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Dark Link?

Would Dark Link be a good addition to the game?

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Jan 31, 2011
Ohh you have no idea how awesome SS would be (on top of it's already reputable awesomeness) if they added Dark Link to the game. The encounter would have to be monumental though, not just a little mini boss. I'd dare say for Nintendo to make him an actual dungeon boss, but that's just wishful thinking. Still, it would be amazing to see some sort of reincarnation of the fight. Regardless of how long/short it would be.


I would like dark link to be in SS if he is then he should be ganon's sub-boss

Kaiser Kami

Warrior of Kaiser
Feb 2, 2011
I would like it in the battle against Dark Link that since Link is right handed Dark Link is left handed allowing him to attack your other side unless you do horizontal attacks, but he will counter you by sheild bashing then getting a quick swipe at you. the only way to beat him is to swich hands and play as a lefty where your controls would be reversed ( in a sense) then deal the final blow. but of course there could be many ways to beat him. The one thing I'll do is crouch down in a corner...and stab the heck out of his knees.
Jan 31, 2011
I would like it in the battle against Dark Link that since Link is right handed Dark Link is left handed allowing him to attack your other side unless you do horizontal attacks, but he will counter you by sheild bashing then getting a quick swipe at you. the only way to beat him is to swich hands and play as a lefty where your controls would be reversed ( in a sense) then deal the final blow. but of course there could be many ways to beat him. The one thing I'll do is crouch down in a corner...and stab the heck out of his knees.

Link is left handed actually, just so you know. :D

Kaiser Kami

Warrior of Kaiser
Feb 2, 2011
Link is left handed actually, just so you know. :D
I know that but in SS he is right handed, and this is to say that you become more like Link by playing left handed since he always was a lefty. This is to only stress out that Link is a "link" to the player.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Absolutely. But I think he should be main villain. To me, he has the greatest potential above all other menaces we've seen so far--even more so than Ganon, in SS that is. I would call it a folly for Nintendo to overlook him, unless they have someone greater in mind, whether as an old return that would better fit the story or an untried commodity. If they sharpened his character up, turning him into a sinister personality or an uncaring/nonchalant reprobate, I could definitely see him striving at claiming Hyrule early on. Perhaps he could be a shadowy side of the Master Sword, one that needs to be purged in order for the MS's true abilities to be unlocked.

At any rate, no he wouldn't be fan service, not one bit. They need to try him out sometime, and I believe he'd be Zelda's next best bet on villainry.


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
If there is a Dark Link battle, Nintendo should take advantage of the fact that he is a 'mirrored' version of Link and put it in a mirrored room. Ie: he comes out of the mirror and/or pulls you in.


Fulcrum Agent
Feb 14, 2010
Maybe they should have him appear as though he can control the sword completely, like we will with the motion controls. And maybe have all of the weapons Link has. That would be nice.


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
Ah, Dark Link. Yes, seeing him in Skyward Sword is a must. However this time around, I would like a little more to Dark Link. Dark Link has always just been a dark mirror of yourself, and that's it. I think he is much better than that. He deserves some more attention to his character development. Now many fans have been theorizing about the possibilities the Dark Interlopers aka the Dark Tribe playing a vital part in Skyward Sword's plot, possibly being the evil race of monsters in Hyrule (most probably the land below). This would also set a clear villain scheme.

Dark Link has a great chance of being in the game if the Dark Interlopers are involved. They both are "Dark" and are evil, so we could indeed see him leading this gang of bad guys. Supposing all of this goes as planned, his character will inevitably be developed into something more complex than it currently is. We could also see him return as a final boss, and improving upon the fight from AoL.

So in all, yes, I would like to see Dark Link in Skyward Sword.


Warrior of the Past
Dec 22, 2009
I think it would be great to have him throughout the game, like SA-X in Metroid Fusion (if anyone's ever played that game). It would definitely add an element of darkness to SS.
Jul 24, 2010
Charlotte, NC
i think they should add him but give him a back story and a purpose. i remember playing oot the first time time and thinking "who is this guy? and where did he come from?" and when the fight was over i thought "ok now what?" because there wasn't any story to it or purpose. they need to add that. if they use him like they did in tp then at least he gets some type of story but hopefully this time you get to fight him.


Horizon Walker
Aug 3, 2009
Do I want Dark Link in Skyward Sword?

- Gameplay wise:
Yes, I’d like to fight Dark Link. The prospect of fighting Dark Link with the motion controls sounds like fun, especially if they make the fight challenging. Great opportunity for some excellent one-on-one sword fighting. Perhaps he could even be a side boss of sorts in a Cave of Ordeals/Savage Labyrinth type set-up for extra difficulty.

- Story wise:
Maybe. If he fits into the story, theme and setting then he fits into the story, theme and setting. If not, I don't think he should be forced into the game just for the sake of having him there. I don't think he necessarily needs a major backstory, but it shouldn't be obvious that he's there just for the sake of pleasing fans. As for myself, I would consider it a fit even if they just put two lines of some old legend on a wall in a dungeon explaining his presence there.

And they can always come up with a different boss/mini-boss/enemy for a similar fight if they don't find that Dark Link fits. Even if it’s not 100% the same, I’d rather have enemies which fit well into the overall scheme of the game than ones that break story immersion.

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