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Game Thread Canadian Mafia II - Endgame


Jun 19, 2010
it's kinda important to notice he's canadian so if he's town he's likely to get questions right which benefits us and it would make sense for scum to try pushing his lynch or nightkill, which actually makes me a bit iffy of kirino
I somehow doubt that scum would view the guy who does nothing but post Jim Carrey pictures to the point that it almost got him lynched as a serious threat just because he's Canadian lol. Anyway his play was pretty blatantly anti-town until recently
Kirino - Talked a lot about how Zinger2099 might be a jester and NKing Zinger2099, which I don't get. Like, if Zinger is a jester, why would scum NK them? Other than that didn't do much. Null/light scumlean.
Why assume that only scum has a NK? And why would I even be asking scum for favors in the first place lol
Also where's @Kirino
Jun 15, 2020
I mean you signed up and then backed up and you saying what canada reminds you of meant you read the rules right uwu
This is technically correct. I did read the rules IN THE SIGN UP THREAD all the way back on June 27th, one time. That was the first and only time I read the rules. If they've changed since the sign-up thread, I haven't read the changes. I also don't much remember the rules that I read in the sign up thread except for the last one which required saying what Canada reminded me of, but you're right, I did read them once over two weeks ago.


Vote: ExLight


Mentally Numb
Dec 21, 2012
Behind the Couch In the Corner
i've never seen another "precise timing mechanic" here as far as i can recall.
There was a Star Wars one where players had to play hot potato with a grenade.

Okay, fair, so you're not like super experienced. Given that, I'll give you a town lean since I think the level of content/thoughts you've given would be hard to fake as a wolf with only a half dozen games under your belt.
I'm the type of person that tends to take longer to really find the right pace. Though I procrastinate.

"TK" stands for Town Kill, and is referencing the normal end of day kill that we all vote on.



Zinger, with how many players are in the game, Even I'm having trouble getting an answer in on time. Especially the 7th I think it was? The one about the Hawaiian Pizza. Yet I've made attempts, despite having to google the questions.

This is technically correct. I did read the rules IN THE SIGN UP THREAD all the way back on June 27th, one time. That was the first and only time I read the rules. If they've changed since the sign-up thread, I haven't read the changes. I also don't much remember the rules that I read in the sign up thread except for the last one which required saying what Canada reminded me of, but you're right, I did read them once over two weeks ago.

[Jim Carry Pic]

Vote: ExLight

Then vs now, there may/may not, usually slim to none that something is bound to change which is all the more reason to read the OP in the game thread at the very least.

Vote: Zinger2099


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
The real question, Rag, is whether or not YOU missed MY post where I said I hadn't read anything that happened before I entered the game, didn't plan to, and probably wouldn't bother to read much of what was posted after either.


Vote: Storm

i read that post which is why i explained the layout of the game to you when you seemed unaware. If you're going to do whatever you want and then say "i'm not reading the game" as an excuse whenever you're attacked for it then there isn't much choice but to lynch you. I do think you're more likely to pull that defense as scum than as town, but even if you are town your mislynch is still going to be preferable to another townie's.
Jul 7, 2021
I somehow doubt that scum would view the guy who does nothing but post Jim Carrey pictures to the point that it almost got him lynched as a serious threat just because he's Canadian lol. Anyway his play was pretty blatantly anti-town until recently

Why assume that only scum has a NK? And why would I even be asking scum for favors in the first place lol


Sorry, might just be a cultural difference, where I'm from, "NK" pretty exclusively refers to the scum kill. If you were talking about a potential vig shot, that makes more sense. I agree, I was quite confused.
Jun 15, 2020
It's aight I'm just being silly and taking issue with it for no reason.

Although, a true Canadian would say sorry, eh?

Nah, I'm still just teasing ya.


Vote: Zinger2099
Jun 15, 2020
i read that post which is why i explained the layout of the game to you when you seemed unaware. If you're going to do whatever you want and then say "i'm not reading the game" as an excuse whenever you're attacked for it then there isn't much choice but to lynch you. I do think you're more likely to pull that defense as scum than as town, but even if you are town your mislynch is still going to be preferable to another townie's.

I mean, even if you think the content of my posts is utter garbage, I still have a vote that I am utilizing. That's got to be worth more than the lurkers who aren't even bothering to vote, or worse, the participants who are on a singular wagon of 1, instead of pooling their votes on a wagon that actually has a chance of reaching majority. Right?


Vote: Storm


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Vote Count However Many It's Been
  • Spiritual Mask Salesman (2) - ExLight, Kirino
  • Storm (3) - Chevywolf30, Minish, Zinger
  • Zinger2099 (4) - Storm, Seanzie, Rag, Killjoy,
  • Not voting - MapelSerup, Spiritual Mask Salesman, Viral Maze
With 12 alive, 7 votes are majority; at least 4 votes are required D1 for a lynch to occur. Day 1 will end Tuesday, July 13, 11:59PM MDT
Last edited:
Jun 15, 2020
Secret vote shenanigans to save storm from a noose pretty much confirms him to be scum, right? Right guys?!

C'mon, y'all ain't going to let that slide, are ya?


Extra Vote: Storm


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
its more likely just an error

Viral Maze

Verb the adjective noun
Feb 5, 2010
Oh okay, and who would be considered a policy elim for you?
I thought I mentioned it before, it's Zinger.
There's been content since my last post but it's just arguments with no substance.

Vote Zinger

Zinger is there a reason you're not focusing your vote? Random voting is just as bad as not voting.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
I mean, even if you think the content of my posts is utter garbage, I still have a vote that I am utilizing. That's got to be worth more than the lurkers who aren't even bothering to vote, or worse, the participants who are on a singular wagon of 1, instead of pooling their votes on a wagon that actually has a chance of reaching majority. Right?


Vote: Storm

you as town may be preferable to an inactive town player, although we don't have anyone who isn't posting at all. You'd be my top choice of lynch right now even if you weren't less useful as town than the average town player, though, so its a moot point unless someone scummier comes along.

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