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Does Magic Automatically Make Zelda Better?

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
JuicieJ said:
I wouldn't use these as examples. Din's Fire was terribly underused and impractical, Nayru's Love was gotten ridiculously late in the game, and Farore's Wind was hardly needed. They're perfect examples of magic gone to waste.

Not at all. I can remember at least three times Din's Fire saved my life in Ocarina of Time-during the spinning circle room in the Forest Temple, lighting the torches prior to entering the Shadow Temple, and destroying the closing wall barriers blocking the boss key in the same dungeon. Farore's Wind was a tool for the wise. You didn't have to use it but it certainly made life easier. Same applies to Nayru's Love. I'm certainly agile when it comes to dodging Iron Knuckles but activating Nayru's Love as a defensive buffer made the fights much easier.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
That isn't just a magic issue in Zelda though...that's a lot of the items in later games...spinner for example...very limited use.

Yeah. But that doesn't excuse the pathetic use in OoT.

Not at all. I can remember at least three times Din's Fire saved my life in Ocarina of Time-during the spinning circle room in the Forest Temple, lighting the torches prior to entering the Shadow Temple, and destroying the closing wall barriers blocking the boss key in the same dungeon. Farore's Wind was a tool for the wise. You didn't have to use it but it certainly made life easier. Same applies to Nayru's Love. I'm certainly agile when it comes to dodging Iron Knuckles but activating Nayru's Love as a defensive buffer made the fights much easier.

You may have made personal use of them, but compare them to things like the Medallions in ALttP and the Ice Arrows in MM and they pale in comparison.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Magic is not necessary for a game like Zelda but it add some fun to it. I disagree with your opinion about the WW but that is pure opinion based. I actually like how you had to use magic in WW. The Deku Leaf was fun and you could do a lot with it. But I also think they could have done a little bit more. It was not fully used. Yes some elements but there it ends.

In OoT we use magic by using the ocarina and especially the three powers like Din's fire and Nayru's love and Farore's wind. I must admit I haven't used the others half as much as I used Din's fire. It was practical but I have the feeling they could have done mroe to the other two though. Yet OoT was a very good game and didn't suffer of the amount of magic NOT present. So it is more optional than a must


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Magic is not necessary for a game like Zelda but it add some fun to it. I disagree with your opinion about the WW but that is pure opinion based. I actually like how you had to use magic in WW. The Deku Leaf was fun and you could do a lot with it. But I also think they could have done a little bit more. It was not fully used. Yes some elements but there it ends.

In OoT we use magic by using the ocarina and especially the three powers like Din's fire and Nayru's love and Farore's wind. I must admit I haven't used the others half as much as I used Din's fire. It was practical but I have the feeling they could have done mroe to the other two though. Yet OoT was a very good game and didn't suffer of the amount of magic NOT present. So it is more optional than a must

The optional stuff is what I would like to see. However, it would need to be practical, much like in The Elder Scrolls. Some mandatory stuff wouldn't hurt, either.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
The optional stuff is what I would like to see. However, it would need to be practical, much like in The Elder Scrolls. Some mandatory stuff wouldn't hurt, either.

I must admit I am only familiar with Zelda and Mario games so I don;t know the Elder scrolls but I heard about it. I also agree with you about the medaillons in OoT. I didn't see how it worked but to me it didn't work at all. It was just a gift but what was the purpose? I mean magically? It would have been fun if you could actually USE it in the game. In SS you could use the medallions. I often switched the medallions to find rupees or hearts or treasures. This is a concept I actually liked


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
That's also something that should return. It was a lot like the rings in the OoX and added a customization feature, as well as stellar resource management.

That concept actually makes it more fun. It is not necessary to use it but it does contribute and is quite helpful. Like when you are in a fight and you use the heart medaillon it helps you to recover more quickly because heart pieces are more likely to be found thanks to the medaillon. I hope they keep this concept in it


Jul 1, 2012
Tbh i don't really care for magic if it's there of course it add's a new element but what i want more to return is the like of elements in weapons or magic based items like Ice/fire arrows etc. Obv Magic is related to this so i would like it to return but i wouldn't be terribly disappointed if it didn't


I'm baack. Who missed me?
Sep 7, 2011
United States, Michigan
Not automatically, for me. It all depends on how the magic was used. In AoL, you basically depended on it and there were many different spells to use, so I felt that the game was better because of it. On the flipside, with Wind Waker, it was hardly used and there were not many things to use it with, so this way didn't make the game better.

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