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Creative Conversations I: What if They Made a Full Body Sensing Zelda Game?


Destroyer of Destruction
Sep 28, 2011
Probably in my room.

K, so this is the first of a series of forum posts that I just came up with. I just come up with a creative idea, and you tell me your opinions.

The first conversation is; What if they made a full body sensing Zelda game?

You know, like a Kinect sorta thing, except better cuz it's Zelda. How do you think Nintendo could put such a thing into gameplay? Storyline? Puzzle-solving? Anything else I've neglected to mention?

So, yeah, tell me what you think, of both the idea and the forum series. I need to have feedback on this thing so that I know whether or not it's worth it.
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Cel-Shaded Deku

Ha ha, charade you are!
Jul 24, 2010
Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women!
I tried to imagine this kind of thing when I was younger except with Pokemon. I definitely see how it could be better used in Zelda but I still see a problem. How will you talk to NPCs without buttons? Also, how will you move? I've never played a Kincect game so this may not even be a problem at all.


Destroyer of Destruction
Sep 28, 2011
Probably in my room.
I tried to imagine this kind of thing when I was younger except with Pokemon. I definitely see how it could be better used in Zelda but I still see a problem. How will you talk to NPCs without buttons? Also, how will you move? I've never played a Kincect game so this may not even be a problem at all.
These are good questions that I didn't think about before...I'll have to come up with answers later, I'm kinda busy right now. :(


The Unknown
Jun 19, 2011
It's going to be weird how the gameplay's going to work out. It would be interesting to see, though. But, the lack of a Wii Remote as a sword would just be awkward. And how will you move? Would you actually jog the place? Haha, if it was Twilight Princess, that would definitely solve America's obesity problems. But, in the end, I would actually want to play like that. The "real" 1:1 control. :right:


It wouldn't be all that bad. The sword control would be great and moving around. The only problems I can think of would be A) switching between each item and :cool: riding Epona, The king of the red lions etc. But I would mind playing or even buying a zelda game on the kinect. I would be interesting and possibly even fun.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
"Hey, you ugly Bokoblins, leave that Kikwi alone! Yeah, I'm talking to you, uglies! You wanna piece of me? Come on! Oh, why only one coming to face me? Is your pal scared? Doesn't matter; I can take one just as easily as two. So give me your best! Think you can outwit some guy with a shield? Think again! Enough talk; take thi--oh, you got me! I'm bleeding! Please, call for a medic, a healer, a shaman...anything! I don't wanna die...I was only playing a game for... Oh, wait. It's a game. I'm fine.

^ It would seem delusively realistic. Enough said.
Feb 23, 2011
I'm sure Nintendo will be looking into new ideas and innovations in the future for the series. However, I can only wonder how this idea [a full body sensing Zelda game] could be implemented and would it be effective. I mean, imagine some of the actions you'd have to perform for such things as conversing with NPCs. What would you do, twinkle your nose? [just kidding]

I'm not necessarily saying that a full body-sensing Zelda game would be a bad idea; by no means. I'm just saying that it would be very hard to pull off. Yikes, and one could only imagine how long the developmental stages might take; 7...8...or more years?


Apr 22, 2011
Then it would be hard for those that are paralyzed from the waist down to play the game.. :rolleyes:

Video games shouldn't require physical activity, Then it'll be considered more of a sport and not a video game.
Games are something I play at the end of the day when I want to have some fun and just relax, There is no way I can relax and play a game when it requires me to jump around and pretty much act like I'm on an adventure.
Sep 25, 2011
Then it would be hard for those that are paralyzed from the waist down to play the game.. :rolleyes:

Video games shouldn't require physical activity, Then it'll be considered more of a sport and not a video game.
Games are something I play at the end of the day when I want to have some fun and just relax, There is no way I can relax and play a game when it requires me to jump around and pretty much act like I'm on an adventure.

You know... I never thought about how unfair it is for people without the ability to use their legs for one reason or another with present day gaming with kinect and such until you said that. That actually makes me kinda sad... But I do agree with you about the whole relaxing thing. After a long day of work and school where one wants to just come home and relax, no one wants to get back up and start running and jumping around. I'm kind of glad that Skyward Sword can be played while seated since my apartment isn't very big for activity like that, also i'm on the second floor and i'm sure my neighbors below me wouldn't appreciate it. lol


Eating Link since 1987
Jul 27, 2010
The Wind Temple
I think a Kinect-style Zelda game would be excessively complicated. I don't mind the idea of using motion controls for specific items like the sword, shield, or bow, but the idea of a 100% motion control Zelda game doesn't sit well with me; it seems as if control flaws will be inevitable. After all, Zelda originated with the tried-and-true button controls, so I'd find it difficult to adjust to full-blown motion controls. I guess I'm a purist that way, but I just think you shouldn't fix what isn't broken to begin with.


Destroyer of Destruction
Sep 28, 2011
Probably in my room.
Then it would be hard for those that are paralyzed from the waist down to play the game..

Man, guess I'm just one of those people who doesn't think of anything like that. =/ I guess that would kinda suck. And Nintendo wouldn't be mean like that. To make a game that not everyone could enjoy. I don't know.


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
While I sort of like this idea, I don't really at all. What I mean is, I don't like the idea of a Kinect-style Zelda game, but I would looooove a virtual reality one. If it was quality virtual reality, like really really good stuff, then it'd be so awesome. I mean, imagine it if you could actually kill Ganon in a swordfight and it feels like you're doing it. Probably would never happen now, but maybe like, 20/25 years down the road, it might be possible. If anyone's ever read the book Heir Apparent... all I can think about with this in relation to Zelda is: "Sweet."


must read before he posts
Apr 8, 2010
I'm on your wish list
I don't think we're ready for that kind of game just yet. Without a percise and high MP camera, nuances of the series like Z-targeting would be a lot harder to do. Plus, I'd imagine just walking in an open world adventure game like Zelda would be a bother.

Man, guess I'm just one of those people who doesn't think of anything like that. =/ I guess that would kinda suck. And Nintendo wouldn't be mean like that. To make a game that not everyone could enjoy. I don't know.
I'm blind, Nintendo is mean not letting me play 95% of their games. Really, that logic doesn't have to apply here. If a Kinect-like game was made, Nintendo doesn't need to compensate.

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