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Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

Apr 30, 2019
Don't lynch me you fools, I'm a doctor variant.


Vote: Funnygirl

i hate you lmao


Jan 19, 2018
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I admittingly haven't paid a lot of attention, why is Zinger a top suspect besides doing very unconventional things?

I saw that Min Min gave some info and I feel like maybe the kind of info she gave wouldn't benefit her much if she was mafia, I probably could have been an easy mislynch to try pushing for a scum team.

I'm voting for zinger primarily because i feel like the way he chose to defend his actions was more reflective of his mafia mindset than it was his town mindset. To be more specific, when i initially attacked him for announcing abstinence from the trivia mechanic he chose to defend himself by more or less saying "i'm not reading anything", which struck me as being disingenuous. I would expect town zinger to have stood by his actions and not to claim ignorance of their impact as an excuse for them. The fact that he sought to excuse his actions at all is a scumtell in my eyes. Town zinger is very stubborn and only very rarely admits fault.

I also find it a little suspicious that storm ended up being such a competitive wagon when compared with zinger. He seemed to me a much more obvious lynch, although that could easily be why people ended up preferring storm. In any case, when you have two competing wagons and one end up flipping town it naturally looks worse for the surviving party.


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
Zinger, you keep accusing people of being scum just for joining the wagon accusing you. It’s not really a true defense, it’s just reactionary and baseless accusations. I don’t know anything about your playstyle, but it feels pretty strange to me.


Jan 19, 2018
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Zinger, you keep accusing people of being scum just for joining the wagon accusing you. It’s not really a true defense, it’s just reactionary and baseless accusations. I don’t know anything about your playstyle, but it feels pretty strange to me.

zinger typically reads anyone attacking him as scum.
Jun 15, 2020
I also have a NLP. So if I say I am a 1-shot doctor variant, then you can trust that I am in fact that unless you think I am choosing to break a No Lie Policy that I've upheld for a decade or so. If y'all still want to lynch me tomorrow, go right ahead, but doing it toDay when I have the power to protect someone toNight (and/or draw a NK for making this claim) is just stupid and very anti-town.

Vote: Ragnarokio


Jan 19, 2018
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in a game where powers are open to either faction having a doc shot doesn't make you any more likely to be town

if you have a 40% chance of being scum and we lynch someone today then there's a 6.6% of you stopping a kill tonight, which is insignificant enough that i'll personally take the 40% chance at lynching scum.
Jun 15, 2020
Where are you getting this 40% from? Isn't it usually mafia comprise between 25 and 33% of the town? Or are you abscribing an extra 7 to 15% for what you perceive to be my obvscum behaviour? Cuz that feels disengenuous.

In any event, you can always lynch me tomorrow, thus keeping the claimed 40% chance of getting scum AND ALSO your 6.6% of blocking a kill. Best of both worlds.

Am I reaping what I sow? Am I getting what I deserve? Sure!

But it also doesn't change the fact that it is in the town's best interest to let the guy with the 1-shot doctor power live one more Day.

Then again, I'm also at L -1 and the temptation to hammer myself is strong... If only because I have a great video of Jim Carrey kicking his own ass.

Well, I'll wait a few hours to give y'all a chance to reverse this terribly anti-town decision. If next time I check back in the thread I'm still at L -1 though, I'm totally hammering myself.

Also, SMS claimed to not be paying any more attention than I did and he's not getting and flack for it. What's his excuse? He's not Jim Carrey.

Vote: SMS
Last edited:


Jan 19, 2018
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i'm speaking from my perspective and the extra is because i think you're more probable than scum to be baseline. If people think that you're less likely to be scum then its obviously a better play to not lynch you
Jun 15, 2020
You think I am more probable to be scum. Based on nothing, then. So you're just throwing random numbers on top to make your case appear weightier than it is.

Seriously, in what crazy world do we live in where someone is on the docket, claims 1-shot doctor with a NLP, and doesn't at least get a stay of 1 day to use their ability?

Why would Mafia even GET a doctor ability, anyway? There's nothing in the rules (yeah, look, you made me read the rules) that suggests that each question has a specific ability tied to it, ergo there's no reason why a Mafia player who answered Q10 would have necessarily gotten the same ability I did when I answered it. Mafia would not traditionally benefit from a doc shot unless there was a good chance of there also being vig shots out there, which I doubt there would be because then the mafia might have gotten a vig shot in addition to their night kill and that's just BONKERS.

Vote: Ragnarokio


Jan 19, 2018
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You think I am more probable to be scum. Based on nothing, then. So you're just throwing random numbers on top to make your case appear weightier than it is.

based on things i've already said in thread multiple times. The post was a response to your implication that anyone voting you (including me) was being anti-town because its bad to lynch someone who's a confirmed doctor. I was responding by showing you that mathematically lynching you was still arguably optimal from my perspective, and from the perspective of anyone who thinks you're sufficiently scummy. Obviously my post doesn't apply to people who think you're just as likely to be town as anyone else. They wouldn't be voting you in the first place, though, so I don't think I'm making my case appear "weightier than it is".

Why would Mafia even GET a doctor ability, anyway?

If you tell me what doctor variant you are and i agree that its not useful for mafia in a game with no town killing roles then i'll unvote you.

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I would like to publicly clarify something since I received a question about it, and it's something that I intended to include in the rules in the first place:

Abilities are chosen from a pool of roles that have been specifically designated for each day, then randomized to be matched with each question. Both town and mafia can receive any of the abilities, but there are some very specific exceptions in which I might give a different ability to the mafia team than what they would have otherwise received (for balance purposes). In general though, town and mafia can receive abilities from within the same pool.

Hopefully this clears up any confusion anybody may have had.


Jan 19, 2018
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my offer still stands, zinger
Jun 15, 2020
Bodyguard. I am a 1-shot bodyguard. Meaning, for any unclear with what that means, I can protect someone from a kill like a Doctor, but if I am successful in protecting them from that kill, I die in their place.


Vote: Mellow Ezlo


Jan 19, 2018
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so you don't even have a 6.6% chance of stopping a kill.

with that said, i did promise.


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