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Game Thread Classic Videogames Mafia

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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Role PMs:

Hello Morbid Minish,

You are Alex Kidd in Miracle World, a Vanilla Townie.

View attachment 45421

Your vote is your power. You win when all remaining threats to the town are eliminated. Please confirm that you have received this role PM in the sign-up thread as soon as possible.

Hello Spiritual Mask Salesman,

You are Streets of Rage, a Mafia Goon. Your partner is ExLight.

View attachment 45422

As a member of the mafia, you have access to the mafia factional kill. You must select one player to kill every night. You win when the mafia achieve parity with the town. Please confirm that you have received this role PM in the sign-up thread as soon as possible.

Hello Kirino,

You are The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, the Town Doctor.

View attachment 45423

Every night you may select a target to protect. The protected player is immune from one kill the night they are protected. You may not self-target. You win when all remaining threats to the town are eliminated. Please confirm that you have received this role PM in the sign-up thread as soon as possible.

Hello ExLight,

You are Super Mario World, the Mafia Role Cop.

View attachment 45424

Every night you may target a player and learn their role. Additionally, as a member of the mafia, you have access to the mafia factional kill. You must select one player to kill every night. Your partner is Spiritual Mask Salesman. You win when the mafia achieve parity with the town. Please confirm that you have received this role PM in the sign-up thread as soon as possible.

Hello Rubik,

You are Super Mario Bros., a Vanilla Townie.

View attachment 45425

Your vote is your power. You win when all remaining threats to the town are eliminated. Please confirm that you have received this role PM in the sign-up thread as soon as possible.

Hello Moe the Moblin,

You are Super Mario Bros. 3., a Vanilla Townie.

SMB3 Box Art.jpg

Your vote is your power. You win when all remaining threats to the town are eliminated. Please confirm that you have received this role PM in the sign-up thread as soon as possible.

Hello Chevywolf30,

You are Super Metroid, a Vanilla Townie.

View attachment 45427

Your vote is your power. You win when all remaining threats to the town are eliminated. Please confirm that you have received this role PM in the sign-up thread as soon as possible.

Hello Killjoy/Mido,

You are Sonic the Hedgehog, a Vanilla Townie.

Sonic Box Art.jpg

Your vote is your power. You win when all remaining threats to the town are eliminated. Please confirm that you have received this role PM in the sign-up thread as soon as possible.

Hello Dark Boo/Kreaal,

You are The Legend of Zelda, a Vanilla Townie.


Your vote is your power. You win when all remaining threats to the town are eliminated. Please confirm that you have received this role PM in the sign-up thread as soon as possible.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Thanks for playing, everyone. I had fun hosting. I think the only change I would have made is to split up the doctor into even and odd night doctors. The role cop in this set-up was useless once the doctor died. I didn't want to give the town a cop or vig this game because they could potentially make the game impossible for mafia early on through no fault of their own. The only way for town to kill mafia was through lynching.
Dec 28, 2020
if you would have waited for me Chevy or if I would have came by at the correct day start.
We would have won.
Dec 28, 2020
Like I figured SMS and ExLight was the team based on the person night killed.
Their one post sus them and only them.
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