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Ocarina of Time Best Zelda Dungeon

Links Brother

I am Links older Brother!
Jul 12, 2011
Spirit Temple. Fun because you are a kid and a adult in the same dungeon.
Also this type of thread has been done a lot, you need to do something else.
Aug 2, 2010
I have a felling that someone already made a thread like this but oh well;
My favourite was the Forest Temple. Not only was the puzzles great, but the whole atmospere was amazing.
The music, the map design were all great.


The spirit temple because of the mix of temple enemies to make it.


Piper of Time
Aug 11, 2011
The Lost Woods
I am a pretty big fan of the Spirit Temple and Water Temple. Spirit Temple was cool, and fairly unique. The Water Temple, I just like water, and they did a pretty good job with it.


WASABI! (" L,")
Jul 31, 2011
I really dont have a favorite. I really think nintendo does a great job on all of them. LONG LIVE ZELDA


the over analysing guy
Aug 17, 2011
South Wales
I'm not sure if it counts but I really liked the ice cavern, if only for the scene where sheik teaches you the serenade of water, the room looks gorgeous, the camera angles are great and the serenade of water is just amazing, that little scene of probably less than a minute just gives me goosebumps every time haha.


Graphic Designer
Feb 22, 2011
My favorite dungeon is the Spirit Temple from OoT. I like it because the architecture was phenomenal, the gameplay was great, and you can be "naughty" and use the LongShot onto the statue's (censored). :lol:


Anyway... the architecture of the Spirit Temple was really cool. It was designed into the face of a cliff, and you could walk on the hands of the Goddess statue that was carved and placed above the entrance to the temple. I liked how you had to learn the Requiem of Spirit, and then go to the temple as a Child and do part of the temple, and then return as an Adult to finish the temple. That was a great plot point and it was fun to enter the temple twice, both times experiencing something new.

The story-line that intertwined with the temple was great, how Twinrova possessed Nabooru and you had to fight her. The temple itself was designed great. It looked like a regular temple would, filled with traps and enemies and secrets. The two items you get in the temple, the Silver Gauntlets (soon upgraded to the Golden Gauntlets later when you're in Ganon's Castle) and teh Mirror Shield, became my favorite items and they are really helpful later in the game, when you defeat Twinrova and enter Ganon's Castle.

So, all in all, The Spirit Temple is my favorite. ^^ :yes:


the over analysing guy
Aug 17, 2011
South Wales
My favorite dungeon is the Spirit Temple from OoT. I like it because the architecture was phenomenal, the gameplay was great, and you can be "naughty" and use the LongShot onto the statue's (censored). :lol:
I remember when me and my friend found this out, he was messing about while I was getting food, I looked at the screen, he was gliding towards...it, there was a look of mutual understanding that this had actually made it into a Nintendo game, and we burst out laughing together.
Jul 15, 2011
Forest or Spirit temples change my mind constantly.
Spirit- I like the young and adult halfs.
Forest- creepyness and great puzzles make this dungeon great.
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
My favorite is the N64 version of the Shadow Temple. The 3DS version doesn't keep the creepy feel that the original had. The Forest Temple is a close second, though.

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