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Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame

Jun 15, 2020
Nah, I smell bull****.


Butt Vote: Storm
Jun 15, 2020
I'm the least scummy player there is. After all, my current play would be utterly stupid as scum, and undoubtedly my scummates would have talked me out of doing it because of the sheer stupidity of it all.

Those of you who say, "yeah, he's probably town, but I think we should lynch him anyway because he's distracting" aren't a whole lot better, but at least you're not LYING TO EVERYONE by suggesting you believe for one second I might be scum. I am just what scum love, an easy to justify mislynch.


vote: zinger2099


Jan 19, 2018
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I'm the least scummy player there is. After all, my current play would be utterly stupid as scum, and undoubtedly my scummates would have talked me out of doing it because of the sheer stupidity of it all.

Those of you who say, "yeah, he's probably town, but I think we should lynch him anyway because he's distracting" aren't a whole lot better, but at least you're not LYING TO EVERYONE by suggesting you believe for one second I might be scum. I am just what scum love, an easy to justify mislynch.


vote: zinger2099

"my play would be stupid if i were scum" isn't exactly a defense considering your play is stupid either way. You're also a stubborn son of a ***** and i've seen scum try to talk you out of plays all the time (many of which end up working out for you, to your credit). I don't buy that you'd necessarily be talked out of whatever you're doing if you're scum.

What you are right about is that you're an easy lynch and i'm sure scum is thankful for it if you are town. If you flip town I will be analyzing everyone who ended up joining your wagon.

And to be clear i do still think you're most likely town (read: over 50% chance), I just think that you're more likely to be scum than any other player here. Thats the nature of day 1 though. You have to go off small things.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Hi guys. Busy night at work but my sexy assistant is holding things down very well! :)

Just so you know, I might not be home by the deadline, so just in case once twilight occurs discussion may continue until I post the scene but no more votes will be counted after midnight.


Jun 19, 2010
Since there's 20 minutes left and he has the most votes,

Vote: Zinger

If other people don't want a no lynch, then they need to get in here and vote too.


Jun 19, 2010
Are Zinger and Storm still the leadung wagons.

My two cents, Storm's play is unconventional and he is an easy target. I think people could do better. That is unless he did something particularly scummy.

Zinger is also too easy for obvious reasons.
Also lol I'm also an wasy wagon
I think this is kind of funny. "All three leading wagons are too easy, people can do better. Also I have no suggestions"


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
Since there's 20 minutes left and he has the most votes,

Vote: Zinger

If other people don't want a no lynch, then they need to get in here and vote too.
I think we still have two hours left because host is on Mountain time

I'm honestly still very suspicious about Storm from earlier. They've been here but haven't much participated, which is probably smart either way considering the vote is leaning towards Zinger right now. I can't decide whether or not Zinger tried to be too obvious and it backfired or just wanted to stir up discussion. Either way, if there is a vig shot in one of the roles given out I feel like Zinger is going to be the target; and as such, I'm going to

Vote: Storm


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
I think we still have two hours left because host is on Mountain time

I'm honestly still very suspicious about Storm from earlier. They've been here but haven't much participated, which is probably smart either way considering the vote is leaning towards Zinger right now. I can't decide whether or not Zinger tried to be too obvious and it backfired or just wanted to stir up discussion. Either way, if there is a vig shot in one of the roles given out I feel like Zinger is going to be the target; and as such, I'm going to

Vote: Storm
Sorry. Running a convienience store has its drawbacks. Ill catch up in a bit

But my vote still stands

Vote: Zinger
Jun 15, 2020
I think Rag is scum. She is oozing her openwolf meta. But I'm also fine with Storm, who was my first pick originally. Also, survival reasons.


Vote: Storm

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