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Favorite Type of Cheese?

Violet Link

the world will maintain its thin veneer of peace
Feb 18, 2012
With and without. I don't know the effects, but as long as I have cheese, it's good, I guess?


Happy Valentines Day!
No holes.

When I have a hamburger for example, I have a very strict cheese to patty ratio that needs to be carefully balanced. If there is not enough cheese, the patty and the bun tastes too dry. With the perfect amount of cheese though (holes makes this impossible), a perfect harmony is achieved between the three core elements, a Holy Trinity of burgers if you will.

On it's own I guess holes are okay, but I'm also lactose intolerant so I don't eat cheese too much by itself. The rare times that I do though it's usually shredded cheddar, good stuff.


Head Brony of ZD
Feb 10, 2013
It's cheese, does it really matter? It's still going to make love to my taste buds no matter what. <3


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I generally detest cheese except in certain cases (e.g pizza), but the times when I DO eat cheese...I prefer to have it without holes.

Why? Well, holes to me signifies an incomplete part of a whole. It's like there has to be something to fill it in, you know? I can't take eating something that looks and seems broken to me. I'm picky.

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
Realistically speaking I suppose it depends on what the cheese is being used with, but overall whether cheese has holes in it or not I’ll likely still eat it.
Oct 26, 2012
Seriously? This is seriously a thread.

Ok. Um, I like Swiss with holes because that's how it comes on sammiches. But either way... yeah, cheese is good.


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