slowly, and i got about 67% of the content. im hoping to savor my first playthrough on this game too. plus i heard its bigger and more challenging, so im thinking maybe 85-100 hrs for me! cant wait!
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