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Four Swords Any True Four Swords Players?


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I'M BACK MUTHA-its probably a good idea not to finish this sentence
So anyways,after nearly a year of being absent from these forums I now make a return [its kind of a long story].

Alright onto the thread.I'm wondering if anyone here has ACTUALLY played the original GBA Four Swords the way it was suppose to be played.No the 3ds anniversary edition doesn't count for this thread.I wanna know if there's anyone here besides me that has truly played the original game w/ another person.Meaning that you and a friend/relative both had GBA's,copies of Link to the Past GBA,and a GBA link cable and played the Four Swords game on that cart.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
I salute you for the effort, but not many people could invest that sort of money into one game. I still don't know who this Vaati guy is, but it simply sounds like a big hassle to get it all. Could I even play it by myself with one Gameboy in each hand?


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I personally haven't played Four Swords on its native console, but I have emulated it and played with my two little brothers time and time again. It's far too much fun to ignore <3


i luv u
Dec 17, 2011
Yes, because I forced my friends and family to get the equipment necessary to play it with me. Wires galore! It's so much fun, it really, really is.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
I salute you for the effort, but not many people could invest that sort of money into one game. I still don't know who this Vaati guy is, but it simply sounds like a big hassle to get it all. Could I even play it by myself with one Gameboy in each hand?

yeah thats not really something i'd recommend XD
oh and even if you do play it,you still won't know who vaati is,they went into his backstory in minish cap

Yes, because I forced my friends and family to get the equipment necessary to play it with me. Wires galore! It's so much fun, it really, really is.

Feb 10, 2013
Yes, I have. My brother, my mom and I all had our own copy of the game when it came out, so we played it together.

Heroine of Time

Rest in peace, Paris Caper...
Aug 6, 2011
Take a guess.
I own the game... I just don't own the necessary components to play it, hahaha. So, no. My sister and I just completed it on the anniversary edition. I really wish I could try it out some day, though. You're lucky you got to play it!

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