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Game Thread Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel [NIGHT 10--HIATUS]


King of Lorule Lounge
Staff member
Jan 19, 2018
I am no longer mafia
I still think it makes sense to treat mafia as effectively town at least until the true threats are dealt with, but i understand that can feel unappealing when we seemingly don't have a lot of way to deal with the true threats (although to be fair this is potentially an issue of people being to apathetic to coordinate votes as much as it is mechanics)
Are you a safe target to investigate?

The Human Torch

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jul 17, 2023
Hey Mr. Torch, who do you think Town should try to vote for?
If speed is a priority in town's eyes, Mint Elv is probably the most logical choice. Speed is not necessarily a priority from my perspective but if I were strictly town and wanted to vote, I would vote there. The choice of whether or not to exercise an ability on another is just as much a part of strategy as the successful execution of it so there's that to consider as well, though. If you rightfully fear antagonizing a villain, then Skystone is probably the next best logical choice.

I don't think town should try to vote for someone from where I'm sitting, but I recognize that it's boring to sit and talk.

The Human Torch

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jul 17, 2023
I think with the current trajectory that town will win this game, though. It's just a matter of how many we take with us versus how many we take down. I'm trying to take as many with us as I can (yes, this includes lain despite the fact that Johnny is very very angry) but I don't think many (including myself) wants to drag on drudgery for as long as it appears it could take. I won't play mafia for maybe a year after the game finally ends frfr. No disrespect to the game or the players in it, ofc. I got a bigger role to handle than I expected, hah.

The Human Torch

Mafia Account
Mafia Account
Jul 17, 2023
If this account had the ability to add signatures I would put an image of Storm Angry reacting and save him the trouble.
Jun 25, 2023
Is anyone else capable of ending the game and willing to work with us villains?


Jan 19, 2018
If you don't identify as the default options of Male/Female, you may enter your gender here.
Are you a safe target to investigate?
As claimed earlier, anyone who targets me with anything will have that ability fail and will fall victim to a random minor effect. It should be safe to investigate me using non-targeting abilities though.

Mint Elv

Sep 1, 2017
Garreg Mach Monastery
Is anyone else capable of ending the game and willing to work with us villains?
Honestly I can turn people into lizards and that should end the game if there’s no town or mafia left. If I understood it correctly when I asked Zinger. Even superheroes but they are harder to do and I would need a willing test subject.

Not going to convert anyone unless I feel threatened or they want to be. But it’s a possible way to end the game.

Also xenforo forums worst notification system ever. I didn’t know the thread was getting posts.
Jun 15, 2020
The City of New York is still recovering from the worst Gang War it has seen since the 30s, and yet, now they have to come to grips with the horrible threat of everyone turning into giant Lizards. Even the city's most ardent protector, the webbed wonder, the Amazing Spider-Man, seems to have fallen prey to this recent transformative pandemic. If even he is not immune, then what can the rest of us do? What hope is there for us?


Is this the fate that awaits us all?

We need a hero to rise up from the ashes of our crumbling dreams of hope for this city. Someone who can do something to set the course right where no one else could. But who? Who can we possibly turn to when even our heroes have turned against us?!

Suddenly... A portal from somewhere else opens in the middle of Times Square. And someone steps out of it...


Were he merely human, the smile on his face would denote definite insanity... But he is not human, and so who could say what such a smile on an alien being could truly mean? But though he is not of this world, he seems to know the language well enough... He speaks!

"Fear not, humans. I know you have had much trouble over the past several days, but all that is about to come to an end. For although others of my kind would be content to merely Watch you all suffer... Aron the Rogue prefers to take an active interest in your futures!"


Lord Mark has entered the game and brought Day 10 to a sudden end.


In Other News...
  • Asfinyti (a.k.a. Raymond "The Ox" Bloch)'s bail has been paid. They have returned to the Active Player pool.
  • Aaarrrgh has also ventured into the Active Player Pool.
  • Meanwhile, Skystone has gone into Exile.


Day 10: Spectacular Second (and Final) Vote Count

a.k.a. The "Okay, I'll Admit This Game Might Be Mostly Dead (But Not All Dead--Mostly Dead is still Slightly Alive)" Vote Count

lain (2.5): Princess Abigail, Ragnarokio

There are 11 available Standard Votes, so it takes 6 to reach a Majority. This is not a lot of votes.

Not Voting: Aaarrrgh, Asfinyti, Doc, dragonteacup, Freddeh, HangryHangryHippo, KingofDominaria, lain, LittleGumball, Mint Elv, Rubik, Spiritual Mask Salesman, Turin, Vroendal... Oh, and also 2 members of the Fantastic Four.


It is now Night 10. Night 10 will last until 120 hours past the conclusion of ZPx3's 2ND Mafia Game of 2024.

  1. Princess Abigail votes lain
  2. Ragnarokio votes lain (apparently, an infinite number of times)
  3. Turin votes Skystone [404: Error, Player not in the Active Player Pool]

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Jun 15, 2020
MOD ANNOUNCEMENT: Following the conclusion of Day 10 (depicted in the post above), Amazing Fantasy: A Spider-Man Mafia Prequel has been put on temporary hiatus. The game will resume in an official Part 2 (that I hope you all will return for) after I have run two smaller games in the interim. Full details are in the announcement I made in the ZPx3 Discord Server, but the TL;DR version is the Mod was suffering from extreme burnout and needed a break. Thanks for your understanding.

If you have any questions, please address them to me over there.

Thank you all for making the first half of this game a stunning one. I look forward to whatever shenanigans y'all will get up to when we resume probably sometime in early spring at some point in the future. If you are a living player in the game and don't think you can return to the game after such a long hiatus, please let me know and we'll see what we can do about it.
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