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Bloodstained Blades: RP


Sage of Tales
(Huh? I was ready to end it. If you want me to create some kind of ending narration, I can do that, but I'm pretty well done. I'm more interested in my other roleplay now and possible other rps that we didn't hijack from a starter who is not longer here).
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
((high-fives DL* Aw yeah! Demise sealed and Skyloft raised. All in a day's work. Now in a couple millennium, we can seal him again! Then Vaati! Then again in a thousand years! Then we ahve to choose a timeline and do ti again eventually! And then... *rants on like the Doctor*))
Nov 24, 2012
Probably roleplaying
((*hugs everyone* MISS ME?!!!

((Yeah... you kind of missed... Lets see: Aren falling for Val, Fighting and sealing Demise, Val dying and joinign Faorore, Ghirahim attacking again for the Triforce with all sorts of extra demonly creatures, Skyloft being raised, everyone becoming zombies and attacking us, Raenis proposing to Hylia, Link(a child) appearing, Link's parents dying, Aren killing Val's zombie(who had been trying to kill him), and the end Yeha... it was a lot of fun, though. Thanks for making it, Triforce.


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