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Game Thread Classic Videogames Mafia

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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Vote Count 2.5:

Spiritual Mask Salesman - 2 (Moe the Moblin, Kreaal)
Kreaal - 1 (Chevywolf30)

Not Voting - ExLight, Kirino, Mido, Spiritual Mask Salesman

With 7 alive, it takes 4 for a majority lynch. Day 2 ends on Saturday January 2nd at 8 PM EST.
Dec 28, 2020

ok but what if Kiro isn’t Mafia.
What if it’s like SMS and ExLight?
Dec 28, 2020
If you aren't, and SMS isn't, that must mean it's Ex and Kirino. I don't believe you though. You're acting very similar to DB
If by DB you mean my original slot owner well I can’t deny it. I am definitely the exact same alignment as he is.
Also, how do we know SMS isn’t scum?
Thing is we don’t know.
There’s also a good chance he is scum.
Dec 28, 2020
Also if I may add.
I remember SMS Unvoted and immediately after so did my slot owner.
So from a third person perspective it’s unlikely both scum pair decide to do that together.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
If by DB you mean my original slot owner well I can’t deny it. I am definitely the exact same alignment as he is.
Also, how do we know SMS isn’t scum?
Thing is we don’t know.
There’s also a good chance he is scum.
Yeah DB is Dark Boo, your original slot owner. I said acting very similar just by the way both of y'all have been very dodgy and claiming not to be scum. You got quite the mess from DB, and you're not really helping your case.
I didn't 100% think the thing about SMS through, though.
My main gripe with SMS is that he seems to be talking more about people and their playstyles than the possibility of them being scum. I feel like he's trying not to let something slip.
Dec 28, 2020
Yeah DB is Dark Boo, your original slot owner. I said acting very similar just by the way both of y'all have been very dodgy and claiming not to be scum. You got quite the mess from DB, and you're not really helping your case.
I didn't 100% think the thing about SMS through, though.
My main gripe with SMS is that he seems to be talking more about people and their playstyles than the possibility of them being scum. I feel like he's trying not to let something slip.

I personally feel he has provided some fake contribution.
You say I’m being dodgy, how?
Also, is it wrong for me to claim to not be scum?


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I personally feel he has provided some fake contribution.
You say I’m being dodgy, how?
Also, is it wrong for me to claim to not be scum?
Maybe not dodgy, just you show up and ask to be caught up, instead of reading it all yourself. The other replacement this game did read everything, I assume, but he came up with an opinion on everyone. Then you just ask for info. Seems to me that you don't find it as important to find out what's going on, maybe because you already know the answer?
And to claim not to be scum isn't wrong, but
well I’m not scum so.
That's all you have to say?
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