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Does Nolstalgia Matter to You?

May 11, 2012
Colorado Springs
To me nolstalgia is a major factor in gaming, and is a main reason why I replay games over and over, and love some more than others. I was wondering if other also cared for nolstalgia. Does it matter to you? Do you not care for it? Does it make a difference in your favorite games? Comment Away!


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
No, nostalgia doesn't really matter to me. In my opinion, it's just a fact (lol sorta an oxymoron) that some older games are better than their newer counterparts. I get bored easily, but with many older games I can just keep replaying them because they're made for multiple playthroughs rather than that long, winding single playthrough that newer games are made in mind with.


Thrilla in Manilla
Apr 12, 2012
Nostalgia plays a huge part in video games for me. I wouldn't own every single Sega Genesis Sonic title there is to own on the XBLA if it didn't. Nostalgia is also a great marketing tool and some developers utilize it.
Dec 23, 2011
Yeah, I'm a bit of a nostalgia junky.
When I'm talking about games, I try not to let it cloud my opinions though.
But it's pretty tough when your so fond of things from your past.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
To me nolstalgia is a major factor in gaming, and is a main reason why I replay games over and over, and love some more than others. I was wondering if other also cared for nolstalgia. Does it matter to you? Do you not care for it? Does it make a difference in your favorite games? Comment Away!

To me nostalgia isn't much of a reason to replay games, but remember that's just me. I see more value in replaying games for the enjoyment overall, in addition to reliving some memories, good or bad.

Even though nostalgia doesn't affect my absolute view of the games, it helps certain battle scenarios to stand out. In that way, nostalgia gives me things to look forward to. I'd be playing through an average stage, and all of a sudden I recall this memorable event that was really fun but challenging. I'd feel a surge of adrenaline as I prepared for the encounter, or I'd anticipate a stimulating cutscene, and the nostalgia would drive me to do my utter best. Going through the Cavern or Ordeals in TP felt like I was taking a risk; confronting Ganon Beast in OoT without the Master Sword placed a sense of dread and adventure in me; and when I'm racing the clock in Majora's Mask, wanting to finish a task before going back in time, haste impelled me to rush before the Moon collided with Clock Town.

All this was due to nostalgia, in the substance of excitement, exhilaration - not sentimentality.
Feb 14, 2012
Mars, Milky Way
I love getting nostalgia and am Likly to point it out when talking to friends about games. But it doesn't have to be there to be a good game, paper Mario II for example had nothing of a backroud to me and is still one of my favorite games ever

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
It's not about nostalgia. If a game is good, it's always good and it doesn't get worse or better over time. Many people nowadays especially in an age where online play is the rave seem to bash older traditions of a true video game story or local multiplayer. Regarding the subject matter of this forum specifically, I can like Ocarina of Time more than Skyward Sword without letting it be a matter of nostalgia. Truth be told, Ocarina of Time was a revolution for its time with especial credit given to its ability to successfully transfer the Action-Adventure genre to the 3D plane as well as Z-Targeting-lock-on is now a significant part of most games especially shooters. The dungeon designs still stand up well to this day and the boss battles are better than those in any other franchise installment.

Also, I agree with this:

Thareous said:
To me nostalgia isn't much of a reason to replay games, but remember that's just me. I see more value in replaying games for the enjoyment overall, in addition to reliving some memories, good or bad.
Feb 23, 2011
To me nostalgia isn't much of a reason to replay games, but remember that's just me. I see more value in replaying games for the enjoyment overall, in addition to reliving some memories, good or bad.

Erm... Isn't that kind of what nostalgia is...?

Anyway, I can't speak for everyone, but nostalgia matters a great deal, in my opinion. Older games that I've played hold a place in my heart, and I can always return to them and play them many times over. Those games possess certain qualities that I don't find in newer games. The absence [or lack] of said qualities in newer games often leads to nostalgia and causes me to recall a time when said qualities were more prevalent.

While on the other hand, newer games might also possess certain qualities that only serve to remind me of older games. To be honest - above all else - nostalgia is the reason as to why Ocarina of Time is still my favorite game in the Zelda series. It possesses qualities that can never be replaced by anything a newer game in the series has to offer. I always find myself comparing newer games [in the series] to OoT in an attempt at finding out what the former did better than the latter; this seems to happen automatically in spite of any improvements, additions, or innovations a new game has. More often that not, there is a sentimental value attached to the older games as well.

From my experience, sentimental value has dominated above all else. Sentimental value and nostalgia go hand and hand.


100% Video Creator
Apr 30, 2012
Southern California
Nostalgia doesn't really affect me replaying games, but I do go and watch youtube videos every once in awhile.

Just last night, i spent about 20 minutes watching Hot Wheels Stunt Driver, which I must of spent dozens of hours indoors playing as a kid. Am I going to pop in the CD and play that sucker?

Yeah, if i could find the F&#@ing thing!
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
Nostalgia actually got me into playing older games. My brother had an SNES when I was about 4 years old, and I went back a few years ago to play them, and now I love old games.

Does nostalgia affect what games I like? No.


Jun 22, 2011
No, nostalgia doesn't really matter to me. In my opinion, it's just a fact (lol sorta an oxymoron) that some older games are better than their newer counterparts. I get bored easily, but with many older games I can just keep replaying them because they're made for multiple playthroughs rather than that long, winding single playthrough that newer games are made in mind with.

Yes I'm starting to head towards this kind of opinion regarding nostalgia. The turning point was last year when I played four somewhat similar games for the first time ever- two modern and two from the N64. The games were Super Mario Galaxy, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Banjo Kazooie, and Banjo Tooie. I gave each game a playthrough and enjoyed them all. However, I definitely felt like Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie were noticeably more enjoyable for me and have replayed those two games. Older games just are more fun for me in general regardless of whether or not I played them as a child. The biggest difference I'm noticing in general is replay value- older games just seem built to have longer lasting appeals than newer games in general at least for me.


The incomparable legend
Dec 19, 2011
Temple of Light
Yes it does matter to me. It's what we grew up on as kids and sticks with us as adults. I really don't care what people say to me, there are some things that I will NEVER grow out of, no matter how old I get.
Dec 23, 2011
Matters to me a lot too. Video games accompanied some of the greatest (and saddest) parts of my life growing up and now those games take me back in time.

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