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Game Thread Fate/ZD Mafia

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Feb 3, 2019
Also, Silver, if I was very sure you were mafia, I could'veI just voted you there to hammer you
asking people to unvote you in all caps should prove that I have good intentions

If people want me to, I can prove that writing a poem when someone votes won't double their vote anymore, if you guys want me to do that, I can.
Feb 3, 2019
Wait, SF, you can see people visit you? Have I ever popped in?
I wanna know where I've been. Someone please tell me. Rube, I want a list of where I've been when the game ends please.

All I know is that no one came to see my final performance the night I fake-died, I couldn't see people visiting me before and I can't after, it was just that one night
Aug 22, 2019
Also, Silver, if I was very sure you were mafia, I could'veI just voted you there to hammer you
asking people to unvote you in all caps should prove that I have good intentions

If people want me to, I can prove that writing a poem when someone votes won't double their vote anymore, if you guys want me to do that, I can.
Yay! That thought didn't even cross my mind that I could have been dead there by you.
I've decided to flag sunfan as friendly boi in my mafia personalities category. I dunno, I just like your style.
Feb 3, 2019
Yay! That thought didn't even cross my mind that I could have been dead there by you.
I've decided to flag sunfan as friendly boi in my mafia personalities category. I dunno, I just like your style.
I appreciate this
Aug 22, 2019
that image is less cute when its really big
ah well
I enjoyed it none the less. I had not seen that image before.
Because now it's 3/1/1, we lynch All Might taking it to 3/1, if the last Mafioso does a NK we'll be at 2/1. This is way better than the no win scenario I thought we might be facing before we found out you faked your death.
Better? Yes. But not guaranteed. But much, much better. And if the mafia can't kill like you suggested... maybe we have an even better chance.
Feb 3, 2019
Because now it's 3/1/1, we lynch All Might taking it to 3/1, if the last Mafioso does a NK we'll be at 2/1. This is way better than the no win scenario I thought we might be facing before we found out you faked your death.
yeah, but its not a guaranteed town win or anything

I suppose there's also the super-small chance that all might is the last mafia and there was no serial killer
not sure how the previous nights line up with that change though
Aug 22, 2019
yeah, but its not a guaranteed town win or anything

I suppose there's also the super-small chance that all might is the last mafia and there was no serial killer
not sure how the previous nights line up with that change though
Hey! That's my conspiracy theory!
And actually, it lines up a little too well with that change.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
wait why wouldn't mafia be able to kill
is there an ability of yours I missed, SMS?
Nah I was just thinling maybe they had limited nightkills or something, I've seen games on other sites where each Mafia member has an x-shot kill rather than a factional kill. Idk if that's the case but it was something that crossed my mind considering we didn't see a second nightkill last night. It might just be a case of Mafia holstering.
Feb 3, 2019
Nah I was just thinling maybe they had limited nightkills or something, I've seen games on other sites where each Mafia member has an x-shot kill rather than a factional kill. Idk if that's the case but it was something that crossed my mind considering we didn't see a second nightkill last night. It might just be a case of Mafia holstering.
if I was on a mafia team and I only had x number of kills, I'd be tempted to nightkill the host(s) irl
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