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Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

Apr 30, 2019
Readlists are a thing I do.
Morbid Minish-Null
Exlight-Town lean
Viral Maze-Null
Chevywolf30-Town lean
Storm-Strong town lean
Rag- Null
I know that's a lot of null, just off the top of my head, no deep ISO here.

this reads list gave me nothing and i find it suspicious when people try and look like they're providing info

a reminder to everyone that its best that mafia doesn't know who missed trivia questions because it lowers their POE in finding power roles.

with that said, its probably fine to say things like "dang i missed it" because of WIFOM, just try not to be too transparent about things.

yeah ok town


I skimmed to catch up, and I'll ISO later at work if I get time, but my general thoughts are Storm is generally all over the place. His actions as far as I've read today are more NAI than anything. I've played with him since he first came here, and this is his usual meta. I'll ISO for specifics later and see if I change my lean, but so far its null.
@Storm are Chevy and Killjoy more OMGUS-type of suspicions, or is there something there?

I'm getting more a lean from Rag. Though I agree with part of the premise that scum Ex has more to gain from letting Storm have the question, it's non sequitur.
@Ragnarokio do you think Ex is still the scummiest? If so, why haven't you pressed him further or are you satisfied with Ex's responses and plan on sitting on your vote until EOD?

Zinger would be a policylynch at this point. So scummy he's scum/town isn't really an argument here, but just not contributing would be the reason. It's unknown if there's a vig power given today, or what happens if scum gets the vig power (double NK, or strongman factional NK?) so its tough to rely on a town vig to get rid of him. I would say if there is a townvig, Zinger's a good target.

No real read on anyone else seeing as I skimmed the game to catch up, but I hope to vote again soon.

i like this post from zinger because it's against the grain in that they were defending storm when the consensus was he was scummy. it's unnecessary as scum unless they want the cred but i mean also eh. slight townie points

Okay, since actions are one shot I think it may be best if everyone claims if they got a question right yesterday and give any potential info they may have. Though if you'd get more info by asking questions first then definitely do that.

I think it's fairly likely SMS isn't mafia. I had a motion detector shot that I used on him last night, and he didn't move. I chose him because he was a low poster, and because I thought it was very unlikely he didn't answer any of the questions yesterday so I felt he wouldn't be moving due to using a one shot item he got.

thank u this is great

i'm on page 25 and done for now. zinger should go. like, someone said they don't get why wolf would do this but why would town either? why would he be the only one with a posting restriction? so i'm actually leaving my vote where it is but we'll see
Apr 30, 2019
this reads list gave me nothing and i find it suspicious when people try and look like they're providing info

yeah ok town

i like this post from zinger viral maze oop because it's against the grain in that they were defending storm when the consensus was he was scummy. it's unnecessary as scum unless they want the cred but i mean also eh. slight townie points
Jun 15, 2020
Don't lynch me you fools, I'm a doctor variant.


Vote: Funnygirl
I admittingly haven't paid a lot of attention, why is Zinger a top suspect besides doing very unconventional things?

I saw that Min Min gave some info and I feel like maybe the kind of info she gave wouldn't benefit her much if she was mafia, I probably could have been an easy mislynch to try pushing for a scum team.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Question 12 is.... DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!! (Okay no it isn’t don’t be mad at me umu)

ANYWAY, After certain members of this historic colony - the location of which would later become the province of Nova Scotia - were deported back to France in the Great Expulsion, some were brought by the Spanish to what is now the American state of Louisiana and acted as ancestors of modern day Cajun culture

Send in those sexy answers!! uwu

We both at work tho so patience pls

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Vote Count 2.3
  • Zinger2099 (5) - Ragnarokio, Viral Maze, Chevywolf30, Killjoy, funnygurl
  • Funnygurl (1) - Zinger2099
  • Not Voting - Morbid Minish, ExLight, Spiritual Mask Salesman, MapelSerup
With 10 alive, 6 votes are majority. Day 2 will end Friday, July 16, 11:59PM MDT (32 hours).

(I think this is right working atm don't have much time)

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