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Do You Think We Got the Bow Too Late in Skyward Sword

Firice da Vinci

Distinct lack of Leonardo
Jun 15, 2010
Renaissance Italy
I was okay with getting the bow so late. I never found myself wishing that I had it earlier in the game. It helped the slingshot from becoming obsolete earlier. It made me use the slingshot more often to stun enemies that would usually be hard to kill. Also, the bow doesn't hold a place in my heart that much as the best Zelda item. I was still surprised to see it introduced to the game so late, though.


Brave Knight of Truth
Dec 22, 2011
Toronto, Canada
My main argument for this is that in this game i barely used the bow out of the sandship. It and the sword play were what i was really excited for in this game, and the fact that i hardly ever got a chance to use the bow was very disappointing.

The reason i never used the bow afterwards was because i guess i had been going through the entire game using only my sword against enemies, so when i finally got an item that can kill, not stun, i forgot about it.
Oct 22, 2011
Los Angeles
My main argument for this is that in this game i barely used the bow out of the sandship. It and the sword play were what i was really excited for in this game, and the fact that i hardly ever got a chance to use the bow was very disappointing.

The reason i never used the bow afterwards was because i guess i had been going through the entire game using only my sword against enemies, so when i finally got an item that can kill, not stun, i forgot about it.
Agreed, in older Zelda games, the bow would always be assigned a button for me, and I would constantly use it. I consider it Link's secondary weapon.

Demon Lord Link

In Skyward Sword Link uses items that were not in previous titles such as the beetle or the whip.Thats the reason why Link doesn't get the bow so early:thinking:But I wish we could take the bow earlier since its one of my favourite items


Dec 29, 2011
Cardington, Ohio
i think it came too late, the bow is my favorite weapon in any zelda game and it wouldve been more fun to experiment with it earlier on


Jun 22, 2011
United States
We do get it relatively later than in other games, but it didn't bother me. I think it was a little too powerful to give it to us early in the game so in a way getting the bow later made sure that Skyward Sword wasn't too easy.


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Personally, I was getting impatient of getting the bow and arrows. I kind of agree that they put the bow and arrows a little too far of the game. Maybe if they moved it two bosses earlier then I would have accepted the location for it.
Jan 6, 2012
It didnt bother me at all

I think it was a good decision to not give it early, helps for the player to really look at the uses than the other items can have, and to be honest, the bow in SS seems too powerful at times


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Sadly, yes, because it's my most enjoyed weapon. Sniping enemies from a longsome distance has become a favored pastime. Even with some enemies who block my projectile on instinct--such as those vexatious Lizalfos in some areas--I continue to use the Bow most of all. It must've been the First Person aspect of it all, but it still feels like Zelda (possibly due to the environment?). Whatever the circumstances I would've liked for this item of discussion to turn up much earlier. Nonetheless, there is still much that can be done between my current mission and the final fight against Demise. So I am content.

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