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Game Thread Fate/ZD Mafia

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Feb 3, 2019
I'm going to be doing some stuff for my online class (and by that I mean probably playing fire emblem and procrastinating lmao) so I'll be checking in from here on out

vote: All Might
Aug 22, 2019
It crossed my mind too earlier in the day but I kept thinling there are kills that are maybe unaccounted for. Like the Naga kill, because we now know there isn't a PGO like we thought back on D2.
But we do know that naga may have given someone a gun, which had a chance at killing someone, so it may have just been bad luck, or one of the town deaths that night was form the gun. Or there could be no gun. Or the last mafioso could be holding on to the gun.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
But we do know that naga may have given someone a gun, which had a chance at killing someone, so it may have just been bad luck, or one of the town deaths that night was form the gun. Or there could be no gun. Or the last mafioso could be holding on to the gun.
Yeah there is a possibility there was the faction kill, Naga's 1x Ninja Strongman, and someone got Naga's Russian Roulette gun and used it in the same night, killing themselves. There were also some other town roles that had vig shots iirc so that actually doesn't necessarily mean that All Might did shoot Naga, in retrospect, but I should look back on that.
Aug 22, 2019
I'm off to eat then game with friends, so I'm gonna toss the ball at you three. I'll check back before I go to bed.

Vote: All Might


The game is on!
Oh wow this took a sudden turn for the better!

Also, Silver, if I was very sure you were mafia, I could'veI just voted you there to hammer you
asking people to unvote you in all caps should prove that I have good intentions

This is exactly what I was thinking when I saw you returning, so you have my trust right now. And I agree with this strategy. If killing All Might today doesn't end the game, I reckon we'll be able to end it tomorrow by lynching Silver c:

I know majority has been reached already but I'll vote anyway, for good measure!

Vote: All Might
Feb 3, 2019
I've been rereading the day and lol
why does Pen's 1-shot vig have a ninja modifier? that seems like its only useful for scum


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Lemme just make sure everything's correct and then I'll hammer the wagon.

It's definitely Twilight, though. Feel free to keep posting.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Vote Count:

All Might:
The Sun Fan, Silverfish, SMS,
Silver: Pen

Not Voting: All Might

A majority has been reached.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
End of Day Four

All Might
has been lynched. All Might was Jimmu.

A lone Australian man stands cornered in the streets by four other masters.

"Please, stop this. We can handle this reasonably. If we talk this over, I'm sure we can come to a solution that works for all of us. Everything I've ever done has been for Zelda Dungeon, to ensure our survival."

One of the faceless masters turns to him, "You lied to us. You're not even a real human, you're the heroic spirit Emperor Jimmu. You've been lying to us all this time!"

Tears welled in Jimmu's eyes.

"I only lied because I had to. All I ever wanted was to create a new world for Zelda fans... to create a new nation that could protect us from the darkness that has consumed this world over the last two and a half thousand years."

One of the other masters turned to him, a pained expression on his face, "And you were going to kill us to do so?"

"Only as many as I had to. If you'd all just surrendered, no one would have had to die. To build a better world, sometimes there must be sacrifi—"

His words were cut short as the remaining servants of the grail war all worked together to fight him. He was strong enough to defeat any of them individually with his sacred bow, but he couldn't overpower all four of them. It was clear he was on the ropes.

"I'm... sorry. I let you down, ZD. I hope you remember me for all the good I did."

A servant struck Jimmu with a lethal blow, extinguishing his life in an instant. In the distance, a wolf howled, it's forum avatar now free to finally be changed.

You are Jimmu, self-aligned corrupt forum administrator.

...but that's just who you've been pretending to be to blend in.

You are also Archer (Emperor Jimmu).


Having survived a previous grail war, you have been living alongside society pretending to be a normal Australian citizen. Unlike the rest of the people participating in this grail war who have summoned heroic spirits, you are simply a hero capable of being a master. The catalyst used to summon you in the previous grail war was a fragment of your bow.

Australian: You may post at night.

Heroic Spirit: Because you don't need to worry about protecting a fragile master, you are 1x bulletproof.

Hama Yumi: Once per night, you may kill another player using your sacred bow. You may guess the name of that player’s servant. If you do so correctly, you may gain that servant’s abilities and have their servant become your servant.

Foundation of a new empire (Win Condition): If there are 3 or less players alive at any point and you are one of them, you and those two other players win the game and any player who hasn’t already won the game loses, regardless of their alignment. If both of those players are mafia aligned, their win condition takes priority over yours.


It is now Night Four

It is now night.
Players may not speak in the thread unless otherwise stated.
Players who have neighborhoods may continue to speak in them.
Because there are only 4 remaining players: If players lock in their actions early, I will end night early.

Living Players: (4)
10. Silverfish - @Silverfish
11. SMS - @Spiritual Mask Salesman
13. The Sun Fan - @The Sun Fan
14. Pen - @Pen

Dead Players: (9)
1. Minish
6. funnier6

9. Naga
12. Kirino
7. Giri
3. Rag
2. LG
8. Johnny

5. All Might - @All Might

Immortal Wolves: (1)
4. Ex
Feb 3, 2019
lmao I can't ****ing believe the part about him and others winning the game if they're alive in final three
that's unbelievable that that almost happened
this really is the worst timeline
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