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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]

Sep 6, 2017
This Town Core is good. Do not kill.

Tu Madre
Rag not in here anymore? Or are they Tu Madre?

I didn't say that they were more likely to be hostile. I think they are more likely to be self-aligned or one of the other unique alignments, and that we will learn more from attempting to arrest Vro by getting their character name (if it succeeds).
Eh, I see your point - I would say that they are most likely to be Origin aligned if we believe that most of the players are so, tbh. But I disagree that getting their character name would 100% sure lead to us guessing their alignment.

Actually, does arresting a player reveal their role PM or just their character name? I should probably look that up. *goes back to the rules*

...Oh, I guess we probably wouldn't get more info by arresting lain then. But I still think faer pingy enough for a vote.
Jun 3, 2023
The Arrested Player pool is for players who have been arrested, likely as a result of having an Arrest Threshold and accumulating enough votes during the Day to meet it. An arrested player has their assets seized (but may spend money to meet bail, see below), their abilities revoked (again, unless specified otherwise), and can generally only interact with the game by writing to the Daily Bugle using the "Letters to the Editor" game mechanic. Most players have an Arrest Threshold, so this is the default way to remove players from the Active Player pool. A player who is arrested has their character name revealed to the public.
The Deceased Player pool is for players who have been killed, likely as a result of a killing ability used against them, or, in rare cases, as a result of having a Lynch Threshold and accumulating enough votes during the Day to meet it. Dead players cannot interact with the game in any way, and in all likelihood will remain dead for the rest of the game. There is only one ability to return from death in this game, and at the outset it is hidden behind an obscure role transformation (it is entirely possible it never reveals itself). You don't want to die. A player who is killed has their character name and alignment revealed to the public.
The Exiled Player pool is sort of in between the above two. It is like death in that it completely removes you from the game without a chance for bail, but it is slightly easier to return from exile than death, and you can still send Letters to the Editor of the Daily Bugle from exile. So, there's that. Becoming exiled could be the result of an ability or an Exile Threshold reaching its required number of votes. A player who is exiled has nothing revealed to the public.
I was referring to the results of moving from the Active Player Pool to another Pool reached by a threshold revoking certain abilities, depending on the role ofc. One could argue that since information can be quick to change, it would be better to arrest those you think would be affected, rather than specifically to hunt for information, as I'm interpreting your case to concern!! o.o

You ended up kinda getting there yourself though, but tbf I mostly posted that for Turin's benefit regarding his vote on me. >.> I had misremembered what Rule 5.7 was about and edited my post to say what I meant to say.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Now, I had typed up a big post of my ISO results for all the people i didn't look at super closely in my role PM but it was way too big and considering Neon seems to be the only one who's read my original reads post, I'm not gonna post that big ass thing. It's all saved in my notes. But I will save you all the time by saying that I think Silver is a town lean, Aaarrrgh is origin-aligned atm, and Skystone pings a bit but less than lain. Everyone else is null or NAI and could go either way.
If it helps, I ISO'd your posts after you posted this and read your reads post. I'd love to see you just post what you wrote so it doesn't go to waste.

I think I generally agree with what you said in that reads post, even in regards to myself because before these last few pages, I wouldn't say my head was very in the game at all, lol.

The Kingpin of Crime

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jul 17, 2023
I have noticed there is skepticism surrounding me. I shall clear the air a bit since Aaarrrgh thinks I am incapable of that.

Vroendal, I expect you to play nice. If you do not, then you will pay.
Sep 6, 2017
If it helps, I ISO'd your posts after you posted this and read your reads post. I'd love to see you just post what you wrote so it doesn't go to waste.

I think I generally agree with what you said in that reads post, even in regards to myself because before these last few pages, I wouldn't say my head was very in the game at all, lol.
It’s not a waste if it’s in my notes :P I’ll post it later. Right now it’s Persona 5 time.


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
Vote: CL
we're running out of time and I'd just as soon arrest any unknown at this point. Someone less active seems better than neon or vro right now so i'll jump on the CL wagon.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
As for the content within the posts themselves, idk what to make of it other than yeah, they're definitely reaching out to people. I saw the theory about mafiates being around multiple dons floated around. Would that be more likely as opposed to a single mafia in a game of this size? Again, comparable game would be the last SMM (or even the second one) where there only ever was one mafia along with other threats (I am counting the brainwashed town from the second game as being mafia for all intents and purposes since, ya know, there technically was only one mafia in that game).
Just want to bring up, there is precedent for Mafia players that are stranded from each other, and I could totally imagine Zinger taking it to a bit more of an extreme with the kind of setting this game has.

In SMM3, Rag was never added to the Mafia chat and for a long time nobody even knew she was Mafia because of Judus Traveller's illusions, lol. (I know you already know this, I'm just trying to get info out there for players who didn't play in the previous game)
Aug 22, 2019
The kinglin has posted enough now that they have a distinct headvoice. It's familiar, but I can't pinpoint it yet. I'll keep you updates when it merges into an established headvoice. If it does. I suppose there's always the possibility kingpin is being controlled by someone who can't otherwise post.
Jun 3, 2023
I have noticed there is skepticism surrounding me. I shall clear the air a bit since Aaarrrgh thinks I am incapable of that.

Vroendal, I expect you to play nice. If you do not, then you will pay.
I don't doubt it!! o.o
Fear not, for the truth is times beyond fearing and not even Zinger knows for certain.

When the victors stand at the edge of the world, I will only have one question.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
You don't get to talk about Kangaroo Court. You heard about it. I lived it.

It wasn't fun.
Awww come on, I offered yall skittles

Vote: CL
we're running out of time and I'd just as soon arrest any unknown at this point. Someone less active seems better than neon or vro right now so i'll jump on the CL wagon.
Out of all players so far Rag, I like your posts the most I feel like your actually trying to figure things out and now that I'm really thinking about the game, I vibe with that.

Whether I can vote though, or if I'm not going to be able to vote tomorrow remains to be seen, because I'm considering going to the Science Fair thingy

I just read stuff wrong, I'm fine, I won't be voteblocked for going

Thst taxi is expensive asf tho. Seriously, $950 for a taxi, in this economy???!!!
Last edited:
Jun 15, 2020
I'm starting to wonder if it's a reference to Bullseye, but I could be completely off base since he is usually always a Dardevil villian. He does work with Kingpin at points though.

Whether Zinger is willing to pull from other comicbooks in a game about Spiderman character origins, though, I'm not sure on.

I probably wouldn't include Bullseye in this game unless Daredevil himself was also included. If Daredevil was in the game and set to team up with Spidey at some point to take down the Kingpin, then it might make sense thematically to put Bullseye (working for Kingpin) in their path. Without hornhead in the mix, what would be the point of including Bullseye?

Now, whether or not you think I would include Daredevil in a Spider-Man Mafia game is anybody's guess.


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