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Game Thread Classic Videogames Mafia

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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Vote Count 2.7:

Kirino - 3 (Moe the Moblin, ExLight, Spiritual Mask Salesman)
Kreaal - 2 (Chevywolf30, Kirino)
Spiritual Mask Salesman - 1 (Kreaal)

Not Voting - Mido

With 7 alive, it takes 4 for a majority lynch. Day 2 ends on Saturday January 2nd at 8 PM EST.


Version 1
Apr 6, 2011
The Turnabout
What I didn't like about the SMS vote on Rubik is that it reeked of a policy approach. Rubik would not be cooperatively active, so it would be best to remove him. I think scum could easily take an advantage of such reasoning as an easy excuse to vote. Only concern is the policy approach wasn't a big factor among the vote base. With Kirino, I'm not huge on the move to vote Rubik as the hammer when he had a stronger scumread, although I could buy forgetting that he was the hammer vote. Hmm...


Jun 19, 2010

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Day 2 Final Vote Count:

Kirino - 4 (Moe the Moblin, ExLight, Spiritual Mask Salesman, Mido)

Kreaal - 2 (Chevywolf30, Kirino)
Spiritual Mask Salesman - 1 (Kreaal)

After another tense session spent trying to figure out what game wouldn't be played that day, it was ultimately an action-adventure favorite that fell by the side. This time around, it was a beloved Zelda game. The franchise had always been amazing and it felt like every subsequent installment further refined the franchise. But there was something about the classics that felt a little more appealing. So the latest console Zelda game was put off to the side for today.

Kirino was The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, the Town Doctor.

The Living (6):

@Moe the Moblin
@Spiritual Mask Salesman

The Dead (3):

Rubik - Super Mario Bros., a Vanilla Townie (Lynched Day 1)
Morbid Minish - Alex Kidd in Miracle World, a Vanilla Townie (Killed Night 1)
Kirino - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, the Town Doctor (Lynched Day 2)

Night 2 Begins!

Those of you with active night powers, please send me your actions via Discord or PM before Sunday, January 3rd at 8 PM EST.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
There was a new place called Gamestop that had opened up recently and one of the games had been sold off to the store. It was awfully generous of them to buy a used game. How much would they offer in return? 20 bucks? Maybe even 30. No. They gave a measly dollar and 95 cents. I guess some things just aren't as rosy as you picture them. And the game that was gone was arguably the best one ever made for the NES. Ouch.

Moe the Moblin was Super Mario Bros. 3, a Vanilla Townie.

The Living (5):

@Spiritual Mask Salesman

The Dead (4):

Rubik - Super Mario Bros., a Vanilla Townie (Lynched Day 1)
Morbid Minish - Alex Kidd in Miracle World, a Vanilla Townie (Killed Night 1)
Kirino - The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, the Town Doctor (Lynched Day 2)
Moe the Moblin - Super Mario Bros. 3, a Vanilla Townie (Killed Night 2)

Day 3 Begins!

With 5 alive, it takes 3 for a majority lynch. Day 3 ends on Tuesday, January 5th at 8 PM EST.
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