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Game Thread Classic Videogames Mafia

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Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
anyway, I've given my poe, I've done quite a bit of work, if you have any questions on any of my reads check my iso, pce
kirino/kreaal probably always unaligned


Jun 19, 2010
Moe the Moblin
Spiritual Mask Salesman

Out of the remaining players, I have town reads on Chevy and Moe, making the lynch pool Kreaal, Ex, Mido, and SMS. I've already stated why I'm suspicious of Kreaal, and maybe more importantly, his death should give info on Ex and SMS in particular, both of whom I currently have mixed feelings about.

Vote: Kreaal

I'd also be fine with a lynch of any of those four if it comes down to it, with Mido probably being my second choice.


Staff member
ZD Champion
is this viable
I guess it's still on the table yea lmao
I'm not scumbuds with Kirino but I get why it would look like that lol
I even defended him "because I wanted to vibe with him" D1

I'd still prefer a Dark Boo/Kreaal lynch over him, but if votes are still tied when closer to EoD I guess I could break the tie and vote Kirino instead

Vote: Kreaal

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Vote Count 2.6:

Kreaal - 2 (Chevywolf30, Kirino)
Kirino - 2 (Moe the Moblin, ExLight)
Spiritual Mask Salesman - 1 (Kreaal)

Not Voting - Mido, Spiritual Mask Salesman

With 7 alive, it takes 4 for a majority lynch. Day 2 ends on Saturday January 2nd at 8 PM EST.
Dec 28, 2020
Maybe not dodgy, just you show up and ask to be caught up, instead of reading it all yourself. The other replacement this game did read everything, I assume, but he came up with an opinion on everyone. Then you just ask for info. Seems to me that you don't find it as important to find out what's going on, maybe because you already know the answer?
And to claim not to be scum isn't wrong, but

That's all you have to say?

I've already mentioned I’m Multi Balling.
I said more then just that dude.
and it’s NAI anyway, as anyone can claim they are Town.
Dec 28, 2020
This is an intriguing bit. Just to clarify, I'm assuming you're talking about their shifts onto Rubik D1?

probably, I didn’t really look too much into it but it was early day 1 it happened.
Dec 28, 2020
Anyway, bottomline, you admitted you didn't actually read my content so your arguments against me aren't supported so forgive me if I barely take anything you say seriously from here on out.

Wolf Move.
“Not enough, not convincing, I ignore you now.”
That’s how scum play.
My vote stays on you.
Dec 28, 2020

Can I have your reads on each other?
I don’t want this question ignored so if either of you two don’t respond to this question the next time you get on, I’ll be inclined to believe your purposely ignoring it because you don’t want to answer it.


Staff member
ZD Champion
Can I have your reads on each other?
I don’t want this question ignored so if either of you two don’t respond to this question the next time you get on, I’ll be inclined to believe your purposely ignoring it because you don’t want to answer it.

I think I already mentioned before but my guess was Dark Boo + SMS team.
SMS is kind of a pain for me to read, I always end up scumreading him because I usually have trouble figuring out his alignment. In this game I don’t like how sudden some of his voting decisions were and they feel incoherent and opportunistic.

If anyone is ignoring stuff it's you ignoring me, maybe. I already addressed this before, even if briefly.
I'm actually ISOing some posts atm so I could elaborate more on my overall reads if you want, but I it might come off as a bit rushed if I manage to post them before day is over.
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